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JLeslie's avatar

Spoiler Alert: Can we discuss Big Brother?

Asked by JLeslie (65974points) July 14th, 2013

This is my favorite season of all time so far.

Who do you like best right now?

Who do you guess will be in the final 4, or even who will win if you want to take a stab at it.

What do you think about the racism controversy?

Who do you want gone this week? Today is Sunday, July 14. If you answer the Q weeks from now just add the date to your answer.

Do you like the MVP twist?

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54 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Never watched it. Never will.
It is just as shameful for people to debase themselves like that, as it is for those who watch these people bring dishonour to their families.

johnpowell's avatar

Just started watching tonight’s episode. This is at the beginning.

It is shameful that these people haven’t been kicked out yet. They would have been on the UK and AU versions. Seriously, they racist shit is unbelievable.

johnpowell's avatar

@ragingloli :: I would suggest watching the version from Australia. It doesn’t have to be bad bad.

ucme's avatar

It’s a very short discussion, it’s a steaming pile of shite played out by desperate losers looking to make a name for themselves & that name is cunt.

johnpowell's avatar

@ucme :: The USA version is very different. There is no fame here. I watch the UK one too. Everyone on the USA one talks about nothing except how to do what they must to get the money. They are aloud to talk about nominations, and they vote who leaves instead of the great British public. It is really horrible.

GoldieAV16's avatar

Remember Dan Gheesling, former BB winner? He tweets a commentary on the show, and said that he is absolutely sickened by their decision to allow the racist remarks. I agree with him. It doesn’t belong in our society, and it doesn’t belong in a TV show – disclaimer or no.

Aside from that, loves me some Big Brother!

ucme's avatar

Here in the yoo kay it started out as a fairly decent social experiment, they had to grow their own food, had chickens too. The very first batch of housemates were as far removed from wannabes as you can get, down to earth types & the eventual winner gave his prize money 70 grand, to a family friend who had downs syndrome.
Times have changed…a lot!

Katniss's avatar

Aannnnnnnndd I just choked on my coffee.
Thank you @ucme

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

“Big Brother” is my summer guilty pleasure, and I usually enjoy 3 hours per week of mindless dribble. This year, however, the show’s watchable for very different reasons — it’s a train wreck that I cringe to see yet can’t take my eyes away.

I’m cheering for Aryan Aaryn to get evicted this week, and I hope she enjoys that world that awaits her. I’m guessing that CBS won’t have her exit the house and be greeted by the boos and jeers of a studio audience; she’ll likely enter an empty room.

It would be nice if she were forced to watch a montage of her racist and homophobic comments, and if she learned — immediately and on-air — that she’s been dropped by both of her modeling agencies.

JLeslie's avatar

@SadieMartinPaul Big Brother is one of the few reality shows I watch. I absolutely love this season. I kind of want Aaryn to stay, because I really think they should go after Jerermy this week. I think they should try to back door him. If they do get rid of Aaryn, I feel like it isnjust personal, or can’t stand listening to her, but not good game play. If she does leave of course it will be interhating when she finds out that her modeling contract has been cancelled and most of America is hating her. Poor girl will learn a lesson in a very hard way. The mean girl behavior bothers me just as much as the constant racist remarks. Amanda really did a very nice thing to try and warn/explain to Aaryn what was going on, and Aaryn just got defensive. I have a relative like that. I once tried to help someone like that and they just did not get it. They were mad at me for a long time.

I think it was fine to show what Aaryn said on the show, I don’t know why people think CBS shouldn’t have?

I don’t love this season because of the racist drama though, that is like a side thing to me. I love that Elyssa got MVP twice. I find that hysterical. I like that the house flipped in a couple weeks. The game strategy is interesting very early this time.

ucme's avatar

@Katniss Delaughinated?

