Meta Question

JLeslie's avatar

When you first came to fluther did you answer a question first or ask a question first?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) July 14th, 2013

I am not looking for, “I read a lot of Q’s first.” I mean, once you started actually interacting, which did you do first?

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30 Answers

woodcutter's avatar

I don’t remember. Is there a way to check?

Coloma's avatar

I have always answered more than asked. haha

Sunny2's avatar

Answered, most likely. I haven’t been very good about asking questions.
I think I have a lazy mind.

ucme's avatar

Can’t remember.

SamandMax's avatar

Pretty sure I probably answered a question. I don’t ask many questions unless something bothers me – like a word that’s on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t think what the hell it was, or why people say a particular word when it just sounds odd to say that word, or something like that. I’d have to say I probably answered a question first though.

augustlan's avatar

I’m almost positive I answered a few questions before I asked one of my own. It’s been so long now that I’m not 100% certain, but that’s how I remember it.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Asked! That’s right! I first came here because I had a question really in need to be answered. After some time I began to answer. Right now I answer more than ask though.

cookieman's avatar

I asked a question first. Specifically, about where to find nice men’s clothes. After getting some helpful answers, I started to look around, and began answering.

Overall, I answer far more than I ask.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@cookieman that’s how I got here too :)

Bellatrix's avatar

I think I asked a question.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Sunny2 that isn’t called a lazy mind, that’s called a much-too-wise-to-need-help mind

El_Cadejo's avatar

I asked a question (and a stupid one at that) because I wasn’t exactly sure what fluther was and how good it was so I wanted to test the waters. Since I’ve been here for over 5.5 years I was obviously pleased with the outcome :P

filmfann's avatar

I answered a lot of questions first, to get used to the interaction.

marinelife's avatar

I answered a question first.

picante's avatar

I answered first, And I only answered the most benign of questions. I wanted to test the waters gently since I’m a wimpy jelly.

rojo's avatar

Asked a question, I think.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I answered a bunch of questions before I asked my first question. It got all of three or four answers.

keobooks's avatar

I lurked for a LONG time. Then I answered something. I came here because someone on Askville suggested it. I thought the answers and questions were so much better thought out than at the other site, I was too intimidated to do anything for a while.

Kardamom's avatar

I came over from another site, a food related site. They asked us if we wanted to answer some questions about recipes and dining out. So I answered quite a few of those before becoming an actual member of Fluther.

Sunny2's avatar

@Mimishu1995 That’s very kind of you,but I humbly disagree.

Buttonstc's avatar

I answered. It was the one about the lady who let her 9 yr. old son ride the subway home alone being the worst Mother in the world.

Since I used to live and teach that age kids in Bklyn. I felt I had experience relevant to the issue.

downtide's avatar

I just checked my past record and I both asked a question and answered one on the same day. I can’t remember which was first but I think it was the question.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I came here specifically to check out a question a friend sent me. I answered it and then started looking around. I answered several questions before asking a question of my own.

dxs's avatar

I wish I could find out for sure, but I think I asked a question first, even though I tend to answer more than I ask.

johnpowell's avatar

Asked first. Got the right answer to a pretty obscure question when there was maybe 50 members. I was impressed and dug around a bit looking to repay the favor. Found a few computer questions and the rest is history.

edit: The question was about a soft-core porn show.

Headhurts's avatar

From memory, I think I asked a question first. I was going through a very difficult time. I had attempted suicide and was actually searching ways to try again. For some reason Fluther came up and I joined.

Mariah's avatar

Answered. I think that may be atypical as many people find sites like this because they have a question they need answered and they googled for a site on which to ask it. Not the case for me, I was an internet nomad looking for a new “e-home,” so as I recall I just jumped in posting answers on some of the more social questions.

Brian1946's avatar

I posted my first answer on December 14, 2009.

I asked my first question the next day.

linguaphile's avatar

I clearly remember answering a question first (even remember the question) then I was reprimanded by a senior Jelly. I almost left—but decided to just avoid him.

Fortunately, because I really like this guy, we’re friends now :-D

nottaNoahtall's avatar

Since I just came to Fluther, and this is the first question I involved myself with, I would say I probably asked, “Do you mean, did I answer a question with a question?”

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