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Berserker's avatar

Does the agility of cats impress you?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) July 25th, 2013

I mean it will never cease to impress me. Cats are like ninjas. They like climbing around on high surfaces, such as shelves, refrigerator tops…anything high. I have shelves a bit everywhere with tons of crap on them, and I’ve never really disciplined my cats to not climb everywhere. They stay off the dinner table and away from my TV and computer. …usually Otherwise I don’t mind if they climb.
But seeing them go when they do, I’m like, they’re gonna knock something over…oh shit…there goes my special edition of Sleepwalkers… But they barely ever do. Sure, it happens sometimes, but otherwise they just sidestep everything, going in between things, and when they jump up or down, everything is intact. Speaking of jumping up on stuff, it also never fails to amaze me how high a cat can actually jump, and then land perfectly among movie cases, horror figurines and other random crap without even touching them. Ninjas, I tell you!
I heard some cats knock things over on purpose, while you’re in the room to get your attention. So, obviously, they know what they’re doing. Any animal can knock stuff over, but cats know what is safe to climb and what is not, least most of the time. (well probably most animals do, never owned any animals besides cats, and one hamster, and a turtle) I know cats can climb up trees and not be able to get down again, but mine are too old to give a fuck about trees these days. XD
It’s all calculated in advance. Or so it seems to me, anyway.
I have really tall entertainment units in the living room, two of them, and I can’t sweep the tops without getting on a chair, but both my cats like to hang out up there and they just casually prance all the way up like it’s nothing.

Anyways, just sharing this after seeing one of mine sleeping on top of one of the entertainment units. I always thought it was cool how cats are so totally ninjas. Lol. Figured I’d ask a question about it. Cat owners and non cat owners alike; are you impressed by the agility and climbing skill of the feline family? Or, does it annoy you? Do you have other animals that like climbing? Had my kitties for a long time, and it always looks like they’re gonna break everything in action, but it rarely ever happens. No matter how many times I’ve seen it happen, never fails to make me go…well, damn.

Anyways I’m totally rooting for whoever has a ninja dog that climbs all over the place. :D

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26 Answers

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

They only knock stuff over when a human yells “No don’t kn.o.c..k…..t..h…a….......”

johnpowell's avatar

The agility of a cat is exceeded by a squirrel. I was having a smoke on the porch and Random climbed 25 feet up a utility pole after a squirrel and gave up. The squirrel was running across the power lines while random was figuring out how to get back down.

Berserker's avatar

@johnpowell Yeah, not only are squirrels badass climbers, but they’re quite the fighters, too. Back in Winnipeg, I saw a cat trying to catch one of those big burly gray squirrels. Caught him too…until the squirrel kicked its ass and the cat went darting off like mad lol.

johnpowell's avatar

Squirrel > Cat > Dog

I have seen cats destroy dogs before they even knew what happened.

edit :: And why wasn’t Michael Vick convicted of Cat-Fighting? It would be way better.

Berserker's avatar

Yeah, once I saw a cat jump a German Sheperd because the cat got cornered in one of em enclosed balconies, nasty fucking shit right there. Cats go right for the head, not fun to see. :/

johnpowell's avatar

Cats seem to know to go for the nose. It is pretty much over after that.

AshLeigh's avatar

Fun fact: Cyanide is a hunter. He kills dragonflies (because he knows that dragonflies are all secretly plotting to kill and eat me. Freaky little bastards) mice, birds, rabbits and babies. Nydee is a killing machine. I love that cat.
He is a monster that I created.

johnpowell's avatar

He is a vicious looking bastard. If you die in your sleep your casket will be closed.

AshLeigh's avatar

He was worried I was trying to take his bird.

johnpowell's avatar

Sleep with one eye open, gripping your pillow tight.

ucme's avatar

No, never seen a cat win an olympic gold at gymnastics, fucking pussies.

Katniss's avatar

Exit light…. enter night…. Take my hand…. Off to never, never land.

OneBadApple's avatar

A cat I went to high school with could be caught by his girlfriend in bed with three women and talk his way out of it.

So yeah….some cats can be really agile…..

marinelife's avatar

Yes. I had a cat who had been declawed by a previous owner. He could climb trees without claws.

Coloma's avatar

Oh yes! Cats agility is amazing to behold!
My huge, ( 17 lb. ) “monster man”, “Myles, once leapt about 5 feet into the air and snagged a Hummingbird right before my eyes! Shocking for a cat of his size!

My little 6 lb. female Siamese is lightening quick, she loves to chase bugs in the grass and I often sit outside in the mornings with coffee and get such a kick out of watching her dashing, leaping, zig zagging, maneuvers. Cats rock!

Pachy's avatar

Yes, I’m amazed at the agility of my cat who, at 13, appears to be as limber now as he was as a kitten. He’s a Supercat, able to leap tall surfaces at a single bound. But what amazes me more is his insatiable appetite.

Berserker's avatar

@AshLeigh Cyanide looks awesome. But yeah, he looks ready to fuck up some dragonflies.

@marinelife Yeag, I think declawing a cat takes very little away from their climbing skills…maybe for tress and stuff yeah, but for shelves and man made things like that, I don’t even think they need their claws. :/

Inspired_2write's avatar

They should have agility since they are always on the prowl.
Exercising, streaching,climbing etc
We can all learn to be so active and fit too, well into old age.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

They are, they are space aliens you know. (waiting for smart-alecky quip) I have gone looking fopr cats, when I had them, and not found them. Only when I looked way up high in back of a bookcase stereo, etc, did I find them and only because their eyes reflected back at the flashlight.

They are so not whips as some would say. I was speaking with a neighbor and another neighbor’s pit bull came running up and barking at my cat Queenie through the picket fence. She hiss at him, darted through the picket fence and tagged the pitt with 3 to 5 lighting fast rights, full claws. Before she could follow with her left the pitt bolted back to its house. My neighbor said he had seen everything now, he said never in his life had he seen a pitt bull made to turn and run home by a cat. (waiting for another smart-alecky quip)

Dutchess_III's avatar

The agility of this cat, after seeing his owner after a 6 month separation, is a sight to behold!

gailcalled's avatar

MIlo here: Yes, particularly my own.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Milo is just cool! We need pics of, like, your kitchen and, like, your bathroom and stuff though, @gailcalled.

gailcalled's avatar

^^^ I used to have plants in this on upstairs landing but Milo thought it was another litter box.

Painting is an early effort by my sister.

Berserker's avatar

@gailcalled…wow. Your house is awesome. That one part is bigger than my apartment. Lol.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Cool dresser Gail! And that planter does indeed look like a girnormous litter box. I can see why Milo was confused!

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