Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

How do I use properly?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) July 7th, 2013

Also for those that know me what should I enter for my stats?

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6 Answers

bob_'s avatar

Tell the truth.

zenvelo's avatar

First of all, tell the truth on your stats. Nothing kills any meeting with another person than learning that they were dishonest.

Second, get some current pictures. You’ll do better with at least one full body shot, the rest can be head shots, but make sure you are smiling and dressed cleanly and in clothing that is comfortable but at least as nice as you wear on a date to the movies or out to dinner.

And be as honest and open as you can. Don’t set unrealistic expectations. Target women in your age range, not in some midlife crisis 20 years younger.

And send one and only one email to a woman unless she replies. If she doesn’t respond, don’t bother her. If she writes back it means she is interested in a conversation and possibly meeting you.

I have been on match for a while; met some great women I have dated for a while, others were just a cup of coffee and thanks for meeting me. And I just met somebody a few weeks ago and we are now exploring getting more serious.

SuperMouse's avatar

Honesty is probably the best policy.

zenvelo's avatar

@talljasperman Beyond being honest in your profile, setting your own expectations is important. I cannot emphasize strongly enough that it is difficult stand out on match, and one reason a good and accurate picture is important is that is what will attract women to read your profile.

The other thing is that the response rate to an email is less than 10 percent. A moderately attractive woman will receives dozens if not hundreds of emails from men their first two weeks. But it is even worse if the man hounds the woman for a response. or continually fills her in box.

Also, be sparing in the use of the “wink”. It is non committal and reeks of an electronic wolf whistle, unless it is done immediately before or after a short note, and acknowledged in the note.

Paradox25's avatar

Don’t overadvertise yourself, and be truthful about yourself and preferences. I would also purchase their email alert for like 5 bucks extra, for it tells you if your messages were even read by the recipient or not.

I’m not sure if I would recommend Match to a guy, especially if they’re introverted. Match is nothing more than a candyshop where a great deal of the women post like 25 pictures of themselves, and get tons of emails from desperate and aggressive men. Unless you like competing for women I wouldn’t recommend Match, and don’t expect too many women to message you first. Also, don’t expect your messages to be read either.

I tried Match for six months and nothing (but spam) happened for me. Obviously many guys will be successful with Match simply because there’s a large amount of them using the site and using alphamailing tactics. I’d recommend eharmony over match if you’re an introverted guy who doesn’t enjoy competing for women.

nebule's avatar

My mum keeps telling me to sign up for online dating – I’ve done it before and never met anyone through online dating. It seems to me that you have to be very confident to do that type of thing, which I am not. I’m much rather something happened more naturally. But then I’ve not had a date in… God I can’t remember how long…a long time. But, to answer your question, yes, I would be honest.

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