Boring question #81: What would you give up for 6.5 years?
We know it will never happen, so if you are going to say, “It will never happen, so I will not have to give up anything” you can find a softer question. However, if you can just use your imagination for a moment and imagine for the next 6.5 years you had to give up:
• Using your own personal washer and dryer.
• Cell phone (other than sending and receiving calls, no other functions, IE Web, texting, apps, etc)
• Any kind of cable TV.
• The Internet
• Any portable computer (desktop tower ok)
• Refrigerator
Which one of those could you pass on using for the next 6.5 years if you somehow had to?
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17 Answers
Portable computer. Providing I have a private place to watch porn.
I’d actually like to do this and I’m trying to slowly wean myself.
hmm. I know I’m an instant-info addict and I like my beer cold… so my first answer was washer/dryer until I thought about how I rely on those. So now, I guess my answer is cable TV (as long as I have the internet).
Cell phone. I pretty much only use it for making/receiving calls and texting occasionally now. So I just won’t text.
Cable tv. I went almost 2 years of not having any tv stations in japan because it was all in japanese, and then when I moved on base I did get some regular shows (most were repeat) so I barely watched it. I found not watching tv, gave me lots of valuable time with my kids. You miss it at first for a little bit but then you realize you have more time to do important things, like living your life. At the time I also didn’t have internet or cell phones. You didn’t feel so tied into things.
It was also great having time to go to the library and having more time to read and more one on one social time with friends.
I’ve never had cable, so that would be easy.
I can’t give up the portable computer and internet because they’re inextricably tied to my job.
I’m going to go with using a personal washer and dryer. It would be more expensive at the laundromat, but it sure goes a lot faster when you can use 4 washers at the same time.
I already don’t have 3 of them: cell phone; cable TV; and portable computer. I
I’ve tried the first and the third and didn’t really need them.
Cell phone and TV.
I do not have either right now anyway, so “giving them up” is not an actual challenge.
Cable TV. I don’t have it, so…also, refrigerator. Food poisoning has taught me nothing.
Too easy cable tv. As mentioned above I already don’t have it and consider it an unnecessary expense. My flat screen is a boxy behind still and I am quite content with it.
To make it more challenging The washer and dryer would be next to go. I rarely have the convenience of in apt laundry.. It is nice and I appreciate them. But they can go.
Portable computer.
Second place is the cell phone.
I would happily give up liquor for 6.5 years. It just isnt that important to me.
Using a clothes dryer. I haven’t had a dryer for over 10 years, and I could probably do without a refrigerator in the climate I live in. All I would have to do is dig down a bit in my yard to the permafrost, put in a lining and a cover. (I have that set up at the cabin and I can keep yoghurt, milk and even the odd frozen meat goods in perfect shape for a week or more.)
Cable tv. Have it but never watch it.
Cell phone and TV don’t really count for me because I have already given them up a long time ago. I have been without TV for just under 10 years, and have not owned a mobile for the past 5 years, and even when I did have a mobile, it was only because my boss told me to get one for work.
So, out of the remaining options, I would go without a portable computer, I prefer desktops anyway.
I don’t have a portable computer so I’ll give that up! And who would give up a refrigerator? Name one person .
Cable TV and cell phone. The cell phone I have now is an old-fashioned phone that can only call and text, anyway, and I only have cable TV some of the time. I could easily do without it.
I also think ti would be interesting to do without internet for an extended period of time, but I could only do it if society did it as well.
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