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Mama_Cakes's avatar

(Care to finish this sentence) I have a hard time trusting _____?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) July 15th, 2013

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44 Answers

Sunny2's avatar

The U.S. Judicial System.

Coloma's avatar

Passive aggressive people. Shit, I am dealing with ANOTHER one in my work…wtf…die sneaky, indirect humans! lol

Katniss's avatar

People, period.

KaY_Jelly's avatar

Pentecostals who are cops and cousins of lovers. :/ Those family members who commonly should ride the short bus and need a lesson in learned helplessness.

phaedryx's avatar


Seriously, as soon as you leave, they’ll walk up to your cabin and poop on your porch.
They act all innocent, but they’re always looking for ways to knock over your fences.

shego's avatar

The Government

Pandora's avatar

People who gossip about people close to them.
Cats with sharp claws near my face.
Children holding breakables or holding infants or petting my dog.
Door salesman
any person walking behind me at night in a dark area
Well I guess it comes down to anyone who isn’t really close to me. LOL

kimchi's avatar

My friends.

ETpro's avatar

Hey, seems like a complete sentence to me. Just delete the blank. There’s no need to fill it in.

YARNLADY's avatar

Workers I hire for household repairs.

susanc's avatar

Charmers, especially after they’ve convinced me to say I love them too, which means I have to do it forever, because I don’t like to break promises.

Berserker's avatar

Guys with trench coats and rubber boots who just stick their face in my window for like, hours.

ucme's avatar

Priests who get an erection whilst watching reruns of the Brady Bunch.

JLeslie's avatar

People who are passive aggressive and people who are liars. Oddly those two things go together much of the time in my experience. Not always of course.

basstrom188's avatar

the political class

dabbler's avatar

people who say “trust me”...

tedibear's avatar

The changes my husband has made in the last two years. Still struggling to get over the old stuff.

Pachy's avatar

Insurance salesmen.

rory's avatar

bisexuals. I’m not proud of it but I’ve dated WAY too many girls who turned out to just be straight.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Salesmen, politicians, and lawyers.

Bluefreedom's avatar

The U.S. Government in general
My Commander-in-Chief (POTUS)
Certain people in my direct chain-of-command
One of my subordinates who works for me

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

The question presupposes that one has a hard time trusting. I trust everything. I trust everything to be within the boundaries of its own nature. Were it not, then it would not be the thing.

I trust politicians to be politicians. That means understanding that some will not be the servants they’re supposed to be.

Anything… I trust my children to be children. Sometimes good. Sometimes terrible.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@rory I can’t stand that. I’m not gay, but those “fake lesbians” that claim to like women but then constantly go back to their ex-boyfriends drive me absolutely nuts. You don’t find this among men. If a man claims he likes to have sex with men, he does. I find “bisexuality” (and, no, I’m not saying bisexuality doesn’t exist) to be much more common among women for some reason. It’s an insult to women who are actually lesbians or bisexual when all of these young straight chicks run to fellow women when they’re “sick of men.” Ugh…

tups's avatar

The future, science, doctors, the weathermen, myself, certain people.

Coloma's avatar

Oh, nosey old people. Gah! I have a lot of elderly neighbors and man, they know if a freaking leaf falls around here. haha
I swear, I will NEVER be a nosey old fart.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Coloma I live on a very old street. My one neighbor once told me they liked the color I painted my room…..that is in the basement…..

figbash's avatar

Raccoons and corporations.

Kardamom's avatar

People that use the term transparency. It usually means that they already are, or will be hiding something, but they think it makes them sound more credible or trustworthy.

Been burned by government officials and bosses who used that term. If you’re going to lie, just lie, but don’t say that you aren’t.

Coloma's avatar

@figbash What about Raccoons that run corporations?

Coloma's avatar

@uberbatman Man…after decades of living on property getting used to busybodies sucks. lol
Conversation with neighbor the other day who is about 95.

” She: .” I wonder what so and so was doing out in her yard so early this morning?”
Me: Probably the same thing I was doing.” She shut up after that. lol

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Coloma lol I moved away from this street for 6 years to a place where I had an 86 acre farm out back and my closest neighbor was barely in sight(if you walked out in the farm past the trees). Unfortunately some stuff happened and I’m back on this street. Getting used to it again has been rough. Ohhhh look at that, its 7am, time to break out the lawn mower/weed wacker patrol -_ – .Why someone needs their lawn mowed 3 times a week is beyond me.

Coloma's avatar

@uberbatman The streets have eyes. Gaaah…attack of the ancient zombie people. haha

fluthernutter's avatar

@figbash Whoa! Old-timer! What are you doing back around these here parts?

mattbrowne's avatar

… that there is such a thing as moderate Islamism.

Strauss's avatar

Out of the sky

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