Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

Have you ever stayed on a bus or train until you've finished doing homework or read a novel, or had a nap?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) July 6th, 2013

I used to do that on the LRT (Light Rail Transit) in Edmonton. I would have an unlimited monthly bus pass and skip school until I’ve done all of my homework or finished reading a novel. I liked the LRT so you are guaranteed to not go to far off course. I once used a public numbered bus and I woke up on the far side of the city (the bus had changed numbers and taken me far away from home.) I liked the Air Conditioner (AC), and I was comfortable inside the bus come sunlight or storm.

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6 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

No, never.

I was always eager to get off of the public transportation (whatever city I lived in) that the first priority was exiting, and the lesser priority was homework or book.

Maybe the difference is that Canadian (or European) public transport is clean and comfortable, and (with a couple of exceptions) US public transport is not.

Unbroken's avatar

It sounds like me and yet I have never done it. I am always eager to get off. Though there is the fact that if I am using public transit I am in a different city and am not familair or comfortable with it or the area. The buses here are awful. Almost useless, not enough routes not enough trips and take forever to get anywhere. Plus the people are either annoyingly friendly or rude.

Coloma's avatar

No, but…I have perfected the fine art of squating and peeing in chinese toilets on moving trains. Taipei metro 101. lol

fluthernutter's avatar

Yup. I used to read and sketch on BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit).

I’ve also snoozed on BART—but that usually wasn’t planned.

livelaughlove21's avatar

No. I’m not much of a novel reader and I’ve never understood how people can sleep in public (or sitting up, for that matter). Plus, we don’t have a whole lot of public transportation in South Carolina.

On an unrelated note, I’m so confused by this:

I liked the Air Conditioner (AC)...

…was that last part really necessary? :)

stardust's avatar

No. I’ve never had an unlimited travel ticket so had to get off at my designated stop in order to get through the gates. I’m not the biggest fan of public transport, at least not in this country. It’s diabolical. If the transport system was good, I can certainly see the appeal of that as I tend to get engrossed in the books I read.

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