General Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Are all Tortoise Shell cats female?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) July 27th, 2013

As asked.

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11 Answers

Mariah's avatar

Yep. Without a mutation (which would be very rare), male cats can’t have orange and black colors at the same time. So all Callicos are female too.

downtide's avatar

The only exception is when a male has XXY chromosomes, then you can get a calico male but he will be infertile.

jerv's avatar

No. I have known one (and only 1) male Tortoise Shell, which is enough to prove that they exist.

However, they are exceedingly rare, as it is a mutation.

Neodarwinian's avatar

As stated this is sex linked and an example of a Barr body process resulting in this phenomenon.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, almost always, as are Calico. I have a Tortie Point Siamese. Dappled and speckled with cream and Sealpoint markings. She is adorable. Has the Sealpoint paws, ears and tail with cream and beige and chocolate mottling and an orange nose with blue eyes.

boffin's avatar

@Coloma Your “Kitteth” sounds adorable.
Please share a picture.
Thanks in advance….

Coloma's avatar

@boffin Here she is ( Mia) in my avatar, isn;t she a funny little thing! I love her to bits!

anartist's avatar

And oddly enough for some reason [same reason?], orange cats are always male.

Mariah's avatar

^ Not always, but something like 75% of the time. (I had a female orange cat growing up).

downtide's avatar

One of my friends has a female orange tabby cat.

boffin's avatar

@Coloma Thanks for sharing. She is adorable.

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