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Mama_Cakes's avatar

How are y'all coping with the heat?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) July 16th, 2013

I am at home for a week and it’s hotter than hades. One hundred and ten with the humidex! And this is in the land of beer and beavers (Canada)!

I am working from home with the air conditioner cranked. My overgrown kitty is sleeping under the bed. Not very active today.

Later, I’ll head down to the lake to float. Yesterday, I biked 20 miles and ran out of water half way through my trek. Won’t be doing that again!

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85 Answers

Pooh54's avatar

Pretty much staying inside with the AC on hoping I will be able to afford the gas bill this month. I really hate this heat. Give me 75–85 tops and I am ok. Anything over that – just shoot me.

creative1's avatar

I’m in doing my homework with central air on so I’m nice and comfy cozy

mrentropy's avatar

It’s a pleasant 87F here in Austin, TX.

marinelife's avatar

I’m trapped in my bedroom in the air conditioning with the dogs. I just went out to turn on the modem and I am covered in sweat,

Headhurts's avatar

It’s actually hot in England at the moment. Not quite as hot as what you have have, but hot for here. It’s nice to have some sunshine. Night time is pretty crap though. Not been sleeping well, which makes me grumpy!

tom_g's avatar

Just sweating, drinking absurd amounts of water, sweating, and more sweating.

Coloma's avatar

California is getting a slight respite for now, but we were up to about 107–108 about 10 days ago. It sucked, to sat the least. Today is in the 80’s, but, cranking up to the 100’s again this weekend.
I just take a lot of cold showers and play in the garden hose while watering my garden. AC on night and day. Ugh!
Keep the I miss my hot tub which I had for years, kept it cold all summer.

Oh man….nothing better than a cold soak or swim.
Lots of beer, sodas, ice water and watermelon too!

flutherother's avatar

It was a bit hot for me last week especially at night but it has got better, it now reaches 70F during the day dropping to 59 at night. And it is sunny.

Jeruba's avatar

Where I am in Northern California, it’s currently a lovely 71 degrees F, with a pleasant breeze. My husband insisted on buying a portable air conditioner at the end of the heat wave a couple of weeks ago, and now we’re stuck with the thing. I wanted to just tough it out because spells of really hot weather are not very frequent or lengthy around here.

I do miss summer rain, which is very rare in these parts.

zenvelo's avatar

Been wearing a sweatshirt all day, even in the office, because I am in San Francisco, and the marine layer fog is 3,000 feet thick. Frickin’ freezing today!

Talked to my son at the Scout Jamboree in West Virginia, said he had to get his blanket out of his duffel last night because it got so cool.

Who’s got heat?

Jeruba's avatar

P.S. Wow, I just looked at the weather map, and it’s sizzling all across the country, with the Bay Area just about the only moderate zone in the U.S. mainland. Montana and North Dakota right along the Canadian border and, surprisingly, North Texas are the only other two regions that look reasonably comfortable right now.

tom_g's avatar

@Jeruba: “I do miss summer rain, which is very rare in these parts.”

[shakes fist]

@zenvelo – I flagged your post as inhumane.

Jeruba's avatar

Fist shaking? Why?

downtide's avatar

We never get it that hot here but it’s been hovering around the high twenties (centigrade, about 80F give or take a few) for a week now and it suits me perfectly.

gailcalled's avatar

@Mama_Cakes: MIlo here: My overgrown kitty is sleeping under the bed. Not very active today.

Quelle surprise. Although, to be fair, I am feeling a bit lethargic myself since it’s 90˚ here. Gail also seems very droopy.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Heat? We are getting cheated, it has only been above 100 only three days I can remember. The rest of the time it is in the wimpy low 80s or uppers 70s; that isn’t summer, it is springtime.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s crazy this year. Usually by the end of June it’s HOT and it STAYS hot. But here it is, half way through July and the temps keep going up and down, up and down. Hell, I keep breaking out my light-weight sweat shirts which I thought I’d put away for the summer!

creative1's avatar

@zenvelo Come for a visit to Massachusetts its wicked hot here, just walked the dog couldn’t wait to get back into my cool home.

zenvelo's avatar

@tom_g Gave you some lurve for being heat addled.
@creative1 Wish I could be in Mass right now…

YARNLADY's avatar

Our air conditioner is on all day and all night. The bedrooms on the east side of the house get a lot of sun and stay hot most of the time.

