What is your personal clue that you are spending too much time here?
Unwashed dishes piling up, S/O forgetting your name, refusing social invitations, waking up with Fluther as your first conscious thought? Do you pay attention to how many Q and A’s you add daily? (Does it sometimes shock you?) Do you multi-task during the day, fluthering being the other task?
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34 Answers
You tell yourself you’re going to bed at 11pm and then find that you’re still up at 4am reading through questions and refreshing the page hoping that someone will post something new…
Not doing all my chores around the house.
Having some goals, but not moving forward with them, fluther helps me procrastinate.
If I am still in my pajamas after 10:00am.
There is a dent in my sofa from sitting there fluthering.
When you forgot about your cake in the frizzer.
Should be working right now instead of answering this question.
I find myself thinking about, or talking to other people, about fluther or a specific Q, then I realize it’s just a social thing, not work – lol
@marinelife I’ve been sticking to lunch hour only. :)
Do you sometimes forget that this community is really an illusion? Nice and supportive as ir often is, it will not drop by with chicken soup, walk your dog in a pinch, or drive you home from your colonoscopy.
When I find I am gritting my teeth too much.
When I start getting snippy over people I care nothing about.
On Fluther specifically, not really, but on the internet in general – I have completely stopped making any crafts.
When I push my laptop table away from my chair while my grandsons are here, they will always ask “Why are you getting up Grandma?” in case one of them is in trouble.
Before I took an extended break from Fluther, I showed all the things everyone mentioned above. Now that my break is over & I’m answering again (I have yet to ask a question since my return) I’m a whole lot busier than I used to be. I log to see something I might be able to help with or just to pass time while I install a program on my computer or update my phone. Playing in 2 bands, bartending, keeping my girlfriend happy takes up most of my time now’a’days.
When asked if I am alright. Also when I stop shaving and wear the same clothes all month.
I make special time to Fluther, I have learned there is way more to life than Fluthering, no, I am not going away, for those of you thinking. Fluther is good for a pleasant escape now and then, little more.
When Auggie starts making snide remarks about all the snack wrappers littering my desk.
Only because you’re not sharing them with me!
I’m here because I’m avoiding housework!
@gailcalled I’ll bring soup over or walk Milo for you anytime. Not sure I want to commit to the colonoscopy, though.
@glacial: Driving me home from colonoscopy is a lot easier than trying to walk this guy
I stagger out of the procedure room, drugged to the gills. You place me in car, fasten my seat belt and drive home through fields, meadows, woods, creeks, deer, rabbits, wild turkeys. I snore gently. We arrive home; I go to bed and you sit on my deck with a glass of iced tea with fresh bruised mint and smell the roses.
Wow, @gailcalled… that sounds idyllic. Do I get to be as high as you are for this experience? Otherwise, I’m not sure the drive would quite measure up to your description.
Ah, so it’s only the wildlife that is conjured up by the hallucinogens? :)
That is possible. And it is true that, so far, I have not been able to capture them on film. Of course, i thought it was my timing, dead batteries in camera, or bad lighting, but maybe your theory bears exploration.
I could have sworn that I saw a great blue heron eat a red-winged black bird several days ago. Perhaps not.
I’m procrastinating right now. I’m almost always doing something else as well as fluthering.
I know I’m doing too much fluthering when my ‘to do’ list gets out of hand.
Pile of essays for correcting getting higher instead of going down!
^^ I can so relate. Only 40 to go.
When I notice gray hair growing out of my scalp because I have been sitting in this position for 32 years.
I hate to be a naysayer but there is no such thing as too much time on Fluther.
When my lower back begins to squeak. Sitting for too long is a problem. As long as i can just up and walk away every so often it’s ok.
When my anxious thoughts throughout the day take on the form of questions…
Thinking of some funny thing I heard on Fluther, then starting to tell a co-worker about it, then zipping my lip before I let it be known that I am on Fluther. Gotta remain anonymous, or else I can’t give open, honest and complete answers.
Also, sometimes when I’ve been away for a few days, then I open up a food related question, and I see that people are waiting for me. Hee Hee. Actually, I love that : )
Oh, and this one is really bad. Sometimes when I’m sitting here Fluthering, and the laptop is getting really warm, while at the same time a hot flash comes over me, I don’t get up to go splash cool water on my face, because I’m in the middle of a long winded answer and I’m on a roll. Hot flashes be damned!!!
If you are personally responsible for more than a third of the answers to a fairly lightweight question, is that an indication?
When you have a dream about the perfect Q and then are disappointed upon waking that you have forgotten it.
When you can almost draft a pretty accurate answer just by seeing the user name show up
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