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@JLeslie Putting aside Aaryn’s internal ugliness, her physical beauty can’t be denied. She has the type of looks that make people stop and stare. For most of her life, she’s had unlimited male attention; guys ignore her vapid, nasty demeanor just to be near her. Her beauty opens doors and gives her privileges.

Because of her “Perfect 10” status, Aaryn’s been living in a bubble. She hasn’t needed to grow up, develop any sense of real kindness or compassion, or build a personality.

At age 22, Aaryn can’t understand that her glory years come with an expiration date. She’ll grow older, and her looks will fade. She’ll still be dull and insipid, but people will find her tedious instead of charming. She’ll still be mean-spirited, but people will detest her for her cruelty.

JLeslie's avatar

@SadieMartinPaul Did you see when she and the other mean girl (I can’t think of he name, she is brunette with odd shaped eyebrows) say now they feel like the unpopular girls at school?

Maybe Aaryn will learn. As you say, she is young, beautiful, and I’ll go out on a limb and say in her community people say things like that all the time. I don’t think they are all racist, I think they don’t understand the impact of their words. Aaryn, trying to defend herself when Amanda talked to her said, “what about all the things people say about blonds being stupid.” She’s right, that can be mean and unfair too, she just does not understand why it is different. She doesn’t understand the gravity of the history of racism. She also has not learned two wrongs don’t make a right. We can’t fault her for growing up in her bubble can we? Now it is up to her to grow from the experience. Time will tell.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

Aaryn might grow up soon and unexpectedly.

It’s an safe, easy bet that Aaryn won’t win BB15 and the $500K prize. If she isn’t evicted this week, she’ll be gone sometime soon. So far, two members of her coterie have left (she and her sidekick, GinaMarie, both lost their showmances), and the majority of the houseguests despise her.

Within minutes of her eviction, she’ll know that she’s both reviled and unemployed. She’ll quickly learn the difference between fame and infamy and the value of being a decent human being.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@johnpowell ” Everyone on the USA one talks about nothing except how to do what they must to get the money.”

I’ve noticed that about this season. It might be a bad editing job, or it might simply be that this crop of houseguests is too vapid and ignorant to talk about anything interesting.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I haven’t watched BB very often, because it’s so frigging stupid most of the time, but I’ve been following the controversy surrounding Aaryn. Apparently, the dumb bitch has been dropped from her modeling agency and doesn’t even know it yet, LOL.

I want her to be kicked out of the house, and have to make the walk of shame to the sound of boos and jeers. That would be her just desserts. And I think she should be told on national television that she’s been fired for her stupidity, so we can all watch her pretty little face fall.

ucme's avatar

I’d tune in if they had to wade through a tank full of piranha or maybe bury their faces in Barbara’s bush…now that’s entertainment.

downtide's avatar

I enjoyed the very first season of BB that @ucme mentioned. After that it rapidly became totally un-entertaining to me and I’ve never watched another.

ucme's avatar

“Nasty Nick” his behaviour pales into insignificance given what followed.

downtide's avatar

@SadieMartinPaul “Aaryn might grow up soon and unexpectedly.”
She will have to when she leaves the BB house to find herself out of work with little prospect of anyone else hiring her either. She’ll end up stacking shelves in Target.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate “Aaryn. Apparently, the dumb bitch has been dropped from her modeling agency and doesn’t even know it yet”

She’d been working for two modeling agencies, and both of them dropped her and released denouncing statements.

Aaryn’s partner in crime, GinaMarie, had been a beauty pageant coordinator. Her employer fired her and made scathing comments about her.

No, neither bimbo has any idea that she’s both hated and unemployed. Except for personal and family emergencies, the “Big Brother” housemates get no news from the outside world.

Did you know that Aaryn’s a college student majoring in Psychology? It’s nice to know that someone so sensitive and caring wants to enter a field aimed at helping individuals and benefiting society at large.

