Meta Question

tinyfaery's avatar

Can Jellies band together to kick out a member?

Asked by tinyfaery (44297points) July 16th, 2013 from iPhone

Can we sign a petition or something? Just curious.

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114 Answers

woodcutter's avatar

So you are looking for a democratic solution, or a vigilante kind?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@tinyfaery Is it something I said ? ? ~ ~ ~ LOTSA . . . sarcasm

augustlan's avatar

Not exactly, no. However, there have been times when we have removed a member for the good of the community as a whole, even if that person wasn’t outright breaking any of our guidelines. So, you know, if there is someone that most people feel isn’t good for the well-being of our community, they could let me know via PM. We’d take it under advisement.

josie's avatar

Hope not. Otherwise I am fairly sure I know who would be first to go.

ETpro's avatar

Did somebody say something about a hanging party? Oh good… Unless it’s me y’all is planning ta lynch.

woodcutter's avatar

What kinds of things would a member be doing that would make it necessary to ban them “for the good of the community?” If they are breaking no rules?

augustlan's avatar

In one case, it was someone who caused huge disruptions to the site pretty much every time they posted anything. While we didn’t think the person was a troll, exactly, trouble just seemed to jump off them whenever they were around. We tried very hard to help the person, giving lots of tips on how to better interact with the community. Then warnings, and finally a ban. It just wasn’t worth it.

In another, the person was mean to everyone, even though they didn’t quite cross the line into personal attack. Just a horribly mean person, basically. They got several warnings, but never could quite get their anger under control.

bob_'s avatar

I like the idea, voting somebody off the island once a week or so. It could spice things up around here.

Bellatrix's avatar

I would be very uncomfortable with this. If the person is being majorly disruptive, perhaps but they would really need to be already breaching the guidelines for me to feel this is okay. Just responding in a snipey way or in a way that’s irritating or posting questions that don’t appeal to all people, no. Where is the line if we start down that path? How many people have to think you’re a douche or a dickhead before you’re at risk of being banned?

Mariah's avatar

^agreed, also Fluther already has plenty of accusations about being a hivemind/circlejerk, it wouldn’t help our case to start banning people for popularity reasons. We need those people with the minority viewpoints, even if we sometimes hate to read them.

harangutan's avatar

I like the idea, but I don’t think you’d like who I’d choose. :P

woodcutter's avatar

One way is not to feed the trolls. It is more a reflection of the people who engage the baiters than the baiters themselves. Maybe its just me but in my life, one of the easiest things to do is to ignore. It involves negative effort as in, easier than doing nothing. There are some though,, who can’t let things go and blow themselves up let themselves get punked and assume sort of the same mentality. There are perhaps the most thin skinned people on the internet here, or, at least I hope we have the most.

augustlan's avatar

Outright trolls get banned, anyway. I don’t think this is about trolls.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

The banning by the lesbian triumvirate (remember?) is still in effect.

woodcutter's avatar

So these members are going to be worse than trolls? How can that be? Political differences? That wouldn’t be right.

augustlan's avatar

@woodcutter No, we’d never ban someone for political differences.

augustlan's avatar

People who cause so much unrest that it just isn’t worth it to have them around. The bad would have to far outweigh the good. I gave two examples up there ^^, neither of which had anything to do with their views, political or otherwise. I won’t name names.

tinyfaery's avatar

I was being playful, but I definitely wanted to know if a large majority of people disliked a member of the community what type of action we could take.

I remember those banned members. It was definitely better for fluther that they were banned.

One of the triumvirate here.

woodcutter's avatar

Was it Quingu? Haven’t seen that one around in some time.

Bellatrix's avatar

I can’t even find @Quingu’s name in a disabled form which is very odd. Must be spelling it wrong.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I liked him!

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Bellatrix It’s Qingu . They just haven’t been around since april 25th. Account is still active though.

augustlan's avatar

Qingu got married! He’s been busy. ;)

Bellatrix's avatar

Thank you @uberbatman… I’m so glad they’re still here and happy he/she got married. I like their responses to questions.

bob_'s avatar

Anyone knows who the mean person was? Hit me up, yo.

woodcutter's avatar

This reckoning must have happened a long time ago. I don’t recall such a (bad guy).

