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jcs007's avatar

Why isn't the media covering Bush's impeachment process as much as they covered Clinton's?

Asked by jcs007 (1776points) June 18th, 2008 from iPhone

I’m pretty sure Clinton’s sex scandal and lying under oath pale in comparison to Kucinich’s accusations.

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17 Answers

autumnofage's avatar

Because we’re about to have a presidential election…had this process happened when Bush still had a lot of time left in office it probably would have been covered

Mtl_zack's avatar

because the clinton thing was a “scandal” and everyone knows that bush is killing people. its old news.

thebeadholder's avatar

Nobody cares…it’s too late.

soundedfury's avatar

There isn’t a process. It’s dead-on-arrival and will never reach the floor.

Clinton was actually impeached.

jrpowell's avatar

In 98” people had jobs and could pay their mortgage. And they could buy food and drive to the store. It is kinda bad now. I long for the days of a blow job being number one issue on the news every night. Those were the good times.

PupnTaco's avatar

Because it isn’t dirty and salacious. People are cheap.

playthebanjo's avatar

bc war is good, adultery is bad. ~

judochop's avatar

because the “good ol’ boys” can pretty much cover up anything with a few dollars. Bush is a moron and the world knows it. What’s the point? I like that he has ruined the republican party for life.

guesswho's avatar

mccain and bush have been trying to keep their ” secret ” meetings under wraps… Its an election. Things get nasty. We the people vote for the super delegates, and they vote for the prez. I don’t know how to awnser your question really- I thought I had a good anwser, but I changed my mind. I was going to say that if bush gets a lot of negative attention with the impeachment, that mccain will look bad too. But that is silly.
Really I feel like I’m middle of the road- but 4 years ago I didnt want to vote for bush. I remember thinking that this was going to be it. Yup, bush is going to win- and we are screwed. Hmmm. How did this happen? Is this going to happen again.????? Scary world. Glad theirs fluther love! Thanx for letting me get that out…. :)

fuzzybunny's avatar

Because the media has a liberal bias. Oh wait…

therealcouture's avatar

Bush is being impeached? let’s through a party!

Trustinglife's avatar

Denial. I don’t know how the Bush-ies have caused so much resignation in so many people. Maybe because this shit has been going on for almost 8 years? If you read Kucinich’s 35 articles of impeachment (they’re here, halfway down the page), you’d see these are some serious accusations. I haven’t heard any reasonable refutations of any points.

So yes, it’s late in the game, and Bush is almost out. (What took Kucinich so long, really?) But given what has been done, if we still value our Constitution at all, this should move forward. I just did some googling, and couldn’t find any poll #s on how many Americans support impeachment. I did find that Bush’s approval rating, as of today, is 28%, lowest in 70 years, lower even than Nixon!

What’s my point? I just wonder how we can think it’s too late to do the right thing, to impeach a president who has committed high crimes and dismeanors.

nayeight's avatar

I agree 100% with trustinglife, the right thing is to punish Bush for his crimes. It’s not right what he did to this country and he should pay. Impeachment is nothing compared to what I would give. Just reading about the dirty sh*t that he’s pulled makes my blood boil. Think of the men & women who risked their lives for NOTHING. And the men & women still alive today struggling in Iraq. It makes me sick the way people defend him.

witchhazel's avatar

Clinton’s lies didn’t take lives!!!!

Bush should be brought up on war crimes. I feel he made us into terroists by invading without proper cause to fight his personal war. He did what HE wanted to do, not what was in the best interest for the US.

Knotmyday's avatar

I agree with Pup and Banjo. Tabloids sell, journalism gets Dewey Decimaled.

I will take one bread, one circus, and a Large Caramel-Colored Sugary Carbonated Beverage. Can you super-size that?

jacksonRice's avatar

the majority of american media are owned by conservatives. it’s in their best (short term economic) interest to stay on bush’s side. think about how much fox owns, for example. it’s a money-making corporation; journalistic ideology doesn’t enter the picture.

allengreen's avatar

Because the news media is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Republican Party.

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