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Mama_Cakes's avatar

Has anyone resorted to giving their cat medication for behavioural issues?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) July 26th, 2013

We’re talking kitty Prozac. It has to do with an older feline urinating indoors (medical issues are ruled out).

The urinating only seems to happen when he is kept indoors for long periods of time (has access to a litter box, of course, which is clean) and his owner is away, or is home briefly, then they leave again.

If someone is home throughout the day and they’re able to let him in and out, he is fine. No peeing indoors.

He is 14.

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8 Answers

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syz's avatar

They don’t tend to work well.

At 14, even if there are no medical issues, senility may be a factor.

Berserker's avatar

Kind of, but it didn’t do anything. Wasn’t for a behavior problem, but I had to take one of my cats on a two hour bus ride, so I gave him this pill that’s supposed to make him drowsy and calm. Didn’t do anything at all, the cat just meowed the whole trip in his kitty bag. He hates that bag, but I couldn’t let him out on the bus. Stupid useless pill.

For your issue, would it be possible at all to get one of those doggy traps at the bottom of the door? So the cat could go out when no one’s home? Or does he only go outside supervised? Maybe it’s a preference issue with the cat, where he pees I mean. (as I’m assuming that he prefers to do his business outdoors, from your details)

gambitking's avatar

I have to admit I half expected to see something about taking the kitty into a bathroom and smogging it out with weed lol. Not sure how else to drug up your cat for behavioral issues.

No I’ve never drugged my cat, nor do I think I would try that.

For your issue I would recommend some of that ‘invisible boundary’ spray on areas you especially don’t want soiled, and maybe put out an extra litter box or two (maybe the disposable small ones) in areas where he’s peed due to separation anxiety.

SpatzieLover's avatar

We have a 17yr old. She has not stopped using the letterbox, but has begun to pee just off the edge (she sits on a corner…the same corner always). Since we’re able to control the cleanup, we’ve decided to let it go….for now.

Would we do kitty Prozac? No.

We believe this and other behavioral issues she now has are all due to her mental health declining due to her age. If it gets worse, we’ll consider reducing her mobility to one, easy-to-clean room. When it worsens from there, we’ll then consider euthanasia.

To me, this situation sounds more like spite peeing. Possibly the owner would consider a pet sitter to spend some time with the cat when they know they’ll be having too much time away.

DigitalBlue's avatar

My cats are problem peeing right now, too, and in realizing that they were doing it this week I came across this: litter attractant.

Now, my cats are going to the vet because the older of the two is prone to UTI and I suspect that is why he is urinating, and I think the other is doing it because of the older cat, but I want him to be checked just in case. I have no idea if this attractant stuff works, but I’ve read lots of good reviews and I think the actual website has a money back guarantee. If your cat has been cleared of any UT illness, I don’t see why sprinkling some stuff in the box would hurt.

Unbroken's avatar

I had one had a male rescue cat that did it. Turned out he didn’t like sharing a cat box and wanted an uncovered one. Or no maybe he used it covered.

Also he didn’t like the scented litter. Turns out I don’t like it either.

The only mood improvement I have given my cat’s from time to time were rescue remedies.

Homeopathic they worked for reducing generalized anxiety.

wildpotato's avatar

Late answer here, but yes we did try Buspar for our high-strung Siamese with litterbox and tail-chewing issues. It did not help.

My other cat, who is 16 now, started having issues with peeing in the box three years ago. We tried every litter and box combo there is and finally hit on a winner: the Tidy Cats Breeze litter system. She has not had a single accident since we got two of these. I suspect the issue for her was that at some point she became highly intolerant of her paws being wet and so avoided going into any absorbent type of litter (I scooped her pee spots multiple times a day but she has hyperthyroidism [controlled by meds] and drinks and pees so much it was impossible to keep completely dry).

So I would suggest you try a Breeze box or other litterbox/litter solutions before meds. Unexpected bonus: the Breeze system is cheaper for me than traditional litter ever was.

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