Sunny2's avatar

Seems to me that language lately has been less filled with scatological words than it was when I first joined. I’m not a prude, but I find sentences filled with such words unnecessary and unimaginative. If this is true, is it by design?

augustlan's avatar

@woodcutter Yeah, it was quite a while ago. And both of them were women, actually.

@Sunny2 Nope, not by design. I guess it’s just a different group of people. :)

augustlan's avatar

Oops, I forgot to mention this earlier:
[mod says] Minor typo in title corrected via internal edit.

jca's avatar

I can imagine someone who, not sure about long ago, but just recently I have been noticing questions that are just unnecessarily nasty and wording in the questions that is just totally derogatory and would not be tolerated if from a newbie, and I wonder if it is this person that the OP @tinyfaery is referring to.

(raises hand to vote that person off the Island!)

ucme's avatar

Completely agree with @Bellatrix & @Mariah, maybe get rid of the moaning fuckers, self appointed arbiters who are most likely easily offended arseholes themselves.
A kangaroo court for fucking egotistical morons, terrible idea.
For the record, I know exactly what/who inspired this question, petty bullshit…get over yourself.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I vote to kick @Bellatrix and @Mariah
Who’s with me?!

Bellatrix's avatar

Yeah, go for it but we’re taking you with us.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

To where? I’ve always wanted to go to Albania

ucme's avatar

Could always kick someone in the member, or just go for a good old fashioned dickpunch, virtually of course.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

She wasn’t that mean, she was more misunderstood. And the lesbian trio didn’t have anything to do with what happened.

Bellatrix's avatar

Who are you talking about @Adirondackwannabe?

Bellatrix's avatar

@Albania doesn’t really appeal. I’m sure we can find someone nicer @Michael_Huntington.

Sunny2's avatar

Maybe we could just have a separate section for difficult jellies. (and another one for only nice jellies) It would be easier to avoid them if one wished (either one), We could have an annual election to decides who should be in which section. That would create more sections until each jelly would have an individual section . . . . kind of like we have now.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I only want nice people to answer my question….

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Fine, but if I get voted off, I’m taking the frizzer!

SuperMouse's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate leave the pancakes, take the frizzer.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Hell no! The pancakes, waffles, babby, and a few dead bodies are in that frizzer! If the frizzer goes, they go! :P

Rarebear's avatar

I’m going to rephrase the initial question:

“Together can Jellies kick a band’s out member?”

KNOWITALL's avatar

No, I think that would be unproductive. At one time or another, I’ve been upset with a lot of people here for poor behavior, including several posters on this Q. Unless they violate legitimate rules, they shouldn’t be banned.

Kardamom's avatar

I think I might know who @tinyfaery is referring to, unless it’s me and you’re all just sick of hearing about vegetables and pie.

But no, I don’t think we should, as a collective, be able to vote anyone out, although I think Auggie should absolutely have the power to do that.

In the case of the member, who I’m thinking about, the person is not being a troll, because they don’t seem to be hiding behind an alternate identity and actually seem to believe the vitriol they are spouting, but they are being pretty mean/inconsistent/unclear with regards to how their questions are written, and they seem to be purposely insulting people.

We have several ways to deal with that particular problem. We can ignore all that person’s questions altogether (so they either get bored and lonely and leave of their own accord) or we can go on the questions and try to make arguments for why their thinking is flawed and explain how the way that they write their questions (the actual language used) can be misconstrued (or not) to mean something terribly offensive to certain groups of people and members of the collective, so that newbies and old timers alike, and folks that might wander onto these Q’s many years from now, can see that we tried to solve a problem, not with our fists, but with our logic and compassion. In other words, call them out.

I’m hoping that Auggie and the Mod team can speak privately to people like these and help them find their way, without hurting other members. On the other hand, the second that these members cross the line (flame baiting, stalking, personal attacks etc.) they should be banned. I think Auggie should also be able to ban people that simply waste too much of her time, like if she has to constantly reprimand/school people behind the scenes. And that limit should be completely up to Auggie.

woodcutter's avatar

So are we going to fire up the ban hammer or what.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Probably not. ^^

janbb's avatar

Is this a boring question or what?

