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Dutchess_III's avatar

Will you guys help me track down some info on these antique chairs?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 21st, 2013

I’ve looked and looked and looked over the years, but have never found anything quite like these. Without cushions My mom bought them 30 years ago. She made cushions for them, and upholstered the sides (nothing that can’t be undone if necessary.) However, looking at the chair from underneath, it looks like it has had some carved designs on the sides which are covered by the fabric my mom put on.

The backs fold down. Here are the “hinges
: that they fold on. The back also adjust to a certain extent, by moving a bar back and forth.

Here is a shot of one of the front feet. The back feet are just a plain line, no carving.

Another shot of the side rail from underneath. I thought it was interesting that it’s slotted like that, but serves no purpose that I can see.

Anyway, I hope you can puzzle the pictures out, and help me get an idea of what kind of chairs these are.


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8 Answers

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

^^^give that gail a prize^^^

No doubt Morris style.

woodcutter's avatar

Yup Morris chairs. I love those. I have one back east sitting in my grams house. Mine is more of a lower end standard working mans oak example. So cool.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nice Gail! Mine does not have the “rails” running vertically up the side (I can’t think of the term right now.) The side is a nicely carved piece. I guess I should take the material off that mom put on so I can see for sure. Just hate to do that…. :(

I wonder if he made each chair individually?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Okay here’s the moon. ====> 1908 J M YOUNG MISSION 4 SLAT MORRIS CHAIR QUARTER-SAWN OAK . Yes, that’s a little wild but in leather and oak.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Close! But as I said, the sides are a carved of wood…not slatted. My chair is a little more ornate than that one…but damn if I haven’t seen things like that one for for $20, $30 at auction!

gailcalled's avatar

Here is yet another site that details the various kinds of interesting hardware. Quarter-sawn oak is common but not the only choice of wood or sawn angle.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s not quarter sawn. I have a dresser and a wardrobe that are though.

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