What "virtual world" games are recommended?
I’ve been searching, and I can’t find a game that is good. I’ve tried “ROBLOX”, but there are too many immature people on there, can the people of Fluther please recommend good games for the PC that you can interact on? for example: Chat in/out side of servers, edit profiles, have respectable people or decent quality.
(preferably war or “just for fun” type games)
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10 Answers
Whenever I play MMO’s I always play on the EU servers for precisely this reason. American servers are full of a bunch of immature twats.
I find Ryzom to be one of the best communities I’ve ever seen.
On the gameplay side, if you’re sitting there with a less-than-full HP bar when someone walks by, odds are you’ll get a drive-by healing. Need a rez? Just ask in Region amd you have a good chance of getting one to avoid the Death Penalty. Just arrived from the mainland and need new gear? Odds are that a crafter with too many mats in their storage will make you something awesome just to make a little space in their inventory. And PvP is entirely consensual; if someone challenges you to a duel, just decline… and there is no penalty for doing so. Just know that if you do duel and you win, etiquette demands that you resurrect your fallen opponent. Not doing so is beyond rude. That sure beats random PK-ing and tea-bagging.
On the meta side, You can form temporary teams, do private chats, make chat channels for your own groups, and otherwise interact in many ways. Most of the people are mature and quite helpful. All in all, well worth looking into.
@uberbatman Ryzom has many players from all over. I run into quite a few from France, Germany, Spain, New Zealand, the Phillipines… all over the world. There used to be separate servers, but since The Merge, it’s not uncommon to run into players who don’t know a word of English.
@jerv That sounds interesting, I’ll have to check that game out.
I tried ryzom, and my computer would be vulnerable is I downloaded it, so I stopped it. thank you though
@Obscurethinktank If you are worried about vulnerability due to Ryzom, you would best be served by disconnecting from the internet entirely, and MMOs are utterly out of the question. In fact, you may wish to TEMPEST-harden your PC to secure against Van Eck phreaking.
My roommate is a somewhat paranoid IT professional who knows his computer security, yet even he plays Ryzom; hell, he’s the one that introduced me to it in the first place.
It showed me a message that it might be harmful to my computer.
I used to play Ryzom years ago while it was free, I stopped when it went subscription-only though.
I do play Second Life a lot. Unlike most MMOs it has no pre-made content, no quests or goals or aims, Its a blank canvas on which users create whatever they want. It’s like a giant, complex Lego box, with lots of social interaction. I have been doing SL for seven years and I still love it. The good looking ginger dude in my avatar here is my main SL character.
A couple of caveats though. First, you need a decent computer and a good stable wired internet connection to use SL properly. The average laptop on wireless won’t run it. Second, it takes a certain sort of person to actually enjoy SL. You need to be a sociable sort of person who is happy talking to complete strangers and making friends with people that you really don’t know at all. You also need to be able to make your own goals and find your own fun, because the population is about half what it was a few years ago so a lot of the grid appears to be abandoned. Especially if you are on anything but US time, you may find yourself alone a lot of the time.
I’m pretty sure I never made it up to 125. I might give it another go, when I have more time. Can’t remember my login so I’ll have to start again though.
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