Meta Question

talljasperman's avatar

What computer tricks have been used on Fluther?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) July 9th, 2013

For me, I just keep pushing f5 past the ten minute mark until I get additional time to change my question/answers. It only works for an extra minute or so.

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8 Answers

johnpowell's avatar

I thought the edit window was 15 minutes. Maybe it has been changed or I am wrong. I guess I will use this to test.

johnpowell's avatar

It does indeed appear to be ten minutes.

Bellatrix's avatar

But does f5 work @johnpowell. That would be handy information for the many times when I notice an error at 10.55 seconds.

johnpowell's avatar

If I press F5 over and over again. Even only once per second I get this. It happens everytime.

Bellatrix's avatar

Then it would seem F5 is a bit of a furphy or @talljasperman is trying to start an urban myth.

rojo's avatar

You mean by other than the NSA?

erichw1504's avatar

Ctrl + W is one of my favorites.

Jeruba's avatar

I never saw that error page before. What’s it supposed to be a response to?

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