Have you ever bailed out of a first date?
Asked by
janbb (
July 9th, 2013
If so, why and how did you do it?
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34 Answers
Got fixed up with a friend’s sister in law. We went out. Had a hard time making conversation about anything. Finally went to a party where there might be some social “cover”.
I finally said “Let’s admit defeat and get out of here”.
I took her home.
Went back to the party.
It was a blind date- he was a hairdresser and when I got there he was with all his hairdresser friends, he was rude and boring. I said I had to use the restroom, went through the kitchen (it was in a bar/grill) and out the back door.
Come on @janbb… what happened? :)
No. I’ve ended one early, though. He brought his kid, for goodness sakes.
Well, once a guy I wasn’t interested in was asking me out. He said, “How about Friday?” I said, “I’m sorry, I’m busy.” He said “How about Saturday?” I said, “I’m sorry, I’m busy.” He said, “What about next Friday?” By this time I was very flustered at his persistence, and I blurted out “I“m busy all summer.” Boy, was my face red!
Yeah, because my date was an insecure butt goblin
@Cupcake Not yet this time around but have a first date on Saturday so wondering….
And I meant especially ended early while on the date.
I have, I just say this isn’t working for me and leave. It’s not like I am going to see him again so it’s OK.
Good luck on your date! Some people have been known to have a friend call them at a pre-arranged time, at which point you can either ignore the call or pretend it’s an emergency, depending on how the date’s going. Not that I’m endorsing that. :p
I have to admire @Josie and @LornaLove for being grownups. Fudging or skulking out back doors seems mean and childish.
I don’t think so. There have been some I wanted to walk away from but I was too polite and didn’t want to hurt the person. I just said I wouldn’t see them again at the end of the date.
I can’t say that I have.
Perhaps if I had gone out on a date with @Michael_Huntington “insecure butt goblin”
Hahahahaha That was too fucking funny!
@janbb Good luck! I hope you have a great time!! :0)
@gailcalled- I didn’t skulk- I walked out, singing. I didn’t see why I would have to give someone like that any words or any more seconds at all. lol
Yes, usually from women that I was set up with through another person. I went along with a few of them to avoid conflict, but deep down I knew that some of those girls were not my type. With those cases I already had knowledge of the women I was set up with, and there were a few that I just ditched, and didn’t even go on the date with. I never actually bailed out on a date during the date though, but I have bailed out on some girls that I met at private clubs, nightclubs, bars, dances, etc when I quickly realized that they were setting me up for trouble.
I almost bailed on my most recent first date… I wasn’t feeling very energetic, and I was very tired of rejection over the past few months. Boy am I glad that I pushed myself to go…This guy’s a total peach and he is just as much into me as I am into him. I forgot what that felt like!
Good luck with your date, @janbb. And Auggie’s idea is not half bad as a fail-safe!
@trailsillustrated : My response was not directed at you in particular, but now that I consider it, you were singing and therefore happy. Whatever his personality or incompatibility with yours, he deserved the courtesy of a brief announcement. You didn’t appreciate him being rude to you, I note.
Oh, how I wish I had . One idiot had just been dumped by his girlfriend and he did not say one single word to me the entire night. Not hello, goodbye, good riddance or anything else. I like who I am so much more now. I had to sit through an entire football game with Mr Man of Few Words.
Yes, and not for any small or petty reason.
I was on a first date with a true moron. We were doing all that who-are-you-and-where-are-you-from stuff, and I mentioned that my father was dying of cancer. This guy smirked at me and said, “How touching.” Then, he laughed and told me not to be offended, that he was just a cynic and couldn’t help himself.
I excused myself, presumably to visit the ladies’ room, and walked outside and into a taxicab.
“HOW TOUCHING?” I am speechless. Was he fourteen?
@Aster Unbelievable story, isn’t it? That incident happened maybe 30 years ago. I wonder if the idiot’s still sitting there at that same table, waiting for me to return from powdering my nose?
@SadieMartinPaul I wish you would have kicked him in the balls on your way to the ladies room. What a fucking asshole!
Twice this guy was getting way to friendly and when i told him back off he laughed didn’t pause and continued. I got up to leave he grabbed my hand. I told him I had to freshen up and tossed him a wink.
The bathroom and the exit were too close. He was an internet date.
