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JLeslie's avatar

Would a large garage turn you off?

Asked by JLeslie (65923points) July 29th, 2013

If you were looking for a 3,000–3,500 sq. ft. house, would a 6 car garage be a negative for you? Or, would it be a fantastic find? The houses don’t have basements, so it can be used as storage to some extent if you don’t have six cars. It is in a community that does have some deed restrictions, a small neighborhood of houses that look more or less similar. Are you willing to pay extra for all the garages, or would you expect it to just be a bonus.

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27 Answers

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

Unless the huge garage is well-hidden, I think that it would be rather unattractive and spoil some of the house’s curb appeal. I’d expect the garage to be a bonus – I’d be buying the house despite the garage, not because of it.

Of course, after I’d purchased the house, I’d be delighted to have all that easily-accessed storage space. I wouldn’t need to worry about a damp, musty cellar or an airless attic that’s difficult to reach.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Sounds like a small car repair shop. Practically, it would be great for storage or could be converted into something else – Man cave? Game room? I just think it would look odd. I can’t even picture what the outside of a house with a six-car garage would look like. It would be cool for someone that collects classic cars or something. I don’t know why a regular family would have 6 cars otherwise.

Pachy's avatar

I love garages for the remodeling possibilities they offer (I’ve had an office built in two of my past ones) so no, an extra-large garage wouldn’t be a turnoff to me.

YARNLADY's avatar

I would not pay extra for a house like that, but if it was the same price as another house with a smaller garage, it would be a plus for me.

Seek's avatar

Sounds like enough room for an art studio for me, a practice space for hubs’ band, and maybe even a recording studio. Sign me up.

Judi's avatar

Man cave. We would love it. We are actually building an extra 4 car garage to go along with our current 3 car garage but we’re on 80 acres. I think it’s much better than some of the other acreage that has trash strewn all over.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Garages are like penises. Size matters, but too big is painful for everyone around.

Six bays is three too many, as much fun as it would be to have them.

rojo's avatar

Is this another one of those double entendre I keep hearing about?

If it isn’t then no, I would consider the property. It would be nice to actually have room for my cars inside for a change.

marinelife's avatar

I woul not like it.

Aster's avatar

It might be a good thing to have if it’s on the back of the house so it wouldn’t destroy curb appeal. Right now I can’t think of what I’d do with it. Our garage is on the back of the house; I like that.

Nimis's avatar

Our friends bought a house in part because of the oversized two-story “garage”—2400 sq ft!
Yes, that’s essentially twelve cars.

It worked out well because they were looking to tear something down and build a new house. They kept the foundation, which would have been a lot more work. And the extra garage space did not count towards the living space that they were purchasing.

Before they demo’d it, it looked incredibly bizarre.

GoldieAV16's avatar

It would be a huge turnoff for me. My hubby seems to think that a garage is not fulfilling its destiny if it’s not filled to the rafters with toys. We’d need ten more tool chests, at least a dozen more ladders, 80 more extension cords, 30 more power drills, gah, I’m having a panic attack here!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

A large garage is NEVER a detriment. I great house suffers with a puny garage, but a so-so house gains with a large garage. The size of the lot or size of the front yard would say how commanding the garage is to the street elevation. If you don’t have six cars, and not going to fill up the garage with autos, you can convert, use part for storage, store water crafts in there. If it is not going to need vehicle entrances and exits, you can wall off the door and but a window there and it won’t have many doors peeking out to the street. If I seen the greatest house I ever seen in the last 15 years and it had no garage or a dinky one or two-car garage, pass it.

josie's avatar

Work out area, workshop, studio, all of the above. Sounds like a dream come true to me.

LornaLove's avatar

If I didn’t own six cars then to me it would be a huge negative. I’d rather find the home with that space that is not part of the garages if I needed more space.

Sunny2's avatar

I think it would be an asset, but I’d turn part of the space into a workshop for woodworking and pottery.

Cupcake's avatar

Is the garage visible from the street? Is it in front of the house? If so, I would not consider it. I don’t think my poor friends would be comfortable coming to my house. It reeks of gluttony to me.

If it’s behind or next to the house, I would feel slightly different.

I have no desire to live in a house that looks pretentious. I want my friends and family from all walks of life to be comfortable coming to my home.

rojo's avatar

@Cupcake That is one of lifes’ little irritants.

These days the garage doors dominate the front of the house. Usually they have them jutting out toward the street in their lightweight pressed metal glory while the front door relegated to a small alcove partially hidden on an insignificant front porch that nobody sits on with their neighbors any more.

Lets you know what is important in life though doesn’t it?

Cupcake's avatar

@rojo I live in a 100 year old urban house with a 1 car detached garage and a front porch that spans the entire front of the house. These new houses with the garage in front are beyond foreign to me.

Someday I hope to have an attached garage… but not in the front of the house (and not more square footage than my current house).

JLeslie's avatar

I really appreciate everyone’s answers! Interesting how varied they are. I too would prefer the garage be in the back, I too worry about it fitting in the neighborhood, and I too don’t like the house to look austinatious. Not to mention I don’t want to attract thieves. I feel badly enough that we have so many cars, it makes me very uncomfortable.

janbb's avatar

“Austintatious?” But you’re in Florida, not Texas!

Are you saying that you need a six car garage or that you looked at a house that had one and are worried about how it looks.

JLeslie's avatar

@janbb LOL! Ostentatious.

My husband wants a six car garage plus some extra space. We have 5 cars and an open trailer. A lot of houses have 4+ garages or room for an RV or boat, but they typically are not in a planned community. I would prefer three of the garages in the back, or all of them in back or backload, but I don’t know if they will approve it. There actually is not enough land for a backload towards the front, but with the right configuration we could do garages in the back of the house. Right now they have drawn it up with a 3 car side load, and then another three cars attached to that which makes it a 90 degree angle. If you are in front of the house the garages are on the right side. I think it is too much garage, I am worried about not liking it myself, and worried about resale. However, since it is hard to find a house in a newer community where the house isn’t very large with so many garages, I think it might actually sell well. Many of the houses we look at with 4 garages+ are 5,000 sq ft of air conditioned soace, which I is much bigger than I want.

janbb's avatar

A friend of mine whose husband collected classic cars had a configuration like that with lifts inside. They have a big house though.

gondwanalon's avatar

We have a 3 car garage and that is plenty big enough for us. A 6 car garage would likely be a waste of space. I guess that I could buy 4 old classic cars to fill it up. Or perhaps make it into a full size basketball court. AH!

JLeslie's avatar

@janbb He wants a lift, but I don’t know how tall we can make the roof line. I’m also notnsure how high my husband wants to be able to lift.

Seek's avatar

@JLeslie If the neighborhood has strict deed restrictions, you might NEED the six-car garage. I know most areas around here don’t even allow company vehicles in the driveway, much less a trailer. I have friends who have to park their work cars at other friends’ houses, or rent space somewhere and commute to their own cars to get to work in the morning.

JLeslie's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Oh, I assume we can’t park our truck or trailer on the street. If we don’t build this and possibly go with a house that has a smaller garage we would have to keep the trailer in a separate location. We do that now. Everywhere I have ever lived, except in TN, I could not park a pick-up outside let alone a trailer. I am saying everywhere, even when I was a child.

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