Social Question

rojo's avatar

Do millionaires go outside and pee off their porch?

Asked by rojo (24187points) July 26th, 2013

(or balcony as the case may be) or is it just us po’folk?

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33 Answers

rojo's avatar

In the interest of full disclosure, I do. Both off the back porch and the front.

But, just to clarify, my wife who lives in the same household and therefore has the same communal income, does not.

glacial's avatar

Why would you want the front and rear entrances to your house to smell of urine? I can’t imagine doing such a thing, and I’m not even close to being a millionaire.

rojo's avatar

@glacial you forgot the “Humph!”

Don’t get all uppety it is a guy thing.

What you need to remember is that to a guy the whole world is your toilet.

_Whitetigress's avatar

What city, state, town are you in?

I mean why? Unless you are locked out I don’t get why you couldn’t take it to the bathroom. I’m with @glacial on this one.

But to answer the OP. Probably they do, it seems logical. Hmpph! : P

talljasperman's avatar

~I’m just signing in the rain.~
My dad pees in his ex-wife’s potted plants.

YARNLADY's avatar

Only if they are men.

Judi's avatar

I think it’s a man thing, not a po man thing.
A millionaire is not as rich as it used to be.

DigitalBlue's avatar

Can’t answer that, but my husband and often his male guests pee in the back yard. So do the dogs, so I don’t think the scent makes a difference, but I do think it’s a “guy thing.” For that matter, I’ve caught my neighbor peeing behind his garage once or twice, as well. I’m pretty sure if I could urinate conveniently while standing just about anywhere, I would also.

ragingloli's avatar

WTF. Have you no toilets in america?

Brian1946's avatar

If I peed off my front porch I’d piss off my neighbors.

ucme's avatar

I know us billionaires piss outta our helicopters when hovering low over the peasant workers below.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Why not? It adds humidity to the nearby air. It is environmentally sound. Outdoor peeing is a win-win activity.

_Whitetigress's avatar

Just got done with a hangout at my buddies garage. Had a friend who shares the same views as you @rojo He did it like it was a normal everyday thing

DigitalBlue's avatar

As a person who does not pee outside, I find it extremely weird that people are so put off by it. I mean, my husband and his friends also piss off the side of the boat into the lake or behind a tree in the woods. Is the combination of nature/privacy not a natural and totally normal set of circumstances for people to urinate?
My father probably fits the criteria for this question, though I don’t know the current details of my parents’ finances, I know that he did at one point. He’s also always been a guy that loves camping and fishing and hunting – and I can already hear him in my head laughing at anyone that would suggest it’s not okay to pee on the grass.

glacial's avatar

@Judi “I think it’s a man thing, not a po man thing.”

I think I’m going to have to conclude that it’s an American thing.

And there’s a difference between peeing outside and peeing off your own porch. Gross.

tom_g's avatar

@ragingloli: “WTF. Have you no toilets in america?”

Socialists choose toilets. We choose freedom.

Sunny2's avatar

I can imagine a bunch of half drunk millionaires lining up on the balcony to see who can shoot farthest. “Haw, haw, haw. I beat you Reggie.”

gailcalled's avatar

Neither a male nor a millionaire, I pee in the woods only when the power is out.

I have tried peeing on poison ivy and around the day lilies as a deer repellant but neither was successful. I have had a male friend try the same things with equally poor results.

I don’t flush after every pee however when I am alone in the house.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@Brian1946 “If I peed off my front porch I’d piss off my neighbors.”

You might also get arrested for indecent exposure. And, if any children see you, you may get your photograph posted as a registered sex offender. I strongly suggest using your bathroom.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s only a problem if the porch they’re peeing off of isn’t their own, and they weren’t even invited to your house. That happened to me once!

Judi's avatar

I put up a tent in my back yard a few months ago and had a slumber party with my 3 grandsons. Nothing cuter than 3 little boys two of them 7 and one of them 5 taking their flashlights to go out of the tent and pee in the flower bed.
It seemed like a rite of passage.

Brian1946's avatar


“You might also get arrested for indecent exposure. And, if any children see you, you may get your photograph posted as a registered sex offender. I strongly suggest using your bathroom.”

I realize all of that.

My statement was an attempted play on words (i.e., “not pissing off my porch to avoid pissing off whomever”), not an implication that I’d pee off of my porch if the neighbors didn’t mind or if I thought they wouldn’t see me.

gailcalled's avatar

@Judi; It’s cute when kids do it. The French actually have a little song;

JE FAIS PIPI SUR LE GAZON (Here’s the melody)

Je fais pipi sur le gazon (I pee on the grass to annoy the ladybugs and the butterflies… and a second verse that includes snails -limaçons and not escargots.)

Pour embêter les coccinelles
Je fais pipi sur le gazon
Pour embêter les papillons

Pipi, gazon, papillons, coccinelles,
Pipi, gazon, coccinelles, papillons.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@Brian1946 You played the words very well, and I actually laughed out loud when I read your post. I didn’t mean to seem pedantic; so sorry if I came across that way.

Blueroses's avatar

My male friend does this every time we’re outside drinking beer. The first time, he asked if it was ok to pee on my fence, I said “That’s fine but my dogs will be curious and if you piss on my little one, you’re bathing him.”

talljasperman's avatar

Just don’t pee on the electric fence.

rojo's avatar

Do you think that the president of America pees off the balcony at the white house?

Personally, I can picture Nixon and Johnson doing so but not Obama or Clinton. Bush (Shrub) I figure he would rather piss on something than off something. Daddy Bush or Reagan – No. Eisenhower yep, he would and TR probably daily and in the daytime too.

talljasperman's avatar

@rojo Its hard seeing the windows are sealed shut in the oval office , to protect from snipers… so It won’t be from lack of trying.

What2think's avatar

@glacial I have been stationed in two countries and have visited more, I assure you it’s not just an American thing, or a male thing. In fact, I peed outside my gate shack tonight, there is just something freeing about urinating under the big blue sky ;)

Dutchess_III's avatar

@What2think There is just something about poison ivy gently caressing your lady parts while you’re peeing under the big blue sky.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Actually, it turned out to be a possum gently caressing my lady parts, and it was dark.

ragingloli's avatar

and it did not even have to climb up.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, it just played dead @ragingloli.

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