In the family room, on the west side of the house with no windows, I cover up with a blanket or wear a flannel shirt during the day because the cold air blows right on me. I have tried changing the vent, and I keep a fan blowing the air down the hall, but it doesn’t seem to help.

I only go outside in the evening to water the lawn, and rarely to go shopping.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Air Con running in house, just got in from mowing the front lawn ( about 45 minutes on riding lawnmower ). Now lots of water enjoying AC.
Looked at thermometer it’s 92* F, checked weather service heat index is 103* F

JLeslie's avatar

Doing good, but it isn’t as hot here. Been in the upper 80’s, very humid. Since I don’t work outside I can stay in the air conditioner or jump in the pool. Of course being in FL all restaurants and shops are well air conditioned, I still bring a cardigan or sweat jacket a lot of the time to be sure I won’t be too cold inside. We did go to SeaWorld a couple weeks ago and by 2:00 we went back to the hotel to escape the intense heat and long lines. Storms were coming in anyway.

Ask me again in August when the temps are higher, then I might be suffering a little more.

gailcalled's avatar

^^ I can stay in the air conditioner That can’t be comfortable.

I have a family room in the basemen that is about 10˚ cooler than the outside air. So it’s bearable. I may sleep down here tonight.

JLeslie's avatar

@gailcalled What do you mean it can’t be comfortable? I am plenty comfortable.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Check the weather service on the internet, two town over the heat index is 117* F.

tups's avatar

It’s only 21 degrees C here in Copenhagen. It’s pretty nice.

ragingloli's avatar

I try to avoid it whenever possible.
In any case, I am preparing a Trilithium Torpedo to deal with this problem, permanently.

dxs's avatar

It’s in the 90s here. I’m pretty good with dealing with the heat. I’m running around all day and drinking A LOT of water. I’m still too much of an environmentalist to set my A/C on high.

Coloma's avatar

@Jeruba The Bay is always cooler/ nicer than the Sierra Foothills, but even you guys get roasted at times.
We have been baking, lots of moderate wildfires cropping up. Lake Tahoe/ Silverfork/Kyburz was in the higher 90’s a few weeks ago. No relief in these hills. haha

Strauss's avatar

We in Colorado were experiencing record making heat up until the past few days. Add that to “dry” thunderstorms, where the air is so dry the rain evaporates before it hits the ground. That causes lightning to strike without the usual rain to mitigate any fire, and a lot of wind in “microbursts”. Wildfires have been pretty bad the last few years, so that when we do get rain there is the danger of flash flooding and mudslides in the burn areas.

cookieman's avatar

It’s horrible. I have no energy and have trouble focusing in this weather.

glacial's avatar

I’m melting. I have two fans going in one room, and it’s become quite hellish to concentrate on my work. I’m drinking a lot of water, and go through about 5 trays of ice per day. Hoping it will break within a couple of days.

tups's avatar

@Dutchess_III Hey, I’m just answering the question!

Jeruba's avatar

I think it’s funny how many people will say “here” without telling us where they are. Hey, guys, we can’t see you in there! That’s generally a good thing, isn’t it?

glacial's avatar

@Jeruba I’m north of that Canadian border you referenced earlier… only much further east. Still damned hot. It’s around 99F with the humidity factored in. We should hit 110F tomorrow, @Mama_Cakes!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@tups…You have cicadas “where” you are?

glacial's avatar

@Jeruba Nope, Quebec.

ccrow's avatar

I’m in southern Maine… I’m sitting here in my bathing suit after a nice dip in the lake:-) I don’t want to change from the nice cool wet bathing suit into dry, but warm, clothes. Also there are several wet dogs lying around.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@dxs Dang lucky SOB (bat) :-P

Dutchess_III's avatar

This is funny! HEY! We need to have a kegger at our 5 acre woods in Kansas this weekend so we can all be on the same page! You on?

