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AshlynM's avatar

Can I make the stuffed shell ricotta cheese mixture without the egg?

Asked by AshlynM (10684points) July 9th, 2013

I didn’t realize it called for an egg. Can I make it without it?

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13 Answers

janbb's avatar

Yeah – it will be a bit more crumbly than sticky but otherwise should work fine.

JLeslie's avatar

Sure. Are you mixing in some shredded mozzarella?

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josie's avatar

I will simplify my answer. Yes

marinelife's avatar

It won’t hold together as well, but it should taste fine.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Sure. Maybe put the shells in facing up. Are you using a sauce?

johnpowell's avatar

I just mix mozzarella and ricotta and spinach. It works fine. I don’t really eat eggs and make manicotti all the time.

AshlynM's avatar

They turned out just fine without the egg. I added a mixed shredded cheese blend and made some meat sauce. Thanks everyone!!

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