I met this other guy at a coffeeshop he offered to pay for another coffee when I got up to leave. He was hard to understand and very good looking. He was from oh gosh its been years… I hesitated and agreed he had a brand new black mustang. He offered to drive. Well he seemed polite enough. And the restaurant was remarkably close. We had a frustrating date he was really hard to understand and his culture seemed interesting but it was the exact opposite of my values. As he was driving back he wanted to go and party I told him I wasn’t interested. He didn’t believe me and continued to a popular bar. I was getting worried. He asked if I thought he was good looking and I said yes but I didn’t want him. He told me paid for my dinner. Wasn’t I going to at least kiss him I told him no. He stopped by the side of the road and I went for the door. He grabbed it and held while he leaned over and kissed me. I sat still his arms were hugely delineated lumps of muscle coming off this slender guy. He stopped asked me if I liked it he was still holding the door. I said yes and leaned in to kiss him and aggressively pushed him with the intensity of my kiss back into his seat and he melted.
I grabbed the door and ran as fast as I could. Most buildings were closing but we were downtown and I knew the police station was close. He didn’t he persued me in his car for a bit until he saw police station and pealed off.
I always insist on driving.
Another memorable date: this guy who I thought was very handsome (we were in high school ) took me to a drive in. Not the movie but we pulled up to order something. He went inside and his friends were in there. He left me sitting in the car for one solid hour. I didn’t go inside to look for him; I didn’t call my mother. I just sat there fuming. He Never apologized. I must have been a real dope to have put up with it. Oh, I have more of these. I was left with the vague feeling that all boys in high school and college are total jerks. But it isn’t true. Just most of them are.
My best friend who died ten years ago had a guy she had a huge crush on come over to her house. They were on the porch. She said, “I have breast cancer” and he said, “too bad. I bet you’re really attached to them. ” She said to me, “wasn’t that cruel?” and I thought , “you’re handing him quite a compliment calling him that.
@Katniss @Aster It’s hard to believe that the story could get any weirder, but here goes.
I’d met that guy at a religious service! It was during a time in my life when I was seeking to be more spiritual and trying to find a comfortable place in a religion. I actively and regularly attending faith-based meetings, classes, and services.
So, I’d attended a p.m. religious event, and I talked with the guy over refreshments after the service. He asked me out to go out for a cup of coffee or tea, so that we could continue the evening and get to know each other better.
When he made his “How touching” and “I’m just a cynic” remarks, I knew everything that I needed to know. Can you imagine someone going from sweet prayer to borderline personality disorder snark in less than an hour?
He might simply have been looking for a girlfriend and really didn’t care much about the religious event. He failed.
@Aster I can think of a few choice words for that douchebag. Cruel is not one of them.
@SadieMartinPaul Sounds like he was there for reasons other than the event was intended. What a piece of crap. I’m just glad that you found out sooner rather than later what kind of person he was.
Update: I bailed tonight. Having a pleasant enough time but it started raining and he wanted to take a nap on a park bench during the wait for the outdoor film to start. When I told him i was going to leave but would like to see him again, he said there had been no spark but call him if I was in the city and we could go to a movie. Phooey!
@janbb: Well, brava for putting yourself out there. You gave it the old college try. And at least he had the courtesy to tell you that he felt no spark. Best of luck on your further adventures!
@bookish1 Yup. I keep rolling with the punches; meanwhile, had a great conversational French class this week and a new painting class. Much more important.
Oh gosh… Does the call me if you are horny line ever work… Cuz I have never even been tempted to use it… Jerk off… I am pissed for you @janbb those guys don’t even have a clue to get a good result there has to be good prep.
I went out on a date with a guy who excitedly asked if I could guess what he got himself for his 21st birthday. I said that I didn’t know, and he brought out a cute fuzzy baby photo album. from the dash of his car. The album was full of pictures of his penis—bloody and cut up. He said “I got a vasectomy!”
That dated ended. Quickly.
@keobooks Your story trumps them all. How could a person even want to behave that way?!?! Sick and perverted.
There was a time in my 20s I had low self esteem and was a freak of the week magnet. I have tons of stories of weirdo freaky bad dates. Unfortunately, some of them I just accepted and went out on several dates with them before I admitted that they were damaged goods.
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