Meta Question

jonsblond's avatar

What "share how you're feeling" emoticons would be useful here at Fluther?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) July 24th, 2013

The intent of our words is often misunderstood when written on the internet. What emoticons would you like to have available so your words or feelings were not misunderstood.

I’m asking this for fun! (I know there is no development of the site right now and this is not something I really want. I’m just “feeling playful” at the moment.)

I’d like to see a “feeling snarky” emoticon or “I’m chill”.

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25 Answers

chyna's avatar

Instead of saying {{{hugs}}} I’d like a hugs emoticons. Not sure what one looks like though.

Dog's avatar


augustlan's avatar

I’m in a mood today…watch your step.

Not that I’d ever need such an emoticon. Not me, no way. Never. :p

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I’ll second tears. It’s hard coming to this section of the site.

augustlan's avatar

It is. :’(

Katniss's avatar

I’d like a heart. I like to express my love for things.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’d like to see an emoticon specifically for oh-god-it’s-another-disgusting-theist-atheist-fight threads.

It might look something like this:


ucme's avatar

Point & laugh

picante's avatar

Emoticons to express:

Crap, here we go again
Eyeball rolling
The creep factor just got too high for me; I’m out of here!
No more wall of text!

gailcalled's avatar

It’s “its” and not “it’s.”

Correct spelling is ‘definitely”

That’s a run-on sentence if ever I saw one and could I be pregnant?

Didn’t your seven previous answer make the point adequately?

Milo again? What a blowhard.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Hungry, PacMan style emoticon!

janbb's avatar

A cane for:

You’ve been on this thread too long.

janbb's avatar

^^^ @Dog @Dog @Dog! Great to see you here! I would wag my tail if I had one!

livelaughlove21's avatar

I second eye rolling. Shaking my head would be another (I refuse to use “smh.”) as well as shudder.

downtide's avatar

Another forum I’m on has a bunch of “reaction” buttons at the bottom of each post. Things like “Like”, “Hug”, “Agree”, “Disagree”, “Groan”, “Laugh”. They would make for some great alternative options instead of just “Great Answer”. I really like them, and I miss them on forums that don’t have them.

jonsblond's avatar

@janbb A “wag the tail” for being happy to see someone. I’d like that!

@downtide There is something similar at another forum I’ve been on in the past, but they are all positive buttons. You could “like” or “love” an answer or find it “helpful”, “informative” or “funny”. I like the positive encouragement.

downtide's avatar

@jonsblond I’ve often thought they should remove the “disagree” button. Having an “Agree” one saves all the “me too!” posts but if you want to say you disagree with something I think you should explain why.

Kardamom's avatar

Smacks head down on the desk.

Face palm.

Throwing my hands up in disgust.



Berserker's avatar

A pillow emoticon would be cool. No real reason, other than seeing little pillows in posts would rule.

jonsblond's avatar

Haha. Did you know you can buy pillow emoticons?

look who I’m asking. sure ya did! :D

Berserker's avatar

Lol yeah I’ve seen those before, and me wants. The :D pillow looks so cute. :D

ucme's avatar

Someone laughing so much they literally split their sides revealing ribs dripping in blood & exposed organ tissue.
Or maybe even a collapsed arse, as in Lmfao.

Berserker's avatar

@ucme That would kick ass.

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline Let’s make it happen people…c’mon, lemme hear ya make sum noize!!

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