General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Can one smoke with the hiccups?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) July 26th, 2013

How difficult would it be?

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6 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

A committed smoker can inhale that crap no matter how challenging it is.

mambo's avatar

Smoker here. The answer is yes

Berserker's avatar

Smoker here, the answer is also yes.
If you eat really fast and have a smoke immediately after, this can actually cause the hiccups, but the hiccup will only occur when inhaling. Never stopped me though lol.

DigitalBlue's avatar

Yeah, when I smoked and had the hiccups I just tried to time my hits in between hics.

ucme's avatar

When I was a smoker & I got a bout of the hicky-ups I used to pretend I was a cute little steam train belching out a pathetic amount of, err…steam each time I exhaled & hicky-upped at the same time.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Why would you want to?
It seems like you would run the risk of over-inhaling at the wrong time and do even more damage to your esophagus and lungs.

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