What would your reaction be if you discovered a relative in an exhibit that uses dead humans?
If you went to one of those exhibits where real humans are used with their skin peeled off, their bones exposed, etc, what would your reaction be? If it was a relative you hardly liked or was not close to would your reaction be different. How would you feel about the exhibit promoters making money off the remains of your dead relative?
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12 Answers
It would depend on whether I was fond of said relative.
I am wondering what led to this question?
If the person decided to donate their body for such an exhibit then I don’t see what the problem is. It was their choice.
Wouldn’t care, I think it’s cool.
I would be delighted. My relatives are all very education minded people.
The exhibit you talk about primarily uses Chinese subjects. And the conjecture is that they were sold to the exhibition by their families, or by the Communist State where they were prisoners who died in captivity.
On the one hand, if they were family, you already knew what happened.
On the other hand, at least you would know that they were not in some dark political prison.
I guess I’d be shocked, but I plan to leave my body to a medical school and they may do whatever they wish with it. I’ve told my relatives this. I doubt I’d be recognized in any case.
@josie The exhibit you talk about primarily uses Chinese subjects. And the conjecture is that they were sold to the exhibition by their families, or by the Communist State where they were prisoners who died in captivity.
That is what one expects to find, but what if you saw one that had non-Chinese people on exhibit and one was your nephew ______, or you Uncle ________. You would have no reaction, or wonder how in the world did they end up on display?
Until your hypothetical is real, it has no context.
I would not anticipate seeing family in the body exhibit. If I did, then I suppose my reaction would be that the world as I know it has pretty much ended.
But engaging in fantasy and trying to make it contextually real is in most cases is a waste of time unless there is a small amount of evidence that the fantasy may be real.
Having said that, I am sure the Chinese folks who thought their family member might still be alive in prison would be horrified to see them on exhibit in Chicago.
@josie But engaging in fantasy and trying to make it contextually real is in most cases is a waste of time unless there is a small amount of evidence that the fantasy may be real.
If you are 110% sure you’d never see a family member on display as that, why bother with a question you figure will never apply to you? If you are 100% sure you are not hungry do you go to the restaurant just to say “I am not hungry and until I am, I won’t fathom what your food taste like”. There is the “General” section where all the questions are real, just saying ;-)
I am 110% certain I won’t see a family member in the body exhibit. I would bet all my money and property on it.
And I am no different than every body on this site, unless they are residents of Communist China, and in that case I figure they do not have access to the site.
Your question is sort of like asking “What would you do if you found out that Aliens from Mars were controlling your thoughts with a titanium implant?”
There is no answer to that, since there are no Aliens from Mars, and you would probably get a serious infection and die if somebody stuck a titanium implant in your brain.
I never said it was a bad question. It is simply absurd. And I do not care if you ask absurd questions. I simply labeled as such. No need to get defensive. I chose not to give a serious answer to an absurd question. Nothing personal .
I went to the body exhibit and most of the people had their skin removed. I seriously think I could have had dozens of close relatives there and I wouldn’t have recognized them.
@josie And I do not care if you ask absurd questions. I simply labeled as such. No need to get defensive.
If you are not attacking God, or attacking me, which is sometimes amusing to see the lengths people will go to do so, I don’t care. I was not offended or defensive just trying to understand why so many people on this side answer questions they do not believe, or they find, as you say, absurd; tip, there are more absurd questions on this site to shake a stick at. One can never say never though, I am sure people never thought the Killing Fields were possible or the Holocaust until they happened.
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