Royal baby watch- are you in or out?
Personally, I often feel Brits are our cousins across the pond based on our history, so it interests me against my will.
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42 Answers
Why should I be interested in an aristocrat pumping out one of her spawns?
I’m not a Royalist but I love Wills and Kate. They are so cute. She’s beautiful. She carries her bump really well. I’m in. The bookies are offering bets on the sex and name of her baby.
A couple on the dole having a kid who will live her whole life on government hand outs?
In. Curious as to the name. Curious as to the message they’ll send in regards to the future of the monarchy.
In. Not obsessed, but definitely excited for the new royal to arrive and hoping mum Kate has an “easy” delivery with no complications.
Meh. Too busy with my own watch.
There is so much more to worry about. They couldn’t be bothered about us so why should we worry about people who have the world at their feet?
What do you get if you cross the Queen and Prince Philip?
Killed in a tunnel.
I pay zero attention to any celebrity news that I didn’t even know there was a royal baby on the way. haha
I JUST saw a cover on some mag. in the market checkout the other day and went ” Oooh..I wonder if they know what the sex is.” That’s as far as my mind went. haha
I’m out, I don’t care. seconding watching Simone though
We’re experiencing an extended heatwave over here & I reckon the temperature is being kept artificially high to incubate the royal egg.
Kate has tried various ways to induce labour, sex, curry & having a giant lizard eat away her stomach lining.
@ucme Can just see her down at the local curry house with a pint!
@ucme I think we should research if England had unusually high temps for the births of William and Harry. Or, if they were born in winter, unusually cold maybe? I don’t know their birthdays. We could come up with some clever graph. I always have wondered if the big governments of the world can control weather patterns. Conspiracy theory and all that. ~
@Headhurts Yeah, her & her sexy sister…me love me some Pippa :)
@JLeslie Maybe the baby is waiting for Nelson Mandela to die to absorb his demigod spirit…stranger things have happened.
Okay..I’ll bite, does anyone know the babies gender? I don’t know why I care enough to ask. lol Just making conversation. ;-p
I just caught myself watching E! Online about it this week for almost 30 minutes, and I really don’t much care, but for some reason that night I did. I was just curious about you cats.
@ragingloli If that’s government dole, they’re not doing too shabby, and apparently @ucme and everyone doesn’t mind paying for all the
Out. I never really care about stuff like this, for whatever reason. I’m in on @Simone_De_Beauvoir‘s watch, and another jelly in this thread who shall remain nameless unless she decides to share the news.
WHAT!!! Who’s having a baby???
Couldn’t be more out. Here in Australia we are fed to the teeth with the royals, news thereof, anything to do with.
I am way more excited about ^ than the stinkin’ royals
I was already bored with royal baby talk seven months ago.
I’m in. I like the royal family and I like the good news of a new baby over the constant news of war, murder and crime.
Royal Baby is a great name for a stripper.
Imagine the outrage if she gave birth to David Blaine.
It’s a 8 pound 6 once boy.
8 pound, that’s fucking cheap.
@ragingloli When will you have some spawn of your own? I think you would make a great godfather/godmother. You said you were androgynous, maybe you could adopt.
Never. you hear me?! NEVER!
Breaking news: Apparently it was a water birth & the queen killed the baby smashing a bottle of champagne across the royal bonce…shame.
@ragingloli ~ Methinks that you argue to much for someone who claims otherwise.~
…and for someone who gets raped and impregnated by tentacle monsters, he probably has like a billion babies every week. ^_^
I found it’ll be another penis-bearer today, lol
Out, although I understand they may have had a child by now?
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