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Mimishu1995's avatar

[NSFW] What would happen if each sperm could fertilize an egg?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23811points) July 20th, 2013

We’ve already known that there are a lot of sperms trying to reach the egg, but only few of them can fertilize. The remaining sperms will travel around the female’s body before perishing. Call me emotional, but I find it heart-breaking indeed (sperms are would-be children too). So I just wonder what would happen if a female had enough eggs for every sperm to fertilize?

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16 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Do the math. For each guy per each ejaculation, you’re talking about a minimum of 40 million babies.The world population is approximately 7,099,000,000 humans.That would double after 177 guys came once, or one guy came 177 times.

“The World Health Organisation defines a minimum “normal” ejaculation…as containing at least 40 million sperm. It is not unusual for some ejaculations to contain 5 ml or more, with 150–250 million sperm.” Source

(Plural of sperm is sperm.)

Kardamom's avatar

The world would have a dramatic over population. That would be a terrible situation. Also, my guess is that there would be a lot more single moms : ( Just because a man can and often does impregnate a woman, that doesn’t necessarily mean that he will stick around and be a father to those children and a husband to their mother.

Seaofclouds's avatar

For every additional baby (meaning when a woman is pregnant with twins, triplets, etc), the risk for complications during pregnancy increases. Also, those pregnancies rarely make it to full term, which means more children with complications and possibly long term issues that will follow them throughout their life.

ragingloli's avatar

The result would be this, just with 40 million heads.

Coloma's avatar

Thank God they can’t, at 9 billion people or so on planet earth, well…we’re already out-resourced and now we are pushing health and longevity so we can live to be 120?
Uh huh….brilliant ideology!
Damn boomers! lol
Yep, I’m a boomer and I do not agree, f—king grow old gracefully and just DIE already. The planet doesn’t need more babies and ancient ones. lol

Thank you for the rant.

gailcalled's avatar

AND let us not forget that at present the average human female typically has about 400,000 follicles/potential eggs, all formed before birth.

Only several hundred (about 480) of these “eggs” will actually ever be released during her reproductive years. Normally, in humans, after the onset of puberty, due to the stimulation of follicular-stimulating-hormone (FSH) one “egg” per cycle matures and is released from its ovary. One month the left ovary will release a potential egg and the next month the right ovary will release a potential egg.

If she needs to accomodate one guy’s sperm per a single sexual encounter, she would need 100,000 more eggs in her ovaries…talk about pre-menstrual bloat.

Coloma's avatar

As I have said for a long time, evolution is NOT keeping up with the times. haha
The human brain does not even become fully mature until age 25, but yeah, meet, mate and procreate like bunnies in an alfalfa field. lol

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Mimishu1995 You might have just uncovered what what makes guys guys. We shoot baby batter all over the place hoping we don’t produce a baby. Ironic or what?

nikipedia's avatar

Would we have to carry all 40 million babies at the same time, or one right after another?

marinelife's avatar

The system is designed for redundancy.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

The guys are going to lynch me, but shouldn’t the guys have to carry the kids for a while, like seahorses.

Coloma's avatar

The last man I dated I told him that he had no worries, IF, I became pregnant in my 40’s I’d just tie a rick around my neck and jump off a bridge, he was completely off the hook.
Baby batter LMAO!

ragingloli's avatar

But you are a goose. You could just make cakes out of your children.

That reminds me, why do humans not reuse aborted fetuses and make crispy fried snacks out of them?

Supacase's avatar

Women would stop having sex with men.

Kardamom's avatar

Can you imagine having to breast feed all of those kids, and then change all of their diapers while they’re all crying at the same time???

Coloma's avatar

I was not cut out to mother a herd of offspring. I love my only child beyond words, but multiples, I’d probably have smothered a few, cull the herd. lol
I come from a long line of only children, my DNA is set to only reproduce once, and thank god my daughter took after me as her dad should not have reproduced his DNA at all. haha
D Dumb
N Narcissistic
A Asshole.

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