Stressed at work--what are my options?
Asked by
Pooh54 (
July 16th, 2013
I have a job that I like but I am not one for playing games and wasting time at work. Unfortunately my boss doesn’t see things the same way. She feels if she is getting some work from the ‘slackers’ then that is all she cares about. I feel people should earn the paycheck they get handed twice a month. Am I wrong to be annoyed and stressed? I have always been, and will continue to be, a good worker who feels it is my job to deserve the paycheck I get and not look for ways to waste time. I have been at this job for 28 years and feel that the world is becoming one giant cesspool of useless people who just want to slide by and do as little as possible. Do you think I am over reacting to the situation?
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12 Answers
Let go worrying about others. What others do or don’t do should not cause you stress.You can’t control it.Focus on your job performance and being proud of it.
You sound like a control freak and others work habits are not your business nor your problem. If your boss is not concerned you need to just do your own work and stop being so opinionated and controlling.
Wasting your energy investing in all your negative irritations is hurting nobody else but YOU! Stop imposing YOUR work ethics on everyone else.
If you’re that upset start your own biz. and be the whip cracking overseer of your own plantation. lol
@Pooh54: “I have been at this job for 28 years and feel that the world is becoming one giant cesspool of useless people who just want to slide by and do as little as possible.”
Maybe you’re burned out. It happens. 28 years is a long time. Have you considered a career change?
Are the slackers getting in the way of your own work? If so, then you need to discuss that problem (and be specific) with your boss, and give some ideas (don’t preach to him/her) about what could be done to solve the problem.
If the slackers are just annoying to you, because they don’t have your same work ethic, but they are not preventing you from doing your job correctly, then don’t bother worrying about it.
If you feel like you’ve got a lot of free time on your hands, and are being urged to waste time, ask the boss if they could give you more tasks, or whether there is something that could be done to assist other people in other departments.
Who exactly is playing games? Is it your boss? Is it the slackers? Does your boss expect you to play games? What exactly is going on? If you could be more specific, we could give you better advice.
Honestly, worrying about how much other people are doing to earn their crust will do your head in. I know there are people where I work who do very little but that’s not something I can do anything about so why worry about it. I know I do a good job and that’s all I can really control. The same is true for you. As long as their slackness isn’t creating more work for you, just earn your paycheck the way you feel is ethically appropriate and leave the others to do what they do. If they aren’t working and your boss isn’t doing anything about that, that’s her problem.
If it is affecting your actual work, then present solutions for how that might be resolved to your boss in terms of systems, protocols that don’t bag your workmates but do highlight the problem and give your boss ideas on how to resolve it. Going to her and whinging will just get her back up with you. She undoubtedly knows or at least suspects who is slacking. Might backfire if you confront her and push her to act when she obviously is choosing not to.
Try the stress associated with not having work. These days, it is an easily available option.
Why would you choose to focus on the things that make you the unhappiest in your job?
No job is perfect, many suck, but even if you like what you do there are always a couple things that we wish to change. Either find a productive way to change them or focus on the best aspects of your job or start looking for another one.
It’s just like staying with partner you constantly rail about. No one wants to hear it.
Every one has flaws and pointing out others is unattractive either seperate or admit despite the person’s flaws. You love them or you get something from it that makes it worth while. Or ask yourself why and what needs to change with you.
Wow, not exactly the responses I expected. The main issue I have is that I work for a State Agency who is constantly being put down as state employees for being lazy and doing nothing for a paycheck. I admit when I started, I had rose-colored glasses and really didn’t think about what people say about ‘state workers’. Unfortunately, reality slapped me in the face almost 3 years ago when I was about to be laid off because the union wouldn’t sign their contract (they have since signed it and I have been actively looking for employment elsewhere since then). It bothered me before then but never really cared. Since then, I see that I was about to lose my job and someone, who is 5 grades above me, who chooses to do little or nothing during the day but read 3 newspapers and take long lunches, was going to continue to collect an undeserved paycheck. I admit it changed me. I resent being held to a different standard because I like to be busy and work (I have 3 other projects I am working on other than my normal job duties because I like to be busy). As a taxpayer, I see first hand the waste in government. It sickens me. All I expect is that everyone be held to the same rules and policies. I do not think I am asking too much. Maybe I am….
@Coloma I don’t consider myself a control freak. I just think that if there are rules to follow——EVERYONE should be expected to follow them. When I was in my previous position, I supervised and according to people who worked for me, I only asked two things of them-come to work on time and do your job. They all agree that I was fair and they knew I had their backs if anything went wrong. If they had personal issues that would affect their work, they knew they could come to me and I would help them resolve how it affected their work. All within the rules and policies of our Agency. I don’t consider that being a control freak. I also do not think that the ‘plantation’ remark, even joking, was appropriate.
@Pooh54 Unless the other workers are causing a problem for you, in that you have to pick up their slack, or they prevent you from doing your own job in a timely and professional manner, then there’s not much you can do, since it sounds like your boss is one of the biggest offenders with regards to being lazy. That’s a bummer.
@Pooh54 I figured you were in a type of a union. I am as well. I don’t love it but I need it right now. So it is what it is.
I have a coworker easily the hardest worker but she has a miserable attitude. I’m taking on the world. Or I just get irritated when people don’t get their jobs she is really unpleasant to around when she gets like that. Though overall she is a nice person. But she brings so much shit on her head. I’m tired of hearing her complaints and temper tantrums.
I made a choice not to be like that. Sometimes it does bug me to always pick up the slack. However the day flies by so I can work in concert with a lazy person every now and again. I stipulate with my supervisor I can’t do it for an extended period of time. Meanwhile now I get questions on how to be more efficient or thank yous for not being an ass about it. Etc because I am not judgemental and mean they are more inclined to pull their weight.
But even if that didn’t happen there is no way I am bringing that stress home with me. I check it at the door and if it doesn’t happen in front of me or concern me I make it a point not to notice.
@Unbroken I have for years been able to ‘let it slide off my back’ but it is so blatant that it is like the person is rubbing my nose in it. She is not shy about feeling entitled to do whatever she pleases and our supervisor only reinforces. Put me in a corner and don’t make me look at it every day would be the ideal solution since actually having her follow the rules appears to be totally out of the question.
I also want to say that while I don’t agree with the responses I have received with this post, I do appreciate Flutter since it gives me a place to vent. Today is another day and a clean slate—whatever they choose to write on it, is up to them.
Have a Great Day!!
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