Bellatrix's avatar

Far out. I have no idea what the heck to pack now.

nikipedia's avatar

It’s in the 70s here at the beach in Southern California. Can’t complain.

glacial's avatar

@Bellatrix It’s a big country. We have multiple climates here. ;)

Bellatrix's avatar

And I have a moderate suitcase and a husband who keeps saying ‘travel light!’ First world problem.

josie's avatar

I spent the whole last weekend installing ceiling fans in all the upstairs rooms in my condo. Makes a huge difference

trailsillustrated's avatar

I liked reading through all these how hot people are. I’m freezing here in australia. Makes me feel warmer haha.

johnpowell's avatar

Fans and a wet t-shirt. Luckily, in Oregon humidity isn’t a issue.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I LOVE it. I’ve been outside the past couple days gardening in the blazing sun. It’s exhausting but it feels so nice at the same time. I feel like Captain Planet with the sun beating down on me :P

When I go to work in the kitchen tomorrow and it’s 97 degrees out I don’t think I’ll be quite as happy lol

@johnpowell Somehow in NJ it feels more humid than it felt in the rain-forests. I still can’t wrap my mind around that one. Bring on the warm wet blanket known as humidity -_ – .

elbanditoroso's avatar

I drove up to the mountains of East Tennessee. Problem is that it is not appreciably cooler up here…

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It is suppose to drop t o 75* F tonight, thanx for the AC :>)

Jeruba's avatar

I have several really icy-looking photos that I cycle through on my desktop when it’s killer hot. Google images for “pond ice” if you’d like to see some nice ones.

They do make me feel marginally cooler.

And I have a few desert and fireplace shots to warm me in winter.

Pandora's avatar

New a/c unit and new roof with added vent system, and live in a townhouse between two houses, so I am feeling like one cool cucumber. :)
It’s hot outside and humid but the sun didn’t feel extremely hot like it has on other days. Maybe because it was partly cloudy. But I’ve had days where it will be 85 and the sun made my deck feel like an oven. Not today and it was 95. It was suppose to feel like 101. I was surprised.

AshlynM's avatar

I just stay inside with the a/c on high. It gets ridiculously hot here as well.

jordym84's avatar

I’m taking the opportunity to wear strappy sundresses.

Coloma's avatar

Cracking myself up over here I thought ^^^ was @ Adirondackwannabe. Since when did he start wearing strappy sundress? lol

jordym84's avatar

@Coloma Thank you for my laugh-out-loud moment of the day!! LOL

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Coloma @jordym84 Hey I look fucking hot in a strappy sundress.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe ^ ^ ^ ^ NOT a visual that I wanted ! !

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I also like going commando. Beware of windy days.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe ^ ^ TOO MUCH INFORMATION ^ ^

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Talk about tropical willie! ;-)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Mama_Cakes LMAO. Just for the record I’ve never tried on a sundress, but now I’m curious how the warm breeze would feel.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Mama_Cakes Keep the photos to yourself.

Coloma's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Just make sure you shave the critical parts so you look extra hot in that sundress. lol

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Coloma I wouldn’t want some fuzz to mess with the breeze.

Coloma's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Are you one of those gorilla backs? Gah! Break out the Nair. lol

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Coloma Nope. My back is hairless. I don’t look like a rug.

Coloma's avatar


Strauss's avatar

^^@Adirondackwannabe At least from the top!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Yetanotheruser You dissing my hairline, or lack there of. :)

Strauss's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe No dis, just don’t want to imagine what’s under that li’l ol ‘strappy dress!

tups's avatar

Why the quotation marks?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Feels like summer. The locusts are humming all day, birds are floating on warm, rising air currents. The dogs lay on the cooler (uncarpeted) floors in the house….

@tups I don’t “know!” They just fell in there. Couldn’t stop them. :)

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Sweating in weird places over here. Here’s hoping a storm will cool things down some.

cookieman's avatar

Heard on the CBS Nightly News last night that 45 US States were experiencing a heat wave (3+ days of 90+ temps).


Coloma's avatar

My zone is going for 97 today and over 100 for the next few days again. Ugh!
I am really wanting to move somewhere where the temps. never go over 85. lol

Mama_Cakes's avatar

@Coloma I’d just like to be moving period! lol Feel stuck indoors and I hate that!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@cookieman Heat wave? Round here a “heat wave” is 3+ days of 100 +. 90’s is standard for this time of year in Kansas.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Crazy business. Check with the humidex!

El_Cadejo's avatar

Today is 98 but feels like 117. Soooo looking forward to going in to work in a kitchen in an hour :P

tom_g's avatar

Also, the kids and I are using this opportunity to consume large amounts of ice cream. It cools us down for a few seconds, then we’re planning our next ice cream.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sitting on the back deck, I can hear the neighbors across the street, but I can’t see them because of my rose bushes.
Here is what I hear, “MARCO!!!” “POLO!!!” “MARCO!!” “POLO!!” The one yelling MARCO is an adult. :) The rest are kids.

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