JLeslie's avatar

It just gets better and better. LOL. I didn’t know all those details. I tend to not keep up with trivia about “show” people. People magazine and Entertainment Tonight are the last thing I read or watch, but for whatever reason Big Brother and the gossip surrounding it sucks me in.

laurenkem's avatar

I’m absolutely floored by this season of BB – I watched it for the first 8 seasons or so (remember Chicken George? (back then they cared about each other!) , and <guiltily> enjoyed watching Evil Dick just to see what he would do next. And Jason from Season 1 or 2 (can’t remember) is now a newscaster in central FL…...........

That said, I think I’m pretty much over it – all I see is a lot of insipid, insensitive, racist, children trying to be grown-ups for the little screen. And damn! Kids are really stupid now!

laurenkem's avatar

Unfortunately, in answer to the original question, I think that Gina Marie and/or Aryan (whoops! Ayryn) will win. I’d like to see Howard get it though…........

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@laurenkem Oh man, I loved Evil Dick! Sometimes, I still get on youtube and watch clips of him. Banging the pot lids in the middle of the night is one of my faves!

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate “Oh man, I loved Evil Dick! Sometimes, I still get on youtube and watch clips of him. Banging the pot lids in the middle of the night is one of my faves!”

If Dick Donato isn’t the most popular player in BB history, he must be in the Top 5. When did that guy sleep? While his housemates were in deep REM, he’d be sabotaging the house or bursting in to make noise with cookware.

He showed a real tender side, though, when he truly listened to his daughter and worked at repairing their fractured relationship.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@laurenkem “I watched it for the first 8 seasons or so (remember Chicken George?”

Chicken George was so endearing (and memorable).

BB has certainly had some high and low points. Remember when some drunk guy held a knife to a gal’s throat and threatened to kill her? Yeesh. And, there was the guy who won the grand prize, decided to invest his prize money in illegal drugs, and ended up in prison.

Bellatrix's avatar

I lost interest in Big Brother years ago. I find it boring.

johnpowell's avatar

@Bellatrix :: This season has boosted my self-esteem.

And it is way beyond racism. They are calling the gay dude “faggot” and saying shit like, “I want rice.” in a Asian voice when mocking Helen.

ucme's avatar

Why don’t they sling them off the show then? Were they not given certain boundaries, or basically given free reign to do/say what the fuck they like?
If the latter, then the production people need to take a long hard look at themselves.

JLeslie's avatar

@ucme I wondered that at first myself. I thought Aaryn would be thrown off by CBS, but I guess it is not anywhere in their contract.

ucme's avatar

He’s well named then, part of the Aryan race no doubt.

JLeslie's avatar

@ucme She is a girl. I joke that her parents must have wanted a boy. I didn’t even think of Aryan.

Edit: Now that you say that I think her last name is Gries, which sounds German to me. Ugh. I am surprised that has not been talked about out in blog land. Maybe it has. I’m not saying her parents named her that with aryan in mind, just saying it is there to be questioned. It’s common in America for boys names to be changed into girls names by altering the spelling.

ucme's avatar

Oh well, don’t know why I assumed it was a guy, I bet her parents are mighty proud of their racist little bitch…not!

JLeslie's avatar

I think there is a good chance her parents say similar things. They probably do not consider saying those things as being racist.

ucme's avatar

What a charming family they must be.

JLeslie's avatar

They could have back doored Amanda! That red headed guy, whatever his name is, had the opportunity to do something bold and maybe if by some miracle had made it to the final two he would have had respect and a chance. Ugh. But, he is just a pawn and stupid. @SadieMartinPaul I think you are right, it is manipulated a lot by the producers. I hate knowing that.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@JLeslie “They could have back doored Amanda!”

Have you read the allegations that Amanda’s a former CBS production assistance, and that she’s close friends with Alison Grodiner, the producer of “Big Brother”? Before this season even started, Amanda had been tapped to win the game.

