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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Boring question #51: What is it about fat people “chubby chasers” like?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) July 15th, 2013

There are people who like fat people, how they look, their attitude notwithstanding. What is it about the look of fat people that “chubby chasers” like? For instance, if a person was fat but did not have rolls of it, would that make them more or less attractive to a “chubby chaser”? Is there an upper limit on weight, or is weight notwithstanding and it is about girth? If there are massive amounts of cellulite is that good or bad to a “chubby chaser”? “Chubby chasers”, please speak up, I want to know better what it is about fat you like on people so much?

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35 Answers

woodcutter's avatar

They appreciate the challenge maybe.

LornaLove's avatar

I think it is quite rude to call people ‘chubby chasers’. Slim women also have cellulite did you not know this? Do you know many women?

woodcutter's avatar

Its rude to call people dumb rednecks too but we all love to do it.

LornaLove's avatar

@woodcutter Was that referring to my answer? If so not ‘all’ people love to do it, nor are all people rude.

Kardamom's avatar

For the same reason that other people have types that they like.

Here are some beautiful big women that the chubby chasers (I don’t think that’s a bad term, because I think the fellows who like big women, refer to themselves with this term) would probably like. I know I do. This Lady and This Funny Lady and This Gorgeous Songbird and This Scrumptious Lady

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I am personally attracted to curvy women. Not obese, but women with shapely bodies. Like Marilyn Monroe.

creative1's avatar

Everyone has a type of person they are attracted to and I think its rude to ask this question. Just because someone is overweight doesn’t make them unloveable, they are human just like everyone else and deserve love like anyone else.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Kardamom This Lady and This Funny Lady and This Gorgeous Songbird and This Scrumptious Lady
Makeup, really? You hafta be kidding.

@creative1 Everyone has a type of person they are attracted to and I think its rude to ask this question.
It is rude to ask someone why they like fat people? I guess I could assume why they like them, that might be better, huh? Would I be rude if I asked a vegan why they gave up meat or don’t eat it? Would it be rude to ask a bisexual person who they prefer more; men or women? As I said, I can assume, but why not get it straight from the horse’s mouth.

Just because someone is overweight doesn’t make them unloveable, they are human just like everyone else and deserve love like anyone else. Did I say they did not deserve love? I was just curious about what attracted “Chubby Chasers” to fat people, be they fat men, or fat women, there are women who only like men near 300lb.

tinyfaery's avatar

They must have met you at some point.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^^ That is why they don’t hang around. They know I seek better for myself. You can feel free to entertain them.

ninjacolin's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central your question doesn’t sound very respectful. Regardless, maybe you’ll find some answers here.

Kardamom's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Why would I be kidding about finding those women attractive? What difference does it make if they’re wearing makeup or not?

Most hot skinny women that are considered attractive (by your average white American) wear makeup. So what? And there’s plenty of women skinny and chubby that don’t wear makeup that are very beautiful. Some of them are right here on Fluther.

A lot of your recent questions seem to be teetering on flame baiting? What exactly is your problem concern with how people look, and whether they’ll get more action or not?

People come in all shapes and sizes and colors. If you look around you, in any well populated places, you’ll see couples of all different sizes, shapes and colors. Some of those people will be attractive to you and some will not. I suspect that you won’t be dating most of these people, male or female anyway.

Or are you saying that fat people are just too disgusting to ever be loved or considered to be attractive?

Mama_Cakes's avatar

You know what’s sad? Women who have eating disorders. Thinking that they’re fat (when they’re not). Obsessing over it even, and being with overly critical boyfriends who find chubby women “disgusting”.

That’s what’s sad.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Kardamom What difference does it make if they’re wearing makeup or not?
The makeup was only for Oprah, I seen her without it.

A lot of your recent questions seem to be teetering on flame baiting?
I would rather ask 5 straight forward serious questions, even if it is uncomfortable to some because it forces them to confront themselves than ask 500 questions of no significant fluff. That is what I thought this site prided itself on, as well as a higher standard of writing. The magnitude of the questions should at least match the attention to if it is suppose to be ”do, or does”, ”neither, or either”. If someone gets upset because I can’t think of numerous NSFW about sex, kinky or odd sex, which I believe many don’t complain about, it is on them if they get upset over a straight forward question with serious intent.

