Meta Question

talljasperman's avatar

Can I buy shares in Fluther?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) July 10th, 2013

Or do I have to go with the parent company “Twitter”? What would the stock symbol for Fluther or Twitter be? Also is Fluther still worth the $600,000 that Ben and Andrew chipped in?

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9 Answers

augustlan's avatar

Fluther isn’t publicly held, so no. It’s a privately owned company (NOT owned by Twitter, contrary to popular belief). I don’t know if Twitter is publicly held or not.

YARNLADY's avatar

Twitter is a privately held company as well.

augustlan's avatar

Oh, also…the $600,000 wasn’t invested by Ben and Andrew, it was raised by them from other investors.

marinelife's avatar

Fluther is not publicly traded. it is privately held. You cannot buy stock in it at all.

cookieman's avatar

However, you are welcome to send money to @augustlan who will :: ahem :: responsibly invest it for you until such time as Fluther becomes a publicly traded company.

gailcalled's avatar

Or send to me. Auggie has given me permission to set up an escrow account in the Caymans to spare her the administrative bother.

PhiNotPi's avatar

When can we expect Fluther’s IPO?

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