Did you also read that Amanda’s the 3rd houseguest to get fired from her job (following Aaryn and GinaMarie)? After her recent outburst of racist comments, her employer removed her page from its website. And, some clever reporter dug around and learned that her Florida real estate license changed from “active” to “inactive.” Only Amanda, herself, or her employer is authorized to make that change. Obviously, Amanda didn’t do it, so her (former) agency did.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@ucme “I thought Aaryn would be thrown off by CBS, but I guess it is not anywhere in their contract.”

The contract specifically prohibits physical violence, but it seems that there’s no ban on verbal, mental, and emotional abuse. Disgraceful.

During a recent Diary Room chat, GinaMarie asked if it would be ok to hit Candice in the jury house. She wanted to know if the non-violence clause applied only to the Big Brother house, or if it would continue after they’ve both been evicted and joined the jury.

Somebody compiled clips of the housemates bullying Candice and saying despicable things when she wasn’t present. The video’s available on YouTube, and it’s about 35 minutes long.

ucme's avatar

Not my words, clearly you hit the wrong name…tee-hee.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

Oops! Sorry, @ucme ! They were @JLeslie‘s words.

JLeslie's avatar

@SadieMartinPaul Yeah, you told me on a different Q that Amanda was a PA for CBS. You’re bursting my BB bubble. LOL.

I just looked up Amanda’s license and she is inactive, but it isn’t really a big deal. I mean, in terms of licensing it isn’t a big deal to be inactive; although, racism in real estate is a huge deal, considered unethical and the Realtor Assocation (not to be confused with the state licensing board) can kick her out possibly. I think she would have to have done something that is considered a discriminating practice to have her license in question though, like steering a client based on race or something similar. I’m licensed in FL, and they never said if you say something racist in your private life you can have your license taken away, it was always regarding how we treat a client. Anyway, being inactive just means not currently hooked to a Broker. I’ve been inactive for years. In a day (literally) I can become active by having one of my broker friends fax over to the state I work with them.

I can’t believe Gina Marie said that. Ugh, I could say something obnoxious, but I won’t. WTH is going on with this season?

Still, I am really enjoying thos season. Aaryn controversy has calmed down, she is proving to be great at winning competitions.

Oh, what about how they expected Spencer to throw the Veto? Seriously? He should have just said he is on the block he can’t throw it. How can someone not understand that?

Do you think they will try to backdoor Helen or Elissa this week? That’s the smart move I think. Especially going after Helen. If they go after someone weak it makes no sense.

GoldieAV16's avatar

I think one of my favorite moments was Amanda having a meltdown because McCrae didn’t let her win something.

@JLeslie, it would have been a great week for a backdoor,but when it comes to big moves this group seems totally lacking. Why on earth would Judd or Candace go out before Helen or Amanda? I was hoping Andy would be the one smart enough to realize it was time…but now he’ll probably be next one voted out.

JLeslie's avatar

@GoldieAV16 I know, it is going to drive me insane. @SadieMartinPaul has me wondering if the network is paid Andy to make that decision. LOL. Although, Amanda probably will take him to the final four, because she feels sure she can beat him, and he will do dirty work for her. He is the most two-faced on that show. I watched some of the youtube @SadieMartinPaul suggested and Amanda has been pretty rough with the racial stuff also. Some of it is said without malice, but some of it is directly at Candice, although not said to her face. In all the clips McCrae is quiet, he rarely participates in the racist remarks.

The real deal would be McCrae flipping on Amanda and helping to get rid of her in the final 4 or 5. He isn’t thinking that way though. Amanda was unbelievable with the crying that she doesn’t win anything. Then she McCrae threw the last HOH and let her win the round, but she still lost to Aaryn. Did you see that? I don’t think Aaryn will turn on the, though.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@JLeslie “Yeah, you told me on a different Q that Amanda was a PA for CBS. You’re bursting my BB bubble. LOL.” Sorry to be repetitive! I’m so angry about this season’s game, I’ve been discussing it frequently and with many people. Sometimes, I forget what I’ve said to whom.

