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ragingloli's avatar

On a scale from 1 to 10, how offensively nationalistic and pandering do you rate this commercial?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) July 21st, 2013

It is just pathetic.
Imagine if this was a German commercial.

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49 Answers

Headhurts's avatar

It didn’t offend me at all. I thought it was a good advertisement. Maybe I didn’t get it?

talljasperman's avatar

The pancakes don’t look very tasty… so I would say 10. It is only way that Denny’s can sell breakfast.

chyna's avatar

I wasn’t offended at all.

janbb's avatar

If it were German, it would be the wurst commercial…..

johnpowell's avatar

The pancakes don’t look American at all. There is more fruit than whipped cream on them, that isn’t how we roll.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Heart attack on a plate… Looks like America to me.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I am offended that diners still exist.
Seriously, get rid of them.

talljasperman's avatar Terminator vs. Back to the future if you want pandering… or something else to watch.

Supacase's avatar

I’m imagining this being German and still say no big deal.

gailcalled's avatar

It is certainly nutritionally offensive, with cream cheese icing, aerosol whipped cream, plus two eggs and either bacon or sausage.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

That commercial is so laughable, it’s hard to believe that it’s real and not a parody. Seriously, it could be an SNL skit.

ETpro's avatar

Watching my countrymen die of diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, gout, emphysema, cardiopulmonary disorder, and cancers induced by food-borne carcinogens that commercial tells me why not to eat at Denny’s.

mangeons's avatar

I didn’t find it offensive at all… I thought it was pretty funny, actually.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I don’t find it offensive. Some people are so easily offended. That, to me, is the pathetic part. If it was about Germany (or any other country), I still wouldn’t be offended.

I don’t know about those pancakes, but the apple pie French toast is delicious. About 1300 calories, but delicious all the same.

I don’t get why people are so worked up about fat and sugar and diabetes and obesity in this thread. It’s just an advertisement – you don’t have to eat it. And eating at Denny’s (or any other restaurant) every once in awhile isn’t detrimental to one’s health. Get over yourselves.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I’d not offended all. I think the taste combination sounds horrible.

filmfann's avatar

The combination sounds tasteless, and since America means freedom of choice, even if it is tasteless, I’d say it’s about right.

Unbroken's avatar

I don’t eat Denny’s and I’ve heard for example Aussie Denny’s is healthier and tastier.

I don’t find it offensive, there are a million other commercials to be offended other then this one. But it doesn’t evoke warm fuzzies slightly less then neutral.

flutherother's avatar

It is fascinating. I can’t stop watching it.

amujinx's avatar

So if I take a giant shit on a plate, then decorate it with blueberries, strawberries and whipped cream, does that “taste like America” too?

josie's avatar

If you hate it, make sure you don’t order it. Better yet, don’t go to Denny’s. Go to IHOP and get better nutrition and attitude.

Blueroses's avatar

Beer, brauts and sauerkraut for breakfast: “It tastes…. German?”

I laughed at this ad, particularly at the shot of the double bacon cheeseburger at the end.
I don’t think it’s meant to be taken seriously.

Red, White and Cyanotic, anyone?

gailcalled's avatar

I have been. briefly. trying to imagine a dish that was colored gold, red and black and also edible. So far, no luck.

Black beans and tomatoes, but the gold leaves me stymied.

Unbroken's avatar

Hmm gold colored foor or close… butternut squash, queso dip, peach cobbler, orange and yellow bell peppers, specialty kinds of corn mango yellow cooked squash golden sweetpotatos golden raisens glazed pineapple manadrin orange chicken or pork.
That fake movie theater popcorn butter, cumin or turmeric or yellow red mixed curries.

ETpro's avatar

@gailcalled & @Unbroken Didn’t one of the incredibly snooty, expensive restaurants in Paris actually have deserts covered in gold leaf? They use sheets that are not alloyed with other metals except a touch of silver. 24K gold is soft enough that we can chew it up easily. 22 or 18K would be far too hard. And, since gold is inert, it passes straight through the digestive system and generates really, really expensive poop.

gailcalled's avatar

Edible gold

Estimated price per pound: $15,000:

Like calcium and iron, gold is a mineral that’s safe to eat, although it’s not an essential part of the human diet.