What exactly is your problem concern with how people look, and whether they’ll get more action or not?
I DON’T HAVE ONE. However, I can ask instead of speculating the same as those member who ask NSFW about things that go on in other people’s bedroom or sex acts they perform. Should I accuse them of being cyber voyeurs?

Or are you saying that fat people are just too disgusting to ever be loved or considered to be attractive?
The question says everything but that. The question says they do have those that love them (fat people), the questions ask of those who do, why they do, what do they find attractive about fat people. No where did it say fat people are disgusting and should not be loved. Take your personal pet peeves out of the question less they cloud the way to the question.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I’m so going to catch flak for this in…3…2….1….

Personally I find obese people repulsive. It’s so absolutely disgusting to me on so many levels, it really is. This isn’t to say I don’t befriend those that are it’s just I could never be sexual attracted to someone that is.

Yes, I know some people have medical conditions that they can’t help but the majority don’t. They’re just farrrrrrrrrr to lazy to take proper care of themselves and that to me is such an utter turn off.

It’s interesting when I was traveling the amount of fat people I encountered was next to none. Why is that? Oh maybe because people exercised and ate healthy food. Coming home to the US was like welcome back to the land of the fat.’

@Kardamom I really wouldn’t consider any of those women you posted above to be fat. A little plump maybe but definitely not fat IMO.

Kardamom's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Fluther usually does a pretty good job with high quality writing, but I’m sure they often give you a break, otherwise they wouldn’t allow a sentence like I seen her without it. Or this one I would hope you don not take things personal and take it to hard but I am bringing it real folks.

You still haven’t answered my question about why makeup on a woman makes a difference or not. You mentioned Oprah, only, why not any other, or every other woman who chooses to wear makeup or not?

You absolutely have a problem with the way people look, either that or you are just too feeble to figure out, or understand, by your own experience, why people would be attracted to certain body types. Why would you need to speculate? It’s not that hard to figure out that different folks like different things. I definitely think that some of your questions, are veiled flame bait.

You must believe that there is something unlovable about fat women because you find them unattractive, so much so that you had to ask the question as to how “chubby chasers” would find fat women attractive. Again, either you are woefully ignorant, because the simple answer is still People Like Different Things, and the other answer is equally simple. Surely you can figure that out without asking other people can’t you? Look around you and you will see fat women in loving relationships. What is so hard about this, and how can you not consider this question and other similar questions not to be veiled flame bait?

This is no where similar to most of the NSFW questions that people ask about positions they like or what kind of sex they like. This question is about making a supposition that fat people are unattractive, and therefore you can’t fathom why some people would be attracted to them. No such suppositions are made when asking someone what type of positions they like. Ask yourself this? Why is anyone attracted to anyone else?

You are trying to equate this question with other questions. Asking why some men are attracted to brunettes, as opposed to blondes, is not the same thing as asking why some men are attracted to fat women. There is a horrible negative stereo-type in our society against fat people (mostly women) but there is no such stereo-type against brunettes, although blondes used to get a lot of ridiculous dumb blonde jokes thrown around, mostly because of the media stereo-typing of women that started around the time when talkies were first introduced, and someone just happened to choose a few blonde actresses to portray as stupid, but they could just have easily have chosen red-heads, or brunettes, so that was just a media accident that got blown way out of hand over the last 50 years. But in general, I don’t think a lot of people shudder in horror at the sight of a blonde woman, whereas it’s perfectly acceptable to do that with regards to a fat woman, and not so fat women. Hence, the existence of the anorexic women from your other question. There probably wouldn’t be any anorexic women, if it weren’t for the fact that people such as yourself, are disgusted by fat women. If women of all shapes and sizes, and hair colors, and races, and stupidity levels and income levels were judged more by their kindness and character, everyone would be a lot happier.

josie's avatar

I think fat is repulsive. That is all I have to say about it. I would rather be exiled on a desert island than be regarded as a chubby chaser.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Kardamom You still haven’t answered my question about why makeup on a woman makes a difference or not.
It wasn’t a general makeup question, but I will deviate and make it one. IMO makeup only helps a cute fat woman so much; if anything it makes you think, if she was cute fat with makeup, she’d be gorgeous if she was slender. Makeup might actually be doing her a disservice. In general makeup makes me wonder what it she is trying to cover up and hide. The less makeup she is wearing the more apt she is to hold my gaze. The better she looks without all the ”war paint” having to create beauty the better.

