Social Question

Unbroken's avatar

Would you share a private joy?

Asked by Unbroken (10754points) July 21st, 2013

One of mine is driving barefoot. Illegal for our selfprotection.. and the insurance companies I know.

Every now and then especially after being crammed into a high heels or a too hot sneaker… It is sublime to pull your feet out let them breathe and lay flat. Wiggling them gently on the gas or brake pedal which flexes and swivels with the movements outside of increasing and decreasing speed. To feel the slightest vibration swell up and in response to my feet’s signals.

What did you delight in today?

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45 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Yesterday, we stopped to try to scare a very young white tail deer fawn away from a major highway. There were three of them. Three beautiful babies.

Kardamom's avatar

Right now I’m house sitting and taking care of two dogs. One of them is sitting on the floor, licking his foot, slurp, slurp slurp. The other one is sound asleep right next to me, snoring away. So comforting.

josie's avatar

Vente coffee at Starbucks with double add-shot.

Unbroken's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe How fun! I held a tiny wild bird in my hand after maybe rescuing it from my cat. I wanted to suspend the moment.

@Kardamom For some reason I envisioned basset hounds on a softly warm but clean lineoleum floor. A blue wooden chair and red posies sitting next to the incongrous laptop.

@josie For me it was always the Starbucks New York Cheesecake. But despite all notes to the contrary I can dig it.

janbb's avatar

The great visit I am having with my younger son.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have never understood the logic behind not being allowed to drive barefooted.

Unbroken's avatar

@janbb Exciting! It is nice to rebond after they are out of the house, said from the perspective of a daughter.

@Duchess_III There are a lot of bones in that tiny surface area. In part that is what makes the experience so enjoyable. However insurance companies have decided it is much better to be protected and contained as there are no airbags and they are in a vulnerable position. Much like wearing leather while biking. Though some shoes, high heels, and sandals today might prove more a detriment then a safeguard.

Blueroses's avatar

Gosh, I often drive barefooted. I had no idea I was a scofflaw. Hurray for small acts of rebellion!!

Little joys include: Ditching the work duds and bra at the end of a long day; the first sip of cold beer after mowing the lawn in 90 degree weather; making somebody laugh when (s)he’s in a bad mood.

harangutan's avatar

Watching strangers bicker with each other on the internet.

I have many joys, but this is a private one.

Coloma's avatar

Private joys. My 2 cats, they endlessly amuse me.
Growing a garden.
Sitting in silence in nature.
My own humor, I crack myself up on a regular basis, as well as others.
Tonight I shouted out my car window at a couple in the grocery store parking lot who were taking their sweet time to cross the parking lot while kissing, that they were holding up Corona time for me. They laughed and made hurried

I recently moved form my glorious little 5 acre Walden Pond zone of 7 years to the edge of town again. While it is different I still have an abundance of nature around me and my little house backs up to a cemetery, lots of privacy on the backside of the property and I still have deer in the yard. They ate my cucumber leaves off the garden fence last night, little bastards. hahal

gailcalled's avatar

Watched as three wild tom turkeys managed to both cross the road and get to the other side, admired a doe and her still-dappled fawn in the underbrush near my pond and rescued the phoebe, stunned but unharmed, that had flown into my house. (Noticed that MIlo snoozed through the entire rescue operation.)

Harvested and ate my first tomato from my pot on the deck along with some fresh basil, and noticed that my cilantro plant has set seeds (which is coriander) so I have both to choose from.

yankeetooter's avatar

I took a guilt-free two hour nap today after playing the organ at my old church this morning. I’ve barely had the TV on all day (mainly 20 minutes), and spent the rest of my evening reading and playing some Candy Crush (don’t say it!).

bob_'s avatar

A certain (NSFW) website.

Blueroses's avatar

@yankeetooter what level are you on? (yeah, I went there.)

Pachy's avatar

The memory of long ago walking hand in hand with my high school sweetheart across frozen Walden Pond.

bookish1's avatar

Knowing that my gentleman friend and I can throw together a “casual dinner” that is worthy of a 5 star restaurant. Last night we had sweet corn in herb butter, potato pancakes, fried eggs, and a green salad. All from local farms!

ucme's avatar

I like to lick windows & point at geese.