Kardamom's avatar

@janbb I’m not sure, let me push aside my rolls of fat and cellulite so I can check ~

woodcutter's avatar

thats where you keep the hammer?

Kardamom's avatar

@woodcutter Not exactly. I keep it rolled up in my chicken flaps~

tinyfaery's avatar

I never mentioned anyone, yet most people have someone in mind. Interesting.

rojo's avatar

Virtual Vigilantes

What a good band name.

Jellieband is pretty good too

woodcutter's avatar

sounds too much like bellyband

Bellatrix's avatar

I’m voting for this thread to be removed. The person concerned knows it’s about them and look at the speculation that’s occuring. I don’t like to see people hurt and I don’t see any productive purpose for this thread.

There are many people on this site who’ve left and come back under a different name. The person concerned hasn’t done anything to offend anyone now they’re back. Whatever happened in their past ‘virtual’ life, should stay there.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Bellatrix I completely agree. Look at the source though. :(

tinyfaery's avatar

Ok. Lets end the thread on speculation.

gailcalled's avatar

Indifference is a more powerful tool than indignation, I have found.

Katniss's avatar

It’s me isn’t it? You all hate me.

bob_'s avatar

@Katniss Well, what have you done for us lately?

Katniss's avatar

@bob_ Hello? Isn’t my mere presence enough??

Mama_Cakes's avatar

@Katniss I hope that you’re not serious. I, for one, lurve your posts.

Katniss's avatar

@Mama_Cakes Thank you!! <3
For the most part I was kidding. lol
There was, however, that little tiny part of me that said “Hmmmmmm”.

SuperMouse's avatar

I for one think that Fluther is at its most interesting when there is spirited debate. Some of my favorite jellies are ones I disagree with on a regular basis I’m looking at you @josie, because those are the people whose perspectives I am least familiar with.

Not to pat @augustlan and the rest of the mod team on the back too hard, but I think there is enough tracking and paying attention to trolls, returning trolls, spammers, etc. to prevent the need for a community initiated boot program. If something like that were to be instituted we would run the risk of members of the community organizing into factions for the purpose of rallying people against members they dislike and want banned. That would not be pretty.

Everyone is encouraged to report potential trolls, flame bait, spam, etc. In such cases the mods look at all of the information and patterns of behavior, then come to a decision together. The decision to ban is never arrived at lightly and is always approached from an objective perspective – so much so that if a mod has been offended by a particular member, they happily bow out of deliberations about that member’s future in the community.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I vote for kicking out the ^^ mouse. She refuses to shave, and all that white fur just creeps me out!

glacial's avatar

I’m so confused.

SuperMouse's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate if we’re both going you’ll have to fight me for the frizzer, the pancakes, and the babbies! Although your cat could probably take out my furry ass in nothing flat.

woodcutter's avatar

So its looking like we have some heavy and skinny members here. Who cares? No names seemed to be mentioned. But that’s IRL ,so unless this person has first hand knowledge of some people in here then these quips in the form of questions are lucky hits on targets the person had no knowledge of. A lucky guess. It then appears the offended members are outing themselves as successful hits when they didn’t need to. I sense the smell of sanctimony.

I want you gone because you guessed I am fat

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@SuperMouse Darn right! Fear the Nuclear Kitteh!

augustlan's avatar

Someone might think this thread is about them, and some jellies might think they know who it’s about, but I’ve seen no clear evidence that it’s about anyone in particular. Let’s not speculate, okay guys?

janbb's avatar

As long as no penguins will be harmed in the making of this thread!

Unbroken's avatar

Speculating spectacle’s guaranteed to be correct. Who wants the opportunity to see the world clearly. Only person 1000 per lens! A special that can’t be refused.

Diversity and contention in small enough doses I love.

woodcutter's avatar

You start a stupid thread like this and people are going to speculate on top of speculate. There’s no way thats not going to happen so if you want to stop that then lock this beatch down. You know better.