You absolutely have a problem with the way people look, either that or you are just too feeble to figure out, or understand, by your own experience, why people would be attracted to certain body types.
Oh, snap! Your powers of clairvoyance sniffed me out. Guess I better take my feeble mind back to the NSFW to ask and comment about what we all should know about that goes on in the bedroom, ours and other people, that would be feeble

Again, either you are woefully ignorant, because the simple answer is still People Like Different Things, and the other answer is equally simple.
Yes, people like different things and I am simply asking them why they do. That is no more ignorant than someone wondering what smells someone else has between the sheets swapping body fluids, the positions they use when they can buy a book, or weird places they have boinked. Why would any of that be of interest to anyone, they should only worry about what happens with them and whoever they end up naked with.

@uberbatman Personally I find obese people repulsive. It’s so absolutely disgusting to me on so many levels, it really is. I can concur sexually and personally if they invade my personal space, especially if it is a hot day and they have started to sweat.

augustlan's avatar

I find some of these answers utterly repulsive. It’s perfectly fine that different people have different tastes and find different things attractive, but how would you all feel if someone said, “I find black people utterly repulsive”? Or, “I find people with tattoos utterly repulsive”? Do you people not realize that many people reading this shit are fat? Could you be more hurtful if you tried? Jesus.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@augustlan There in lies the difference. One has a choice whether or not they wish to take care of their body. One does not have a choice as to what skin color they are.

As per the tattoos bit, being someone with tattoos I’ve heard plenty of people say it is repulsive or a turn off. Personally I don’t let such things bother me but I still understand how others can find it disgusting.

creative1's avatar

@augustlan I agree with you fully I don’t know why everyone seems to think its perfectly ok to put someone down because of being overweight or because they are attracted to someone who is.

augustlan's avatar

@uberbatman You’d be surprised. I have known many obese people in my life, and many of them eat no more than an average sized person and lots of them were far more active than I am. There is growing evidence that what we think we know about fat isn’t necessarily so. Even still, people certainly choose to get tattoos…does that make it okay to say you find them repulsive?

Bottom line: I’m not talking about whether people should or should not be attracted to fat, black skin, or tattoos…I’m talking about choosing your language so as not to cause unnecessary pain.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@augustlan Refresh this question too see what I have to say about tats. As I said above though I understand that sometimes its genetic or medical issues but often it really isn’t at least in those that I’ve encountered in my life that truly are fat.

As per the second part, I’m sorry but I really don’t agree there. For some reason it seems we’ve been going through this whole “embrace those who are obese” or “it’s ok to be obese” deal in the US. No, no it’s really not. 31.8% of Americans are considered obese. That is NOT ok. Call me callous or whatever you will but I’m not going to censor my thoughts in order to protect the feelings of those who don’t have enough respect for their own bodies to take care of it.

“I have known many obese people in my life, and many of them eat no more than an average sized person and lots of them were far more active than I am. There is growing evidence that what we think we know about fat isn’t necessarily so.” Odd then that the obesity rate in the US is soooo extraordinarily high in the US compared to other countries….

augustlan's avatar

Honestly, I’m not asking that people censor their thoughts. Just to remember that there are very real people who are hurt by our words. If you had just said you don’t find fat people attractive, I’d have never said anything. I just find it incredibly hurtful to use the word repulsive.

El_Cadejo's avatar

But I am legitimately disgusted. Or am I supposed to just keep that to myself as to not hurt anyone’s feelings?

If one is so hurt by the idea of being thought repulsive by others due to their weight why not I don’t know, diet/exercise perhaps?

augustlan's avatar

@uberbatman You know I like you. However, yes, I do think you should keep that to yourself. And your last line there was completely unnecessary. If you want to go on being hurtful, have at it. But I’m done discussing it with you.

harangutan's avatar

I think I’ve seen many people mention their disgust for conservatives and the words used were not nice, they were very hurtful. Conservatives have feelings too, don’t they? I’ve read bad things said about Mormons and other theists. They have feelings too, don’t they? These words were said about a group, not a specific member, so that’s okay (or so I thought until I read the answers to this question). I’m sure I’ll hear that people choose these paths in life, so you can’t compare it with obesity. It’s all the same to me. I may not agree with or like your lifestyle or political affiliation or the fact that you have a muffin top, but I won’t say anything that will belittle you are put you down. I won’t call you a jack ass because you have a differing opinion. Isn’t that what’s being asked of users here on this question? Don’t shame a group? Which group is okay? Republicans are but not the obese?

