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elbanditoroso's avatar

How long will it take for the conspiracy nuts to blame the San Francisco plane crash on Obama?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) July 6th, 2013

Any time there is an accident like this appears to be, the tin foil conspiracy nuts concoct their theories that blame the President, the Arabs, the Jews, and any other groups of their choice.

So how long it will be before some wacko theory emerges?

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8 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

There’s probably already a fill-in-the-blanks version in place and ready for any eventuality.

zenvelo's avatar

It was a flight from Seoul via a Korean airline. It’s Kim Jong-Un’s fault….or maybe a Chinese hacker.

sparrowfeed's avatar

Terrorism. Chinese.

Jeruba's avatar

Maybe Snowden was on board.

gondwanalon's avatar

Some how I’m sure that George W. Bush is involved.

DominicX's avatar

False flag; Illuminati; OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE

Sometimes I think conspiracy theorists just have a word bank and choose random words and phrases from it and shout them and they think that it means something, when it’s really just a bunch of Grade A bullplop…

GoldieAV16's avatar

I think it’s gay marriage’s fault.

mattbrowne's avatar

How about blaming it on a quantum fluctuation?

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