Berserker's avatar

We should ban @bob_

for being too hot

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Well, then let’s ban @Symbeline, too (for same the reason)!

woodcutter's avatar

Bob has bird legs.

bob_'s avatar

And a huge… Wait, what?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

A huge sandwich, maybe. <snicker>

rojo's avatar

I was going to say meatloaf.

Berserker's avatar

Hmmm, huge sandwiches…

Hawaii_Jake's avatar


And it’s properly spelled “sammiches” when @bob_ is in the thread.

bob_'s avatar

I actually hate that spelling, to be honest.

rojo's avatar

I guess when you have a huge waitwhat you can afford to be picky.

gailcalled's avatar

An old and effective technique, not that I am recommending it, is to send the offender to Coventry.

“To send someone to Coventry is a British idiom meaning to deliberately ostracise someone. Typically, this is done by not talking to them, avoiding their company and generally pretending that they no longer exist or are invisible. ....” Source

ucme's avatar

Being “sent to Coventry” simply doesn’t work over the internet because it presupposes that the person gives a shit or is even aware of this action in the first instance.
“What’s that you say? They’re not speaking to me? We hardly spoke anyway & I hardly felt a ripple.”

gailcalled's avatar

It might work here with our fairly coherent constituency, but there has to be consensus (hahaha).

rojo's avatar

What if everyone just anwered “La, La, La, La, La” with their hands over their ears/eyes/whatever?

ucme's avatar

“fairly coherent” high praise indeed.

woodcutter's avatar

fairly coherent constituency

gailcalled's avatar

Shunning works only by a show of indifference, which means you completely ignore the sinner, miscreant, irritating gnat, insensitive cold, insensitive clod, or deliberate provocateur.

jca's avatar

@gailcalled: or “a-hole.”

ucme's avatar

Phew, what a scorcher, the heatwave continues over here…which is nice.

janbb's avatar

What if turns out no one is responding to anyone?

woodcutter's avatar

Never going to happen. Some will try but given the psyche of this place it will be like Roger Rabbit blowing out of his skin trying not to respond to:

shave and a haircut


Unbroken's avatar

As a self described incoherent member I see the provocatuer, miscreant, rabble rouser with a certain amount of fondness.

I may want wring their neck but at the same time I am grateful for the opportunity and emotion they elicit. They also serve me because I am forced to define them in ways I had previously considered.

Besides I love fluther’s divirsity. Not many acknowledge it.
, but there are many Republican’s and Christain member’s. Most frequently they don’t reply on threads that will be contentious leading to a supposition that the majority of jellies are liberal atheist, democrats… or that we are all American : P. If there were a way to give out a survey that involved all active members that were anonymous. Our true colors would be a spectrum that blazes brillaintly.

Blueroses's avatar

I’ve read all of the answers here and I come up with a solid “NO!” to the original question.

If somebody could be voted out by petition, it would be similar to gaming the lurve. Popularity wins, and that isn’t Fluther, is it?

As long as somebody follows the rules and standards, it is up to us, individually, to answer or ignore.

If some person is pissing you off, and you find they are also disturbing some of your like-minded friends… that isn’t grounds for banishment.

This isn’t a community of “let’s all agree”, it’s about respectfully reading dissenting opinions and deciding whether to engage in debate or step away from a discussion.

Berserker's avatar

@Blueroses If somebody could be voted out by petition, it would be similar to gaming the lurve. Popularity wins, and that isn’t Fluther, is it?


Seriously though, I really love and admire your way of thinking. You never cease to amaze me, truth. :)

augustlan's avatar

@bob_ Holy shit…how did I ever miss seeing that movie.

bob_'s avatar

@augustlan You’re welcome.

ETpro's avatar

@bob_ And I was about ready to head off to sleep. Now see what you’d done.

Berserker's avatar


Berserker's avatar

all of you

rojo's avatar

@Symbeline you are just wishing for a viking two-horned boner and you know it.

Berserker's avatar

Didn’t think it was a secret. :D

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