General Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Is it possible to see the Facebook news feed sequentially in order of time posted?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37782points) July 16th, 2013

…or are we at the mercy of their logarithms deciding what we want to see and when?

I logged on once this morning and checked the news feed and then logged on again about 1 hour later only to see items that were older, which had not appeared before. Some of those older items related to events I have liked and commented on in the recent past.

Is there a change I can make in my settings to see things in the order they are posted?

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9 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

There is a “Sort: ” and “Sort: Most Recent” just under the “Whats on You Mind” Block, it is on the right side you can toggle between “Most Recent” and “Top Stories” ( most active ).

Hope that helps, my friend.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Thank you. I will give that a try.

hearkat's avatar

Finding the sort option can be tricky, depending on the way you are accessing Facebook. It is different on mobile Safari, from mobile Chrome, from the iPhone app, from the iPad app, from the full site on browsers.

If you’re having difficulty finding it, post what you’re using to access FB.

glacial's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Note that Facebook seems to desperately want people to use Top Stories, so it will occasionally revert to that – check periodically to see whether your feed is being sorted the way you want it to be.

ccrow's avatar

“Occasionally” @glacial ?? Every friggin’ time I go on there it’s gone back to that! I want posts in chronological order, not whatever crazy order FB thinks they should be in!! (End of rant) And yes, even selecting ‘most recent’ doesn’t necessarily give you everything… I think if you want that, you would have to go on each person’s page to see everything they posted. Ugh. I wish they would just stop ‘fixing’ it.

glacial's avatar

@ccrow Haha! Well, I’m glad I’m not the only one who has noticed this. But I actually haven’t seen it switch on me in a couple of months. Of course, having mentioned it publicly, I imagine my lucky streak will be over now…

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@hearkat I’m using Chrome on my desktop PC. I’ve changed the sort feature to show the most recent posts, and so far it’s sticking to it.

johnpowell's avatar

It resets on me after a few days and it drives me crazy.

hearkat's avatar

@ccrow: It’s true, they do not show everything. Sometimes I’ll refresh, even when sorted by most recent, and a post will appear between two others that I have already seen. It is annoying.

I have my friends organized into lists. When I click on the lists, I see everything – even from people whose content I have elected to filter in my News Feed. So going through lists of friends is the best way to try to keep up with everything.

@Hawaii_Jake: Full desktop versions seem pretty uniform across browsers, and seem to save the settings, as long as you don’t clear your cookies or cache. It’s the mobile browser versions and the iOS app that seem varied and that reset on me.

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