”..a small shaker of 23K gold sprinkles (80 mg) costs only $30 at Fancy Flours in Bozeman, Montana.”

gailcalled's avatar

Black beans, tomatoes and gold sprinkles…there’s a gustatory adventure.

gailcalled's avatar

@Unbroken: A good list. (Here are some commas to keep in reserve. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)

Unbroken's avatar

@ETpro and @gailcalled “Gold flakes: the new charcoal.” Or “Fiber for the nouveau riche.”

Commas are for when you breathe inbetween, I didn’t breathe. : ) I am currently reading The Elements of Style, do I get points for that?

Blueroses's avatar

@ETpro can you be sure nobody is sandtrapping the toilets for possible “recycling” of the product?

ETpro's avatar

@Blueroses Not at all. The only thing I can be sure of it that I’m not going panning for gold in the sewer system.

harangutan's avatar

Meh, it’s a commercial. I don’t pay attention to commercials.

ucme's avatar

What’s truly pathetic is someone being offended by something so fucking trivial & also anyone who begins a sentence with “On a scale from 1 to 10.”

Pachy's avatar

Silly, and not the least bit motivating for me on any level.

Katniss's avatar

It’s dumb, but not offensive.
If I’m going to eat pancakes, they’re going to be double chocolate chip pancakes from IHOP.
Those Denny’s pancakes look foul.

gailcalled's avatar

@Unbroken : Um, here are a few semicolons also ;;;;;; when the comma doesn’t work.

Imagine how difficult it would be to read “The Elements of Style” if Strunk and White ignored their own epistolary prescriptions.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

I’d describe the commercial as “cringe-worthy” and “eye-roll-inducing.”

Berserker's avatar

Offending, no, just seems like a joke almost, what with this thing that America seems to have with junk food and obesity. That burger looks pretty good though.
America, fuck yeeeah!

If it was Canadian, it would probably feature poutine with maple syrup on it, sprinkled with ketchup chips or something. Canadaaa…fuck, eh?
I mean like, when stereotypically making fun of a country. Almost seems that this is what this commercial is doing. Are you sure this isn’t some skit from Saturday Night Live or something?

Unbroken's avatar

@gailcalled I finished the preface and chapter 1. I am now letting the content sink in. The contributors were efficient and compact.

Strauss's avatar

I don’t find it offensive at all. Denny’s has been billing itself as “America’s Diner” for some time now, so a little added jingoism is not surprising. I would not eat at a Denny’s by choice. If I have a hankering for something like that I’ll find a locally owned establishment that serves that type of fare.

gailcalled's avatar

@Unbroken: Not a single adjective. I love that.

Not sure what a compact contributor is, however. Short and squat?

Strauss's avatar

@gailcalled or if said “Elements of Style” were written by James Joyce

gailcalled's avatar

@Yetanotheruser: Sorry, but I do not understand.

Seek's avatar

Almost as offensive as the restaurant chain it advertises.

Seriously, the last time I ate there, I found a shard of aluminum can in my food. I was… ten?

Paradox25's avatar

I’ll say a 2 maybe, I don’t know. Some companies have marketing ploys that center around nationalism, and Denny’s isn’t the only company doing this. I’ll answer your question with a two, because I did find the older guy to be irritating, as brief as it was.

Unbroken's avatar

@gailcalled Your killin’ me smalls! The adjective removal was for you.

gailcalled's avatar

^^ You were on a winning streak. “Your killin’ me smalls!” left me bewildered.

rockfan's avatar

Around a 3

talljasperman's avatar

Liberty fries and freedom shakes, and having Danishes called tears of the profit Muhammad in Europe.

adr's avatar

hahahahaha i’m from canada, and i find this sh*t hilarious. only the USA would be proud to taste like a denny’s blueberry pancake!

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