Social Question

A relative wants to come and stay with me and I am not sure what to do?
A close relative wants to come and stay with me and I’m not sure how to handle it. We are very close however have not spent that much time together. This relative is not from this country and sounds like she wants to stay. She couldn’t ever work here ( she mentioned working under the table) but this isn’t a tourist area so I don’t know about that. She has screwed up her life (with alcohol) and says she has nowhere to go. I think she is pretty much over the drinking thing, but she is middle-aged, ( I don’t even know how it would work if she got sick or needed to go to hospital), and I have a teenaged son to support and am struggling as it is- I told her she would have to bring enough money to feed herself, but I’m kind of worried about when that runs out. I am sympathetic to her because I screwed my own life up in the past and know what that’s like. But I want to make sure she wouldn’t overstay her tourist visa- would I get into trouble? I’m lonely myself and want her to come, but I don’t want to get saddled with it forever. What should I tell her, she is planning her trip now.