General Question

talljasperman's avatar

I sometimes give too much information in jokes, and I wonder what is a good basic rule for the determination boundaries in personal relations?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) July 23rd, 2013

In Fluther and home, what personal info is o.k. for now and will some of that barrier drop over time?

I have some weird and wonderful gossip to share about myself, but most is TMI (too much information).

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7 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Why share any private and personal info with strangers on a website that provides, at best, a sense of spurious intimacy. Gossip with your real friends.

What would you gain by sharing weird and wonderful gossip about yourself with us?

talljasperman's avatar

@gailcalled Fluther is where all of my real friends are, other than one or two people… I could use some crowd sourcing help on the psychic reincarnations that appear as time travel. I asked a doctor and he committed me for five months and never once tried to see things from my point of view.

Pandora's avatar

I always find sexual jokes or gossip about people who are suppose to be close to you is a boundary that should not be crossed. It is disrespectful and immature.

funkdaddy's avatar

If the person you’re sharing about wouldn’t share that information with everyone who might hear it from you, then it’s not a good idea to share in almost all situations. If you’re unsure, don’t.

If the information is about you, and would make someone uncomfortable, decide if that’s your goal. If it’s not, don’t share. If you’re unsure, don’t share.

If making someone uncomfortable is part of what you’re trying to say, realize it is intentional on your part and don’t be surprised by an uncomfortable reaction.

We all make mistakes, but these are the rules I try to use.

anartist's avatar

@talljasperman I have noticed the sudden rush of questions posted by you, many addressing delicate personal issues, intense emotional issues, and precarious financial issues, and wonder if you are in a bad place and need to seek help from someone closer to hand than flutherites.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Reincarnation and time travel huh? Well, I’d think those subjects are fairly safe in a general question minus your personal experiences.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I would share personal information ONLY to the people that have over time
proved their trust.
Sharing too much info with anyone can be detremental to oneself as one never knows how or where that information will be interpeted and shared with.
You appear to be an “open” and “honest” person yet innocent in social situations and could lead you to people with bad intentions.
Children that are allowed to “grow’ and learn in their later years (say teenagers) soon learn through trial and error as you are now.
Trust only those that have proved to be trustworthy.
Only have those that you value as friends as close friends allowed in your inner circle.
That takes time to develop.
Good Luck.
Also remember that there are some jellies who like to stalk and read all your questions and answers to profile you and others. Why I do not know? Perhaps they have nothing better to do?

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