“Anyway, being inactive just means not currently hooked to a Broker.” I guess that’s the whole point. Although Amanda’s blissfully unaware, her agency has “unhooked” her, deleted her profile at its website, and seems to want nothing to do with her.

“Aaryn controversy has calmed down, she is proving to be great at winning competitions.” It seems that Aaryn’s skull contains at least a little bit of grey matter. She figured out that her Mean Girl tactics weren’t successful – Kaitlin got evicted, and the entire house was starting to hate Aaryn and GinaMarie – so she altered her demeanor.

“In all the clips McCrae is quiet, he rarely participates in the racist remarks.” McCrae has berated Amanda, many times, for her offensive comments and over-the-top behavior. He’s been very angry with her and really let her have it.

If McCrae ever had any real attraction for Amanda, and instead of simply pursuing a strategic showmance, don’t you think he’s long past it by now? He seems to have grown very disgusted with her.

JLeslie's avatar

@SadieMartinPaul No need to apologize, I repeat myself over and over, because I can’t remember who I told what on what Q.

At first I laughed that if McCrae went with Amanda to Boynton Beach for two weeks he would dump her. I say that not as a criticism of Boynton Beach, those are basically my stomping grounds, southeast, FL. But, a group of her friends and he would be thinking he knows he doesn’t fit in. Amanda was the aggressor with the relationship, and he is just going along. He isn’t really attracted to her in my opinion. Minnesota nice is generally really true. Kaitlin must be horrified when she looks back at herself.

My point about her inactive status is it sounds worse than it is. Realtors aren’t really hired, brokers will take as many as they can get as long as they don’t perceive some sort of serious legal risk. I can walk into almost any brokerage and they would let me be active with them in a second. It isn’t like interviewing for a job. The only big deal is if the state or realtors association actually takes away her license or designation as realtor respectively. Plus, we have no idea how successful she was as a realtor anyway, do we? The majority of realtors don’t make a lot of money, although real estate is very hot again in that area.

JLeslie's avatar

Did you see it tonight? Aaryn could have back doored Amanda, and Aaryn knows Andy is two faced and talks too much, but she still went along with Amanda’s plan. I do think Amanda will continue to protect Aaryn as part of her final 4, so in that way Aaryn made an acceptable decisions. However, Aaryn should not have said anything to andy about possibly flipping n Amanda! She knows better and still babbled too much with him. Too bad about all that went down in the beginning of the show, because Aaryn has been great at winning competition and I like that she keeps her word for the most part.

Who do you hope gets to come back into the house?

SpatzieLover's avatar

I know who comes back & I’m pleased with that & the HoH…finally there will be a game being played instead of mental manipulation and group-thought. So far, IMO, this has been one of the dullest seasons yet.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@SpatzieLover Thank you SO much for not spoiling the identities of the returning juror and the HoH. I don’t watch the live feeds – 3 hours per week of that guilty-pleasure silliness is enough for me – so I’d rather be surprised on Sunday.

JLeslie's avatar

I saw who comes back and who wins HOH also. I saw it on the after dark show.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@JLeslie Hey, J! And you, too, are too thoughtful and courteous to spoil. Thanks!

JLeslie's avatar

@SadieMartinPaul My husband thought to tape After Dark so we could see who won. The only way to watch it is to be able to fast forward. I don’t see how anyone watches those live feeds all the time.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@JLeslie I’ve tried, several times, to watch After Dark. Bor-ring! Spend 10 – 15 minutes watching people lie around and gab about nonsense, and you’ll gain a new appreciation for a good editing job. If I were tuned in to those 24-hour live feeds, my brains would likely turn into oatmeal.

JLeslie's avatar

@SadieMartinPaul The scene from All in the Family when Edith is talking and talking and Archie mimes taking a knife, sharpening it, and slitting his wrists just flashed in front of me. LOL. I hope you know the scene.

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