To answer the question, I don’t think anyone could say why they like what they do, they just do.

augustlan's avatar

@harangutan I don’t think most people would say “conservatives are repulsive”, but they might say some of their ideas are. There’s a difference, I think.

El_Cadejo's avatar

ehhh I can point out plenty of posts on this site(if I wasn’t to lazy to search) of people bashing Republicans as a whole.

augustlan's avatar

Don’t get me wrong…I’m sure there are plenty.

jca's avatar

I recall a recent question asked by @Hypocrisy_Central that referred to “fat people” having “back flaps”(one would have to revisit that question in order to see all of the derogatory wording used) and other words there and here (i.e. “rolls of it”) that were pretty derogatory toward the obese. That question and at least one more asked by the OP @Hypocrisy_Central, makes me thing that what @kardamom is saying about him is correct: that he has speculated more than once about this topic recently, which to me indicates a fascination with it or utter disbelief that someone could be attracted to the obese.

Even if you’re fascinated with it or in utter disbelief about it, why use the derogatory language when referring to it? Why not say “obese” instead of “fat?” Even if you do want to ask the question about why some are attracted to the obese, why add on the unnecessary terminology such as “back flaps” and “rolls of it?”

If any new user came around here asking questions in such a way as @Hypocrisy_Central, we would probably call them a troll and ban them.

That said, for the OP and for others who have made negative, demeaning comments on this thread about the obese, like @augustlan said, why not keep in mind that your words can be hurtful to others, even though this is the internet and we are anonymous? We are still a community, and if we (hopefully) wouldn’t use this language to each others’ faces, why use it here?

jca's avatar

Again throwing in wording about “fat people.” Why is it necessary?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@augustlan Just to remember that there are very real people who are hurt by our words.
If only that was suggested for every thread many who were ran off would still be here

@harangutan I think I’ve seen many people mention their disgust for conservatives and the words used were not nice, they were very hurtful. Conservatives have feelings too, don’t they? I’ve read bad things said about Mormons and other theists. They have feelings too, don’t they? But people in those groups are idiots, they have ”imaginary friends” or believe in Santa; surely they can’t be taken seriously (sarcasm is a dish best served very dry), and it is dry in here.

To answer the question, I don’t think anyone could say why they like what they do, they just do.
That is why I asked them, who are here anyway. Others just decided to chime in to voice their displeasure or discomfort of the question. If they did not seek a fat person as a mate, why would I ask them? If I wanted to know what sailing a yacht was like I would not ask a jet pilot to tell me. This is Fluther, simply answering the question asked is not really required.

@jca Even if you’re fascinated with it or in utter disbelief about it, why use the derogatory language when referring to it? Why not say “obese” instead of “fat?” Even if you do want to ask the question about why some are attracted to the obese, why add on the unnecessary terminology such as “back flaps” and “rolls of it?”
How would I describe it when I do not have an illustration to show? Obese has a different look tio many people. If you have a clinical definition where all believe it then I could use that. Present me one if it exists and I will make a retraction to my past question. Should I say “looks like a hippo, and elephant, a Sher pei? What is the clinical word for massive handing fat on the back of the arms? What is the scientific word everyone can relate to for having so much fat on the side it doubles up on itself, what is the word? If you know it, do tell, I am up for learning new terminology. We all need to know so we don’t have to use the understandably accepted back flaps, chicken back arms, tankles, saddle bags, etc.

If any new user came around here asking questions in such a way as @Hypocrisy_Central, we would probably call them a troll and ban them.
At least one thing I can say on other sites that don’t make the claim to be the best, is that you can say what you mean without worry of censor or being ran out of town because you are not the Man in The Gray Flannel Suit and tow the party line. Maybe they should make a list, you can’t talk about this, you can talk about that, and maybe you can talk about this, then everyone will know what not so say or ask in case someone has thin skin.

BTW if it ever got to the point all you could ask without offending anyone is where you boinked last, and with whom, where, and using what lube, and position, and what you did after, etc, I’d the *the 1st one to vote myself off this island*if that is what acceptable questions fell to.

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