Katniss's avatar

Yesterday I put on full makeup, straightened my hair, put on super cute clothes, and my platform sandals that make me about really tall, just to run to RiteAid to buy shampoo and conditioner.
I’m usually just too damn lazy.

bob_'s avatar

@Katniss Pics or it never happened.

ucme's avatar

@bookish1 Yeah, my inspiration was more Lee Evans’ skit on facebook users.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have slept until 9 or 10 the last three mornings. A nice, restful, easy sleep. Lord, I needed that. Haven’t slept like that for months.
(Could be the Loritab I started taking Friday night because my back hurt so bad! Need to stop that now!)

janbb's avatar

Having a Fluther party!

Mariah's avatar

My life is currently too wonderful to even scratch the surface. Believe you me I’ll write you guys a novel about everything that has gone on when my project ends (just under two weeks left).

Here’s one from a couple of nights ago. It was a brutally hot day, and I couldn’t bear to be in the dorm, which was probably 95 degrees. My two buddies and I went outside with no real direction and started wandering. Soon, I noticed that the clouds over the ocean were rapidly flashing with distant lightning. We ran to the pier and sat for several hours just watching this fantastic natural light show.

Here’s a picture.

Coloma's avatar

Awesome picture @Mariah
We might get evening T-storms here today, I hope so!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Standing in the rain yesterday fully dressed, it was cool.

jca's avatar

My daughter making me laugh.

Friends. Summer. Sleep. Any other “S” words I can think of?

gailcalled's avatar

^^ Sunshine, spearment, spinach, SMilo.

jca's avatar

Smiling! :)

bob_'s avatar

Scarlett Johansson.

Unbroken's avatar

I loved reading evry single one of the posts. Maybe I will try out a few.

@Blueroses little acts of rebellion indeed! But what is scofflaw?

@harangtuan It is good to know we have an audience but feel free to join in.

@Coloma loved the shouting. That I plan to do this week. Thank you!

@gailcalled It’s a toss up coloma’s paradise or your utopia… Can’t say what is better.

@yankeetooter I love naps! Have no idea what candy crush is…

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room I am reading that book. I haven’t gotten so far as a description. More into the problem with doormats and the like Lol. But even without a description or picture my imagination paints it as idyllic and romantic. Heck any boy girl on any pond can be.

@bookish1 I am so happy for you! It sounds divine.

@ucme The reference flew past me. However I wouldn’t mind licking wallpaper and bubbling up off the floor.

@Katniss I know the feeling getting jazzed listening to music and then all of sudden dolling up.. Then you have to go show off a little.. (or it never happened) It does feel good.

@bob_ Totally loved the pic and description you have good taste… but I refuse to pay for porn atm. Bookmarking it should I change my mind.

@Dutchess_III It is amazing to sleep until you wake up and three days in a row is a fantastic treat.

@jannbb Always : )

@Mariah That is gorgeous and I will be waiting for that book..

@KNOWITALL When wearing the right clothes it is fantastic. That is one of the things I loved about the South, those amazing Displays.

@jca I can definitely think of another “S” word. : )

bob_'s avatar

@Unbroken I had always been belonged to the “why would I pay for Internet porn when there’s so much of it for free” camp, and then I discovered this website. Best $20 I spend every month.

yankeetooter's avatar

@Blueroses…just hit Level 51.

@Unbroken…a slightly addictive game that can be played on one’s phone and/or on FaceBook.

Coloma's avatar

I think we should all totally acknowledge @Unbroken ‘s great contributions to the collective. It’s rare to get a relative newbie that really has some substance.
Nothing personal @bob. lol

bob_'s avatar

@Coloma I’ve got your substance right here, pal!

harangutan's avatar

@Unbroken Thanks, but no thanks. Bickering is silly and unproductive.

Unbroken's avatar

Hmm. @bob_ Maybe when I go through a dry spell : P

@Coloma That made me smile. Thank you!

@harangutan Glad we can provide you joy then.

Sunny2's avatar

Listening to a mocking bird singing his heart out. All his borrowed tunes are a delightful invention.

Unbroken's avatar

@Sunny2 For a second I thought you were talking about mockingjays. : ) I don’t think I have heard a mockingbird.

Sunny2's avatar

Mocking birds imitate other birds’ songs. Sometimes I can recognize who they are copying, mostly I can’t. It’s just a riot of song bits that go on and on. The pattern doesn’t seem to repeat like most birdsong does.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My grandson, who’s 5, told my daughter “If you get bit you’ll turn into a coyote!!”

Katniss's avatar

Mockingjays! Those are my birds! lol

Coloma's avatar

I like Humming Crows myself. lol

Mariah's avatar

Private joy – and also related to the mockingbird discussion – I bought this painting today by a small artist. Her work is so inspiring to me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You guys…your joys aren’t private any more!

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