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Is it even worth the effort to apply for jobs?
I recently got released from my job as a bank teller due to lack of work. What I loved about that job (the only thing, in fact) is that I could work whenever I wanted to around my school schedule. Next semester, my plan was to work Fridays, make about $300/month to cover my car payment, and that would be it. This will be my last semester, as I’m graduating in December, so I won’t have any free time to work other than Fridays.
My dad owns his own business and offered to pay me $60/day for 8 hours on Fridays cleaning used appliances. I really don’t want to do this, but it’s an easy $240 and something to fall back on if nothing else works out.
I’ve been trying to think of jobs I could get where I’d only have to work on Fridays. I just can’t imagine anyone hiring me for one day per week. I’m trying to think outside of the box – I’ve never watched kids, so I doubt anyone would allow me to watch theirs with no references. I don’t know enough people to round up customers that need a dog walker or lawn work done. I really have no marketable “odd job” type of skills. I checked for on-campus jobs, but they require nights and weekends, at least 3 days per week of work, and only pay $7.25/hr.
If anyone has any ideas, I’d appreciate it. My biggest worry is that, once I graudate, it’ll be months before I find full time work. Before, I could rely on the bank job to provide as many hours as I needed, but now I’m unemployed. I’ve never lost a job before, so excuse my drama, but I just need this situation put into perspective so I know what to do next.
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