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Do you think that mere poverty causes behavior and mental issues in children?
Or is the type of parenting a child gets THE most important issue, regardless of income? I came across this article. It flat out states that poverty is more likely to be responsible for low functioning kids than drug use during pregnancy.
I will ALWAYS take offense at that. You can be poor, but still do a good job parenting. I resented the assumption that my kids were going to suffer in school and wind up on drugs, yadda yadda yadda just because we were poor. Yes, we were poor, but I made an effort to surround my kids with nice things, nice furniture (mostly garage sale stuff) I painted the walls of our rental house, patched holes, replaced screens, fixed things myself as they broke. My porches, my house, my kids, were always clean and neat. They minded their manners, and they minded me. I taught them to open doors for older people, and to give up their seats to an older person.
Most of the last generation (my parent’s generation) were raised in poverty, due to the Great Depression. We don’t see an over abundance of problem people from that era.
If you live in a neighborhood where shootings and drugs are becoming rampant, MOVE. I did. And I was in poverty at the time.
Stop blaming poverty, and start putting the blame where it belongs. Don’t blame your income level. Don’t blame the schools. Don’t blame your ex. Take responsibility for your kids and their lives.
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