Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

Have you ever stayed at a 24 hour fast food restaurant long enough for supper menu to switch to breakfast or breakfast to lunch?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) July 7th, 2013

I’ve done that because I wanted fresh food and free Wi-Fi.

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7 Answers

livelaughlove21's avatar

You only have to be there for a short time to see the menu switch.

Blueroses's avatar

Not really a fast-food joint, but I would cram-study at Denny’s/Perkins long enough to watch the sun rise and order breakfast.

Please tip your waitress well, boys & girls, if you’re camping out at her table

zenvelo's avatar

I don’t eat fast food. If I want free wi-fi I go to Starbucks or Peet’s.

lemmy's avatar

No, and I am now placing this on my bucket list.

Coloma's avatar

Can’t say that I have.
Why am I compelled to say “get a life!” lol

Berserker's avatar

Yes, although that’s because most of my jobs have been in restaurants and hotels. :/

JLeslie's avatar

If you go for a late breakfast or late lunch it isn’t that hard to do. Three weeks ago I had a 4 hour lunch date with a friend I haven’t seen in a while. It was a deli, you go to the counter order your food and bring your food to the table. If they had run out of tables we would have left in respect for other patrons, but it never got to that point.

When I was a teenager we sometimes hung out at fast food, pizza, and other restaurants for hours. It was usually odd hours like after school from 3:00 to 5:00, things like that, and there could be a menu change.

Now, my SIL, when she got married the first time her reception served dinner very late at night, and then breakfast in the morning. Partied all night.

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