Anyone need a thread to vent in?
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Life is pretty decent, so I am ok, too.
Despite all the many good things going on in my life right now, I have been in a down and pissy mood the past several days. So yeah!
Give me a thread, and I’ll knit you a sweater…
…my dog has a hurt paw. He’s been limping for two days now. I can’t see anything wrong with it, but if I don’t take him to the vet I’ll feel like a negligent owner.
The vet will look at it, take XRAYS, say just watch it and see if it isn’t better in a couple of days, and that will cost me $265.
And that’s my vent. Thank you. I feel better now.
It’s getting creepier and creepier out there.
BLURGHHHHHH!!! Ah, much better.
Yeah, Louis C.K. said it in this short tape on Conan O’Brien’s show, and this 6-minute TED Talk proves he’s damned right. The Greatest Generation is called that because after the deprivation of the depression, they helped win WWII and rebuild the world shattered by the financial collapse and subsequent war. Now we whine about it taking 1 second for our phone to sync. Louis C.K. is right. “IT’S GOING TO SPACE.”
Not really, however..I am dealing with a guilt tripper right now and plotting todays strategy to avoid the same, repetitious exchange. They are relentless with their broken record routine. Gah!
Today I will not respond at all. Pffft!
“It is not that the superior man is without his share of problems. But it is no problem for him if others do not know of them”.
Okay, suddenly I don’t feel so bad.
Okay, here goes…
I’m on a short trip to attend a wedding. I don’t like short trips. Or weddings.
Instead of having surgery yesterday morning like we had hoped, my mom is in ICU instead having excess fluid drained off her brain. I can’t visit her because I’m sick. And I ate too much at breakfast.
There, I feel better now. :)
^^^ Are you at least coughing less?
This morning hasn’t been that bad. Just a few coughing fits. I’m going to take a nap and hope it’s better when I wake up @gailcalled.
Today is the big family get together and I have decided not to go. I expect to be on an emotional roller coaster today.
I feel guilty, but I just can’t handle all of these people at one time.
Thanks. I wish I could just do it myself. Ugh.
@tinyfaery You don’t need the drama and feeling uncomfortable. Try not to feel guilty.
No. Public venting is narcissistic and useless.
I am so sick and tired of my grandsons ludicrous on call part time jobs that pay minimum wage. He gets his schedule a couple of days in advance for the week, and it will be anywhere from one day to four days, he never knows in advance. The hours vary as well, sometimes beginning in the morning around 7 am, and more often in the afternoon at 3.
He has been stuck living with us for the past two years, or is it three, and there is no end in sight.
I want my craft room back.
@elbanditoroso Isn’t it considered narcissistic to claim others are being narcissistic?
@elbanditoroso I think that online venting can be extremely therapeutic, and it doesn’t hurt anybody’s feelings or ruin a loved one’s day.
But, I have nothing to vent about. The weather’s gorgeous, and Paul and I took my Mom to lunch and had a nice time. This evening, Paul and I are going to see the Red Sox play in Baltimore. All in all, I’m riding in the happy seat.
I do! I do! My birthday was Wednesday. All I got from my husband was an offhand, “Oh, Happy Birthday by the way,” late in the evening, during a commercial. I felt kind of sad.
I was hoping we could go camping this weekend, but instead he went to Pittsburg, where he grew up, but he went with a friend of his who wanted to meet his dad, who’s a very sharp 90 years old. Rick also wanted to take him to a famous chicken place there, which I kind of feel should have been my birthday dinner. I was “invited,” but I would have felt like a 3rd wheel, so I declined.
I tried to call him a minute ago to tell him something funny that the dog did. He has caller ID, and when he answered he sounded a little abrupt. I asked if I was interrupting any thing. He said no, they were just talking. Again he sounded abrupt, so I ended the call without telling him the story. (If it had been anyone else, his daughter, whoever, he would have answered, “Hi! What are you doing?!” no matter what else he was doing. He would have given them a moment of his time, which is all I wanted.)
He’s doing more things with his friend (his friend never includes his wife, which I think is sad) than he’s doing with me any more. We used to do everything together. But we haven’t done a damn thing for 2 years. Over these same two years Rick has gone to Missouri and Oklahoma for over night fishing trips with his friend. He’s been to boat shows and boat races with his friend.
Just kind of a bummer.
Sassin frassin @#%€ mother £#€*# rassin <<HONK>> sqaaaakkk bastard!!!
