What do you think of dating sites such as these?
I just learned of sites like this from another question here on Fluther. I am wondering The Collective’s thoughts on dating sites for “beautiful people” only. Darwin Dating won’t even allow red heads to sign up! Beautiful People is another example. It turns out there are also sites dedicated to helping less attractive people find their match.
So what are your thoughts on sites such as these?
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31 Answers
Hmm it says on Darwin Dating that I am 20% chimp… how do you get 100%
My first thought is: they’re despicable. Such a shallow thing to base a relationship on. My second thought is: they’re unnecessary. If you’re so damn good looking, you should have no trouble attracting equally attractive people in the first place. I’ve never had trouble attracting good looking men, even when I’m not at my most attractive! And wtf…no red heads? That’s just bullshit. Hmph.
I can see the purpose for sites for less attractive people, who may have a harder time attracting positive attention. That said, I know plenty of ‘unattractive’ people who are happily married. Which just further supports that it’s not what’s on the surface that really counts. Inner beauty is where it’s at.
@augustlan I’m only 20% chimp and I haven’t had a date since university 12 years ago, but then I had other problems because I wouldn’t move on.
I will not even go into how this is evolution at its best (for those who believe). It is hypocrisy to say those people are shallow when the same criteria is used for just about EVERYTHING we choose, from houses, cars, clothes, meals, etc. When have you ever seen someone go onto a car lot and sought to buy a car with dimply paint, or one with oxidizing, peeling, or faded paint? Maybe one with cracking leather seats or fraying fabric seats, see anyone chose those? If you were having a meal in which you and three friends were served the exact same dish and theirs came nicely put together, but yours came with the peas in the potatoes, the bread slopped in the gravy and the gravy half flooding the peas, would you accept it and eat it with no complaint to the server? People like what is appealing to the eye, that did not stop just because something is breathing with a sentient mind.
I’d almost like to sign up for a day to see how I rate. lol It might be amusing. Or! It could be insulting as hell.
If they won’t allow redheads they are not worth the time to look up. Blondes may have more fun, but I have found that redheads are more fun.
Joke? Parody? Seems hard to take these sites very seriously.
Egh… Isn’t there a couple studies out there where couples naturally pair close to their “number” anyhow?
Well the guy said it.. it works the guy who uses it comes home with a different 10 every weekend…If that is what you are going for that is what you get. Be a little hollow and repetitive to me all too quickly.
I’ll admit to being shallow to a degree. But I will also say fondness to people grows over time and sometimes the reverse which overrides most looks. Just saying..
Oh and by the way I have a major thing for redheads.
I haven’t got a problem with the premise, not at all.
Interesting how people presume that simply because a person happens to be blessed with good looks, they are immune from social anxiety or painful shyness, preventing them from dating in the “normal” fashion.
A lot suffer from lack of relationships due to the “they’re too good for me” complex & using sites like that could prove productive.
@ucme thanks for that perspective, I never looked at it that way and it makes sense.
@SuperMouse As the song says, ”If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife”
I mean, I did, but still :)
I got partially accepted to Darwin Dating. I am on probation for 24 hours while my picture is judged.
I’ve seen a question a few years ago on fluther concerning Darwin Dating, but I can’t find it. I come close to qualifying, but the smaller jaw thing (though I’m not sure what qualifies as a small jaw to them) and out of date fashions killed my chances there. I don’t think I’d like to be on a site whose criteria for beauty (like ditching guys with smaller jaws and red heads) is not the same as mine. I would think that only people who are full of themselves would inhabit such a site anyways. I’m not as familiar with the other sites though, but I guess the dating industry is trying to appeal to all types of people.
@talljasperman I guess that Match is a no go.
@Paradox25 I paid for a month of match, but they are not finding me the match that I am looking for. 6 foot tall non smoker non drinker
@SuperMouse Some cute girls, looks like the site is for jailbait, One needs to have a good recent professionally made photo. You have to be under 35 I’m 35 so I picked 34 years old.
So you have to beautiful AND under 35. Is there a weight limit as well? Jeebus. How about boobs? Do you have to have Pamela Anderson sized boobies? lol
@Katniss I don’t know if the boobies have to be big, but they do say they can’t sag.
@augustlan Perhaps that is why the age limit is 35. Gravity ceases to be your friend around that time. lol
Not that mine sag or anything. I wasn’t blessed with a chest. FML
@Katniss I must have gotten your share…mine are big and saggy!
I’m still a pending member. One of the rules is you must have been propositioned to in the past 24 hours. So I propositioned myself and said no…. so I became 0 % chimp.
I don’t know if the boobies have to be big, but they do say they can’t sag
From what I can tell, IMO a good deal of women would pass the “pencil test” but choose to wear a bra anyhow. That may cause sagging when older because what muscles you don’t use atrophy, so not allowing those muscle that support the breast to work could be making them so they never work.
@Unbroken I believe the pencil test is when you put a pencil under your boobs to check the sag factor. If it falls then you’re golden, if it stays put the you’ve got some droop going on.
@augustlan Well thanks a lot! lol I have always wondered where my boobs were, now I know. Feel free to give them back! I’m tired of looking like an ironing board!!
Actually the site that’s supposedly for ‘ugly’ people seems to have many rather attractive people on it. Damn if good looks were my top criteria I’m thinking that I’d check out the site for ugly people over Darwin Dating or Beautiful People.
@Katniss Sounds like a hazing insecurity thing… Does it also apply to men’s testes I wonder?
@Unbroken It should!!!!! But somehow I doubt it. lol
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Wait a minute @talljasperman wouldn’t the body type described in this question be a deal breaker on that site?
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