Social Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Anything (besides brains, looks and personality) that you find attractive in other people? A talent, say?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) July 17th, 2013

I am a sucker for someone with a beautiful singing voice. Be it male or female.

Sing me a lullaby before bed. Gah. I would love that!

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31 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Some women can dance me to the end of love
Sometimes a woman’s dancing can drive me crazy,

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic ‘til I’m gathered safely in
Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove
Dance me to the end of love

bookish1's avatar

Cooking skills are a huge plus. And I would have trouble connecting with someone who did not have a passionate appreciation for food, music, and the arts and humanities.

Coloma's avatar

A quick and playful wit, humor, and the ability to zing back snappy and clever retorts to my humor. I want a mind mate/ play mate in my relationships, first and foremost of all. :-)
Animal lovers, nature nuts and gardeners turn me on too.

bookish1's avatar

@Coloma : Animal lovers do it for me too!

Sunny2's avatar

Dignity, an easy laugh and an off beat sense of humor which surprises me at first.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Sense of humour is a big one for me, too!

ucme's avatar

Yup, definitely a keen sense of humour for me too & feisty/ballsy women are such a turn on, don’t like no weak & feeble girly types.

tups's avatar

Passion is a huge turn on for me. If I can see passion in their eyes, I’m easily sold. I also have a soft spot for artists of any kind.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

A sense of humor, and a love of animals.

filmfann's avatar

Kindness and a sense of humor.

bob_'s avatar

Dancing and, erm, oral talents.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’m attracted to people who are well-read and funny.

Judi's avatar

When I was young I had a thing for curly haired drummers. Don’t ask me why.

lovelessness's avatar

People who are leaders… of any kind

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

Understanding that a dialogue involves two people, and that both people get to talk during a conversation.

Crossroadsgrl's avatar

generosity and philanthropy are turn ons

Unbroken's avatar

Another highly sensitive person who has learned to function well in the world. The appreciation for the small things. The ability to observe and marvel at day to day life.

They ability to communicate and a love for philosophy and humanities and arts. A very good self awareness the ability not take everything so seriously to laugh through pain and own it.

Someone people look up to. Even if it is in a quiet leadership. In fact that is probably prefered.

A tactile limber sexual man. Someone who takes care of their diet and health is important to them…. Yep I am never getting what I want and I am never settling..

bookish1's avatar

@Unbroken : You may get what you want some day. Good for you for not settling… They are out there…

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Weight lifting or just fitness in general

Unbroken's avatar

@bookish1 Our lists are pretty similar. That is good news I hope you find what you are looking for as well.

But if I don’t find my guy I am ok with it. I am not sure I want to share my house and my time, or feel guilty flirting…sometimes I wonder if I want someone merrily because everyone and their mother… esp their mother assumes I want it.

bookish1's avatar

@Unbroken : I actually just became involved with a guy who has a lot of the qualities on your list…
Have you heard of quirky alone? Sounds like you might be among that number.

Unbroken's avatar

Well good luck! I am also seeing a guy (fwb) that has most of the traits… Fantastic. There is no long term talk a minimum of labeling which is relaxing.

I have heard of quirky alone. However not spent any time there. I can’t remember is it women only or men as well?

bookish1's avatar

@Unbroken: Question # 1 on the FAQ says that guys can be quirkyalones too :-p And enjoy the minimum of labeling, I understand what you mean.

yankeetooter's avatar

I agree with “animal lovers” from above, but that’s not a talent. For me…definitely musical talent, also, capable of logical thinking, good with hands…etc.

Bellatrix's avatar

You said a talent, so for me playing the guitar or piano or being able to dance. Speaking a foreign language like French or Italian.

bob_'s avatar

@Bellatrix Ciao bella! Come va?

Bellatrix's avatar

Fans face – oh my. My perfect man, but so far away. Just my luck.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

A borderline-obsessive love of Major League Baseball.

LornaLove's avatar

Their heart.

AshLeigh's avatar

Sense of humor. Instruments. Singing.

bob_'s avatar

We’ll always have Paris Rome.

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