General Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Will this cabinet be strong enough to hold my 29 gallon tank?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) July 11th, 2013

I have a 29 gallon tank. Measurements are roughly 31 inches in length and 13 width. The cabinet is an antique pie safe. It is a inch too short for the length, but I will be putting a piece of wood on top that are the exact measurements of the tank, so that all four corners of the tank are supported.

Here are a few photos of the cabinet:

photo one

photo two

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15 Answers

Katniss's avatar

What a cute cabinet!
It looks sturdy enough. I’m sure it will hold up quite nicely.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

@Katniss I would hope so! I wouldn’t want a shitload of water on my kitchen floor! ;-)

woodcutter's avatar

As long as it will support about 240 lbs of water, + gravel + the tank + other stuff in it, it should be ok.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

lol, right. I have no idea if it will.

I know all about the 10 lbs/gallons of water, plus the weight of the tank and substrate business.

woodcutter's avatar

It looks like its made with real wood ,not that cheesy particle board we see these days. If it doesn’t feel shaky I would go for it.

but then again its not in my house

whos the brown haired girl in the pics?

syz's avatar

Probably. The weight of the water will be 242 lbs, plus the weight of the tank and the gravel.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Ya you should be fine but I’d test it out by standing on it with someone else (carefully) and seeing if it’s shakey at all. I once put a tank on a stand that really wasn’t meant to hold that weight, only a 10g so I thought whatever. Woke up one morning to KABOOM saltwater, fish, coral and glass all over my floor. Got electrocuted so many times trying to save everything. Not a fun way to wake up in the morning :P

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

The cabinet looks fine, but I don’t like the look of the legs. That’s a pretty good load for four small legs. I would think it needs a little more support.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Going to start cycling my tank soon. When it is done cycling, I’m picking up a couple of Ranchus!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Nice! I’ve never seen those.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

A type of fancy goldfish. These guys are 5 inches long. I’m only getting a couple, as fancys are messy fish. Poop a ton!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Do you go with gravel and lots of plants or no gravel and lots of vacuuming?

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Been doing research. A fine layer of Tahitian Moon Sand. Few decorations. And a good vacuuming system.

WestRiverrat's avatar

It should, but you may want to put a piece of wood or some bricks underneath running down the centerline from right to left to help distribute some of the weight.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Mama_Cakes Good choice of substrate, I think that will work out good for you.

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