Thanks. I feel better.
IT’S JUST! NOT! FAAAAAAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My daughter in law told me I am a horrible mother and she doesn’t want to let her children be around me. Everything that’s wrong with my bipolar son is because of my bad parenting.
I remember thinking that about my former mother in law (his grandma) but never would have said it out loud.
I should probably call my former mil and apologize.
Holy shit! I’m so sorry Judi….
@Judi Your son has an illness that has nothing to do with how he was raised.
I made plenty of mistakes but I did the best I could. :-(
^^^ That’s all any of us can do.
Bipolar mental illness has NOTHING to do with your parenting, and EVERYTHING to do with brain chemistry. Don;t accept guilt trips from others.
My daughter is a perfect blend between my ex and I.
She has my artistic side, sharp mind, excellent analytical skills, brilliant and creative thinking, AND…her dads contribution of rather cold, non-empathetic and hard ass approach to others. He is a raging narcissist and I do not know if that condition is inherited.
I love her dearly, we get along great , but…DNA is huge!
@Judi Your dil is an adult and should know better. You are a good person. I’m sorry she is keeping you from your grand kids. That’s horrible.
@Judi My oldest child was bipolar. When they put her on Lithium, she settled right down and went back to productive living. I probably made tons of mistakes as a father. I was in my late teens myself when she was born. But I didn’t raise her to avoid natural sources of lithium. It isn’t your fault, and don’t listen to the misinformed who would try to make it so.
The following is not a rant, I’m just having a hissy fit over this video game I’m playing.
Fucking Saint’s Row The Third. I love this game, but I’m gonna rant anyway. I mean, I got my character to level 50, and she’s immune to pretty much everything the game can throw at me. I can never die, besides from explosions.
However the game suffers from some goddamn poor mechanics, and it’s really pissing my ass off. These certain missions, you have to rescue prostitutes from pimps by getting them in your car and driving off, and then dropping them off to specific safe spots.
Now I don’t really mind that the gang you’re saving them from seems to have an infinite amount of people coming after you, blows everything up and cracks the Earth in half…but the fucking hookers won’t get in your car, they walk in place, or against each other and…then they get killed. Or they take FOREVER to get in your car, more than enough time for the car to be damaged and no longer usable, or for some guy to pull me out of the car…at which point, the hookers also get out. Just fucking stay in there you bitches, I mean, I’ll be right back!! What the hell? You think you’re safer out there??
For FUCK sakes. Or, I speed off in the car, and it gets stuck in some graphic, and can no longer move and…by Odin’s one working eye. Fuck, if you can’t design proper AI, don’t fucking do it. I’M IMMORTAL AND I CAN’T CLEAR THE MISSION. What the fuck is that???
Plus, it has the audacity to have a timer. I fucking hate time limits in video games I FUCKING HATE THEM!!!
All my life, I have been a gamer, and all my life, I have been PLAGUED with motherfucking ass sucking Nazy fucking time limits and it makes me want to destroy existence itself. I would gladly throttle the person who first came up with this bullshit.
Man, I’d trade my mortality in the game if they took away the timer. As if I’m even trying to get this fucking platinum.
Cough. Anyways, I’m done. Also, fuck you, heli assault. And thanks for listening, yall. And if you didn’t, that’s fine too.
Yes! Go away. Go away! No whining or guilt or fighting. Just fucking GO AWAY! Even if it is just for a little while, leave me the fuck alone already.
Don’t want to vent right now. Everything is getting better.
@Dutchess_III Sad story. Don’t forget it’s possible to make someone feel like a third wheel without wanting to. If he really doesn’t want you somewhere, it’s his responsibility to be clear about that. Maybe you should join in once in a while, give it a chance. Happy belated birthday!
Thanks @longgone. I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it and they wouldn’t have made me feel unwelcome…in fact, we originally invited him and his wife, but she bowed out. I don’t know. I just think I would have felt like a lone female at a man gathering.
There was a chance that his friend could have felt like a 3rd wheel too!
I need to vent for a second
It was a gorgeous weekend, I could not ask for better weather, and I was stuck in bed sick the entire time. grrr
Really struggling trying to find a new house where we live. We are seriously considering buying a house that is a few towns up frm where we live now. I hate the commute for my husband. I burst into tears yesterday when I realized I will really miss where I live now in our temporary apartment. Not the apartment itself, but the location. It’s so convenient to everything. I don’t think I cried yet this last move (we just moved from TN to FL for those who don’t know) but moving a few towns over is really causing me some sadness.
