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talljasperman's avatar

If Hitler lived to be a senior citizen would he change his mind on war?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) July 25th, 2013

Would he realize what he did as the Fuhrer? Do people grow up or mellow out? If Hitler (or other world leaders) got help mellowing out would the world be better off?

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32 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Oh jeez…..impossible to say. Highly doubtful. Hitler was, most lieky, a sociopath, and sociopaths are hardwired to lack insight and empathy, the difference between “normal” neurotics and extremely fucked up individuals. Sure, healthy, relatively non-disorderd people do “mellow”, change, grow, and examine their beliefs as they mature…IF, they have some measure of intelligence and are free of pathological mental conditions.

I don’t think Hitler would have made it to that camp. Pun intended.

WestRiverrat's avatar

I doubt it, remember he was a decorated veteran of WW1. Germany at the time seldom awarded the Iron cross second class to enlisted men. If he had been retained in the post war army, we probably never would have heard of him. As it was he became just another unemployed veteran.

He was working as a paid informant for the military when he first started attending the Nazi Party meetings.

johnpowell's avatar

From my experience people get more “pro-war” as they get older. Probably because they don’t have to fight in them.

Berserker's avatar

Fuck sakes, if he didn’t realize that what he was doing was wrong while he was shipping thousands and thousands of Jews into death and concentration camps, my guess is he never would have realized it as an old bastard, either.

ragingloli's avatar

Well, George Bush is 67, he has not changed his mind, Dick Cheney is 72, he did not change his mind, so what makes you think Hitler would?
Besides, Hitler was 56 when he died, so he almost was a senior anyway, and he certainly did not show any signs of changing his mind on war.

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SomeoneElse's avatar

I doubt he would change as he seemed to relish the power, the fear, the control that he wielded.
Plus he would probably forget so much, especially if he was being questioned by a so-called hard-hitting journalist.
Would Eva Hitler be knitting in the corner while Herr Hitler was dribbling but still thinking he had the Solution, but not the question . . . .

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JLeslie's avatar

About war, I doubt it. About killing Jews and all his racist superiority crap, which I personally consider to be separate from war, I think there is a chance he would have mellowed, not been so genocidal, but I think he still would have thought Germans are superior in general, and still been racist to some extent. I don’t believe he would ever believe all people are created equal. I also think he might have continued to be fine with torturing people for science, which I find so disgusting. That is what haunted me as a child, knowing those stories. Not that I dwelled on it, but that is what I would have feared most.

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Inspired_2write's avatar

I am sure that if he was captured and held prisoner that he would say anything to get out of the resposibility.
In Mein Kempf ( My Struggle/ in English) it states that he was hit by Mustard Gas early in his military career?
He became removed from seeing the real happenings of the SS and they were responsible for the desecration of the Jews.
(Not to downplay it, just a fact from that book.)

SomeoneElse's avatar

I doubt Hitler would have any remorse for the evil he ordered done in his name: I have just heard The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band’s ‘Intro and Outro’ song and Hitler is very laid-back and playing the vibes . . . albeit in a corner.

mattbrowne's avatar

Very unlikely. The self brainwashing was too intense.

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