Social Question

How to best fight city hall?
I am very pissed off at the moment, as I have been trying to get married since late 2011, and our latest attempt to get married is now looking like it will fail and be delayed for another 3–4 months.
For those who don’t know, my girlfriend is from Taiwan, and I live in Spain, and each time we try to get married, there are problems, due to ignorant, negligent, or just plain useless people that are running the system, or we just get fucked over with delays in paperwork.
We have spent about 4000 bucks on getting married so far, and are not really any closer.
Our latest plan, is that we are going to try and get married in Denmark some time next month. Failing that, my girlfriend will go back to Taiwan to live with a friend for 3 months until she is allowed to come back to try again.
Long story short… We have decided, that once we are finally married, we are not going to let this go, and plan to sue.
We are not looking for any compensation or anything like that, we just want to shake up the system a bit.
We figure, that if we go through all this trouble, and we get married, we need to keep fighting once we are married, so this does not continue to happen to other people.
I know this thread is kind of just thrown together in a hurry and that it is a mess, but I have to go back to work in 15 minutes. However, we do have good arguments, and I think a good case to fight, that I will be able to explain a bit clearer once I have some time.
We are basically planning to challenge the government, and accuse it of being institutionally racist, and to have double standards as well as other things.
The question is, how does one best fight city hall?
Should I instruct my lawyer to win? or to just delay them and cause them as much financial damage as possible?
Should we aim to get the law changed? cause a media scene? or just get compensation or some kind of apology for how we have been treated?
How does one fight city hall?
The main reason we want to sue, is because we don’t want this to keep happening. We want border and immigration laws relaxed across the board, and for it to be much easier to get married.
We figure, the reason we are having such a hard time, is because the last people who had our same problems, stopped fighting once they got married and had what they wanted.
We figure, it is kind of our responsibility, to at least expose how useless and uninformed some of the people running the system are, and to try to get things changed and made easier.