Why do people streak?
Be as funny as you like but in the last ten minutes of the State of Origin football match last night (which I LOVE!), a streaker burst onto the pitch.. Why do they do this? What is your theory?
I think New South Wales paid the guy to run on the pitch to stop Queensland scoring. It worked, we weren’t awarded the try but we still beat ‘em!
Just to let you know, Queensland won for the EIGHTH time!!!
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15 Answers
Drinking may or may not have been involved. Either way, I’m sure that this always happens under the “Hey guys, watch this…” clause.
It started on college campuses in the US in the 1970’s I believe. There’s even a song about it. I’ll see if I can find a link.
Well he didn’t want to be caught. Covered himself in grease to make himself slippery. That’s determination.
Bloody hell, he’s carrying a bit of timber!
Saw an interesting documentary about an infamous english guy who streaked at various sporting events around the world & he admitted himself that he was driven primarily by a need for attention/notoriety…not exactly rocket science then.
People still go streaking?!?! I thought that streaking had ended sometime during the mid-1970s.
I thought it had become a phenomenon during the sixties. At that time I thought it was mostly done in a spirit of humor and mischief, ribbing the up-tight Establishment (especially when there was a protest tie-in)—kind of a logical follow-on to mooning.
Poor guy who had to tackle him. If he would have run and grabbed him any lower…
To prove thay are gutsy enough to do something most people wouldn’t do. You remember rhe famous words: Hey! Watch this!
It’s fun and very liberating!
I remember…(eerie flashback music)...in the fall of ‘72, I believe. The streaking craze had hit my campus. I had been witness to more than one incident. (for some reason, they all seemed to be guys. I don’t recall ever seeing a female streaker).
Well, anyway, I was doing my jazz show on the campus radio station, and the station manager came running in.
“Did you see those guys out there?, he asked.
“No. What’s going on?” I replied. I was in the middle of a long set, and my mike was not open, so the conversation continued.
“You’ve heard of streaking, haven’t you? Well these guys are walking! Yes, 4 or 5 guys, just casually walking around without a stitch on!”
“Covered himself in grease to make himself slippery. That’s determination.”
No, that is Predetermination.
@Yetanotheruser Females streakers were rare. I remember one who got her pic in the college paper (with the appropriate black rectangles). It caused quite a furor because you could clearly see the crucifix around her neck. Incensed quite a few at the university claiming things like it put Christians in a bad light and a REAL Christian would not do that.
The elderly also did a version of it, but they called it “Snailing”.
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