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metadog's avatar

Who makes the best quality and visually appealing day pack?

Asked by metadog (381points) July 14th, 2013

Hi! I have a JanSport Day Pack that I have been using for over 20 years. I have never met it’s match in durability and utility. But, as you can imagine, after 20 years, it is looking it’s age and I need to move on. JanSport doesn’t sell one like this any more.

We do a lot of amusement parks (Disney, Universal, Bush Gardens, etc). Hot weather, rain, sweaty back… I carry cameras, ponchos, kids needs, water, etc.

I want good quality (a Swiss Gear bag shredded to bits on me one summer) and I would like it to look cool. I have a great bag from Oakley, but it is HUGE! Not quite a day bag.

Can you make any suggestions?

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