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talljasperman's avatar

(NSFW) what is the difference between these two (details inside)?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) July 12th, 2013

Wet humping and dry, and does either one count as sex for determining virginity?

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11 Answers

livelaughlove21's avatar

I’ve never heard of wet humping. According to UrbanDictionary, it’s just naked dry humping.

I can orgasm from dry humping, so I like it quite a bit.

It’s good foreplay. Neither wet nor dry humping is sex, as there’s no penetration involved.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

“I can orgasm from dry humping, so I like it quite a bit.”

Me, too.

I’ve heard of dry humping. Not wet humping, though.

filmfann's avatar

Wet humping isn’t a thing. It’s just humping.

whitenoise's avatar

^^ “I can orgasm from dry humping, so I like it quite a bit.”
Ehhh? That souns like sex to me.

a : sexually motivated phenomena or behavior
b : sexual intercourse

To me humping is sex, like having someone suck your cigar can be.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@whitenoise If I’m a virgin and happen to have an orgasm during fully-clothed dry humping, I’m still a virgin (and so is he if that’s all he’s done). Simple as that. If any activity that causes an orgasm is sex, I lost my virginity at a very young age.

…and does either one count as sex for determining virginity?

LornaLove's avatar

Dry humping is when two people are dressed, wet humping is done naked. I find the virgin part quite interesting. Technically yes a person is still a virgin. I personally feel if I person is taking part in, heavy petting, oral sex, wet petting etc., technically they are a virgin but really they are not.

downtide's avatar

I’ve never heard the term “wet humping”, I guess it’s what is more commonly called “tribbing”.

Either way, two people are engaged in a sexual act so I think that yes, both count as sex for the purpose of virginity. Sex doesn’t necessarily have to include penetration, there are plenty other ways to do it.

The Cambridge English Dictionary defines sex as: “physical activity between people involving the sexual organs”. Dry humping and tribbing both do that well enough.

whitenoise's avatar


In all honesty, I know nor care much about virginity. That whole thing is an overrated religious term that you should discuss with whoever you discuss religious things with, I think.

When deciding on whether to engage in sexual acts, one should rather worry about physical and mental health risks than whether one loses ones virginiity, I feel.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@whitenoise I wasn’t speaking of religion; I’m not religious. I was speaking of anatomy. Penis in vagina/anus equals intercourse. The OP is the one that asked about virginity. Since we’re here to answer the OP, that’s what I did.

Dry humping is a sexual act, but it’s not the act of having sex.

whitenoise's avatar

And I am saying that virginity is a religious term.

Whether you still are a virgin after having humped, I don’t know. Humping is sex, according to the common definition of sex.

if penetration is the norm, well than yiou can obviously have sex and keep your virginity. Some cultures would deem a virgin ‘spoiled’ already, for looking at a boy, though.

ucme's avatar

Wet humping is what those who were about to perish on board the ill fated Titanic did, one final fuck before lights out.

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