Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ice is to water as rock is to:?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 18th, 2013

a: Lava
b. Sand
c. Oil

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68 Answers

josie's avatar


Do I get a prize?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thenks. That was my answer too.

Yes, Josie. WillWorkForChocolate will send you cheescake. :)

josie's avatar


Anything she sends my way, I will accept with enthusiasm, appreciation and gratitude. Plus, I will owe her.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Better is to worst as slower is to:

Josie…she might just slap you too, you know!

Dutchess_III's avatar

My husband is taking this online assessment test and we are having Minor Marital Disagreements here!

Which of the following words does not belong with the others?
a. likely
b. probably
c. possibly

I say C!!! He says B!!!!

Raggie, I agree. Quckest!

josie's avatar


Not quickest. Quick might be responsive, but not quickest.

josie's avatar

@Dutchess_III Likely and probably have higher values of certainty than possibly.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But “worst” is WORST. Can’t get any worse than WORST.

josie's avatar

True. Good luck

Dutchess_III's avatar

Which word does not belong with the other two?
b. near
c. sun

ragingloli's avatar

or actually, it is a. A cat does not belong anywhere near a sun.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I said “sun,” because cats are near, the sun is far…..? And a near doesn’t belong anywhere near a sun either….. :( Come on Josie!

Two more:

Which number should come next at the end of this series: 1/12, 1/6, ⅓, ⅔?
a. ¾
b. 4/3
c. 3/2

Dutchess_III's avatar

LAst one

Which should come next at the end of this series of numbers: 1, 2, 0, 3, -1?
a. 5
b. 4
c. -3

I say 4

glacial's avatar

Magma. Lava must be above the surface to earn that name, while water is water wherever it is found.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Magma isn’t one of the answers @glacial!! I’m betting the people who made this don’t know the difference between Magma and Lava! :) LOL!

glacial's avatar

@Dutchess_III That is the test’s failing, not mine. ;)

glacial's avatar

I would say 4 for the last one.

+1, -2, +3, -4…+5.

-1 +5 = 4

Damn, every time I look up, I see more questions.

josie's avatar

You are right, it makes no sense.

ragingloli's avatar

That makes no sense.

ragingloli's avatar

by, the way, the difference between -1 and 5 is 6, not 4.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Raggie…-1 + 5 = 4.

ragingloli's avatar

yes, but the difference between them is not 4.

dxs's avatar

Which of the following words does not belong with the others?
a. likely
b. probably
c. possibly

These are the stupidest questions. I never understood them and would always get them wrong on tests in high school because they seemed to be so subjective.
Likely does not belong because it starts with an “l” and the others start with a “p”.
Probably does not belong because it is more specific to mathematical laws.
Possibly does not belong because it is more of an umbrella term that encompasses the whole spectrum of the chance of an occurrence.

glacial's avatar

Likely and probably are more alike than possibly. Possibly means that there is a chance, but it could be only a slim one. It could be anywhere on the spectrum between Yes and No. Whereas both likely and probably are closer to Yes than they are to No.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@dxs I know what you mean. It is stupid. It requires your neurons to fire in exactly the same way as the person who wrote the question AND came up with the answer.

It’s the same with
Which word does not belong with the other two?
b. near
c. sun

Well, are we talking distance? In which case “cat” doesn’t belong. Except I have a cat right on top of me.

Are we talking about warmth? In which case “near” doesn’t belong (unless I go outside and get near the warm air outside.)

Are we talking about physical things? In which case “near” doesn’t belong. Well, not exactly. Unless you’re near a bowling ball which falls on your head.

augustlan's avatar

For ‘cat/near/sun’ I can’t think of any logical answer, so I pick “near” only because it has four letters and the others only have three.

Sunny2's avatar

Have you guys been drinking? Too much nonsense above to be serious.

Katniss's avatar

I chose ‘near’ because the sun is an object, a cat is an object, near is not an object.

I hate tests like this! I never do well!

Dutchess_III's avatar

That was my logic too @Katniss. But my husband chose “cat.” And it’s his test.

Why, yes @Sunny2! We have been drinking. But it doesn’t affect my copy and paste skills! :)

augustlan's avatar

@Katniss & @Dutchess_III Much better reason for your choice!

Katniss's avatar

@augustlan I like your logic too. It’s certainly legitimate.

trailsillustrated's avatar

is this the citizenship test for Elysium?

ragingloli's avatar

You have a candle, a match, and an oil lamp. Which do you light first?

Katniss's avatar

The match.

ragingloli's avatar

How do you get a giraffe into a fridge?

picante's avatar

^I’ll stick my neck out and say “inch by inch.”

ragingloli's avatar

You open the door and put it in.
How do you get an elephant in the fridge?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Tame way.

You have a bathtub full of water and you have a bucket. How do you get the water out of the bath tub?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Depends on what kind of match you have.

ragingloli's avatar

wrong. you open the fridge, take out the giraffe, and put in the elephant.
Lion, the king of the Savannah, holds a meeting of all african animals. Which animal is missing?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, the Serengeti is savannah in Africa, so none of them.

Dutchess_III's avatar


Katniss's avatar

Pull the plug in the tub!

ragingloli's avatar

you pull out the plug.

also, the elephant is missing, because he is in the fridge.

you are at a river in africa, that is home to countless hungry crocodiles. how do you get across without getting eaten?

Katniss's avatar

Pretend you’re Pitfall Harry and jump across their heads!

ragingloli's avatar

wrong. you just swim through the river.
the crocodiles are all at the lion’s meeting.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have created a monster. Is he at the meeting?

erichw1504's avatar

Where does George Washington keep his armies?

Dutchess_III's avatar

If I do ctrl/alt/456/home/insert/delete and yell like Arnold Swartenegger, will you tell me?

Headhurts's avatar

Wish I saw this earlier, I want to play! :-(

Dutchess_III's avatar

Go fer it! But unless @ragingloli comes back with her crap it’ll probably be over! But there’ll be more…stick around. Has anyone shown you the frizzer question yet?

Headhurts's avatar

I’m following this then and I’ll be waiting for more. No, I’ve not seen that one either. I really should pay more attention.

augustlan's avatar

@erichw1504 In his sleevies.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh my @Headhurts. It’s such a classic, I think it’s found it’s way to Wikipedia. Here it is.

Also, if you go to the very top of the page, to the left of the “Home / Help / My Account / Chat / Blog / Contacts” tabs you’ll see a search field. Just type in Frizzer and set back!

@erichw1504…where does George Washington keep his armies?

downtide's avatar

There is a circular pond of radius precisely three feet, with a lilypad exactly in the middle of it. A frog leaps from the edge of the pond and lands dead in the middle of the lilypad. How far does it leap to get back to the edge of the pond?

Dutchess_III's avatar

1.5 feet? You’re going to say 3 feet…I can feel it! I just don’t know why!

downtide's avatar

Nope. The frog doesn’t leap back to the edge at all. It’s dead.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh shit! Ok! :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ok @downtide. I have two coins in my hand that total $.55. One of them is not a nickle. What are the coins?

glacial's avatar

@Dutchess_III One is a 50-cent piece (not a nickel), and the other is a nickel.

Dutchess_III's avatar

correct. sigh.

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