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Mama_Cakes's avatar

What do you like about the rain?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11178points) July 27th, 2013

Right now, fewer people are out and about. The only thing that I can hear are cars whizzing by and the splash of water that their tires make. There is a cool breeze coming through my window.

Ah, a nice break from the heat and crazy noises of summer.

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30 Answers

ZEPHYRA's avatar

The smell of the earth as it seeps through the soil.

Headhurts's avatar

I like the smell of it, and I like to be making love when it is raining really hard against the windows.

CWOTUS's avatar

Wow, what don’t I like about the rain? That’s a shorter list.

I don’t like it down my neck or in my shoes (when I’m headed into work, but on the way home it’s cool).

I don’t like it to rain out a Red Sox game (unless it was one they were going to lose anyway).

I don’t like it to accumulate into floods, as a general rule, but “normal spring flooding” is… normal and okay.

Otherwise… ? Bring it. I likes me some rain.

ragingloli's avatar

It kills aliens.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Feeling safe and dry and warm in my house when it’s pouring outside.

marinelife's avatar

I love the coolness. I love the greenness that it brings.

Inspired_2write's avatar

As well as clearing the air it cleans and waters the plants and environment.
It reminds everyone to appreciate the seasons.
It smells fresh, like a new day.
It breaks up the day.
It also reminds everyone that at times your day is rain but in time the sun will shine again.
A positive lesson.

ETpro's avatar

After a long dry spell, the smell of new rain is a delight.
I like that in the spring and summer it makes the crops grow and the grass green.
I like that year around it sees that the trees get fed and the river near my home stays full.
I like that in the summer heat, it brings blessed relief.
I like that in the winter cold, rain removes itself, no shoveling required.
I like that it washes all the dust and grime of dry times away.
It clears the way for a bright new day.
It makes rainbows.

Sunny2's avatar

It washes the sky until it’s crystal clear and you can see the hills in the distance.

glacial's avatar

I like the way it enhances the scents of plants and soil, and it makes colours seem fresher and richer. You can see so much more on a rainy day, because the sun tends to blind us a little. I like the sound of cars swishing past on a rainy street, and the way that puddles become magnets for small children and dogs.

And thunder and lightning are a whole separate category of entertainment. :)

bob_'s avatar

It eventually ends.

linguaphile's avatar

I love, love, love rain! The smell, sight, vibrations and how it feels on my skin (except when it’s ice cold- then I just like watching).
I like the refreshing quality of some types of rain, loved the intensity of the monsoons in Tucson, and even like the glum, dreary drizzles as long as they don’t last for weeks.
Best of all, my hair curls perfectly when it rains.

Brian1946's avatar

I want rain because it falls on me like a memory, and like a new emotion.
I like walking in its open wind, and when it talks to me like lovers do.
I hope it’s raining with the one I knew.

Whenever our babies break our hearts, Del Shannon, the Temptations, the Everly Brothers, and I go walkin’ in the rain to wash away our pain. ;-)

Coloma's avatar

Must be nice! We are slowly coming out of a heat wave…no rain in sight. Oh bliss out..can’t wait for rain & snow again.
August/Sept. is heat burnout in my neck o’ the woods over here.

Pachy's avatar

The sound of it on the roof and against the windows, especially when I’m in bed.

talljasperman's avatar

It gets rid of the sand on the road and quiets the birds and causes the bugs to go into hiding.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Right now it is somewhere else other than here.

dabbler's avatar

I like the sound of it. And it washes the dog poop off the sidewalks.

Paradox25's avatar

It depends on my mood I suppose. Foul weather does help to keep the a-holes inside, and there tends to be less congestion outside.

downtide's avatar

That it stops occasionally.

JLeslie's avatar

That there is less chance of fire. When it gets very dry for days it concerns me.

In FL in the summer I like the routine of it, but I am afraid of the lightening, so it’s a mixed bag.

Berserker's avatar

I love hearing it when I’m sleeping, and I like how it makes mornings and evenings darker.

AshLeigh's avatar

The sound it makes on a tin roof.
The scent that hits you in the face, when you walk outside.
I love the feeling of rain soaking through to my skin.
The way it waves my straightened hair.
There’s no dust, when it rains. I can breathe, without using my inhaler all the time.

AshLeigh's avatar

@Brian1946, I like my dustly little town just fine, thanks!

OpryLeigh's avatar

The rain means my boyfriend is less likely to use his motorbike to get from A to B which puts my mind at ease if I know he has to travel somewhere on that day. I pretend I don’t like the rain but secretly I am often relieved when the heavens open!!

SABOTEUR's avatar

I just like the sound of it, especially if its accompanied by thunder.

iTunes apps allow me the privilege of listening to the soothing sound of rain (and thunder) any time I want to.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Having the best thunder. Starts off low and far away sounding…then rolls and rolls toward me. Now it’s raining. We’re all gonna drown!

jonsblond's avatar

My favorite days are cloudy days. I love it when it rains, snows or when it’s foggy. It’s very peaceful and calming. I’d rather have more rainy days in the forecast than bright sunny days.

linguaphile's avatar

The rainbows after! I just saw a 3 layered rainbow—3 rainbows layered on top of each other, making one huge rainbow!!

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