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JLeslie's avatar

Have you ever gone back to your university for a homecoming football game?

Asked by JLeslie (65881points) July 8th, 2013

I have gone back a few times for games, but not the homecoming game. Part of the reason is the hotel and game tickets are so mich more expensive. But, I could stay farther away from campus and avoid the high hotel cost.

Do you think going for homecoming is really that special? When I was in school I enjoyed going to the games, but I didn’t really pay attention to homecoming festivities at all. I don’t know if more alumni actually show up for that game more than others or not.

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6 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

We haven’t had a football team at UCSB since 1970 (except for a couple years in the 80s when it was a club sport). So we don;t have any Homecoming. But we have an All Alumni Reunion every spring, and that is a lot of fun, with a whole bunch of things going on all over campus. I would go every year if I could work it out.

zenvelo's avatar

Yes @Tropical_Willie Goleta, or as I prefer, Isla Vista!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It was Goleta in the 1950’s ;>)

zenvelo's avatar

@Tropical_Willie It was and still is Goleta, but they did in the 80s and 90s get a bit of IV autonomy. I lived there in the 70s.

I always had a return address of Goleta even though I lived at Cervantes and Embarcadero Del Norte.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I remember it is as UCSB at Goleta.

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