@Judi Oh man, that must have been very upsetting. Maybe your MIL can make you feel better? Does she tend to be a nice woman? Forgiving? She might give you insight on how she coped with it as a mother. Your DIL is just frustrated herself, and taking it out on you, because for now she has chosen to stay in her marriage. Not that I think she should divorce your son, I just mean if she blames you, she can excuse your son more and face her own choices less. I think she made a big mistake, because I know you enough that if she had come to you for insight about your son, rather than accusing you of being a bad mother, she could have maybe done something positive for everyone, instead of causing more strife. Most mothers freely admit where they feel they could have done better, in fact I think most moms are way way too hard on themselves. She should have been listening not accusing. She missed an opportunity.
I am pissy maybe because it’s winter. But no, I watch ‘48 hours’ online and shows like that- about seven years ago I was a drug addict and disappeared. Not one of my family members looked for me or anything. On these shows, their families filed missing persons reports. I was gone for about 2 or 3 years. It sort of hurts my feelings waaaaah.( this was in the us).
@trailsillustrated Have you reached out to them? Planned a get together of some sort? Don’t wait for them to do it. Especially if you were drug addicted peviously and they knew it.
@JLeslie Moving is always so stressful, it’s been 4 months for me and I still miss my old house. I ran away to the mountains yesterday and went swimming in the icey cold river in a remote canyon all by myself to recharge a bit. I do enjoy being closer to some things, but I miss my space and serenity living on property. Hang in there!
@Coloma It’s stressful, but thankfully I love being back in the warm weather, and just being back in FL in general.
Plus, since we are new to this part of FL we have been doing touristy things which has been fun.
@JLeslie nah fuck em -after I got well, there was more drama, just sayin, when i was sick, there it was , when I was well, well then!
I was thinking about my past today, and how every one of my siblings refused to even see my mother at one time, except me. They hated her. And it confuses me because if any of us has a reason to hate her, it’s me. I’m the one she dragged with her when she decided to date a drug dealer. I’m the one she left alone with some creep, so she could go get laid. She made me come along into all kinds of fucked up situations, where bad things happened to me. Yet they’re the ones who hated her. I was the one who had the right to hate her. I did, and I do, but maybe I just hated my father more.
I miss my dad. I REALLY miss my dad. I know I am not going to see him again ever. I think about him all the time.
I will not let Rick buy a horse. He will just lose it.
^^^ LOL…not if you brand it with Dlll and microchip it too!
Oh let him get the horse, then you can justify spending the equivalent feed money he spends on the hay of your choice. lol
Actually, the horse would be mine. I want the horse. But it just really isn’t feasible. I love the horse, tho…. Horse….... Of Course
Just put my sweet Molly down. Sad day.
So sorry. I’m sure you gave her a great life.
@Judi I don’t know who Molly was. But I know that losing a pet is absolutely devastating. Animals give us so much. Sorry.
@Judi I’m very sorry to hear that.
Yes. I was steaming cauliflower. I put the cauliflower in a spaghetti strainer and put that in a big pot. The strainer has handles on it that hold it on the edges of the big pot, giving me about 6 inches of free space under it. I fill the pot with water until just before it goes into the strainer. Then I cover it all with foil because the lid won’t fit tightly on the pot because of the strainer handles, and set the water boiling. It steam the veggies without boiling them. I pulled one corner of the foil up to see if they were done and BAM!! Hurts!
Immediately under cold water! Stops the burn, or reduces significantly. Too late now, but next time you will remember.
I stuck my hand in the ice thing in the freezer! Yep, won’t do that again! It was so fast and SO hot!
@Dutchess_III He’s gorgeous! I love Palominos…get him, get him and invite me over to ride. No, wait…get TWO, you have to have a riding buddy. lol
Ice is too extreme. Cold water is better.
Burns suck. Ouch!
I don’t know how we’re even going to be able to take care of ONE @Coloma.
You may want to call your doctor to ask if you should put an antibiotic on it or something. I don’t know much about treating burns just preventing them. I can ask my sister for you, she used to work in a burn unit. There are a whole bunch of old wives tales that can do more damamge than good. The biggest concern would be an infection.
What next. Oh..I have decided I hate Bruce Willis movies. SO freaking violent.
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