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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

When were the "good ol' days" for you?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) July 29th, 2013

Was a particular decade better than others for you?

Historically, was one time period better than another?

Can you tell us why?

I turned 50 a few weeks ago, and I’m wondering if it’s all down hill from here.

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17 Answers

Blondesjon's avatar

Der 80’s

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Blondesjon I remember the 80s. I had hair and my knees worked better. Hell, I was young and dumb.

Blondesjon's avatar

hey! i resemble that remark!

Pachy's avatar

The 60s—my New York years.

Mariah's avatar

Right now.

These are the days I will reminisce about someday, and I am so glad that I’m aware of that while they’re happening.

rojo's avatar

70’s when i was young and stupid but still knew everything.—Paradox? sure! but that’s life.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

For me, it was from 1997–1999, when I was still young, carefree, and had the two best summers of my life.

_Whitetigress's avatar

late 90s. I was a kid of course. BMX was on the rise, extreme sports had barely been established on a national level, Brett Favre, Junior Seau, John Elway, Padres World Series, lots of rain, in San Diego we had the “El Nino” tons of rain, I went to circuses, Pop music was nuts, Spice Girls, Rap Battles, Gangster, Grunge, video games were everywhere, everyone seemed happy in the 90s, I felt enthusiastic to be alive. Needless to say, it all went downhill in 2001 because of you know what. But strangely I feel like there are positive vibes going on again in my life and it feels nostalgic like the 90s carefree vibes for me.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Mid-end 80s and early 90s and then————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-

cookieman's avatar

I like to think it was the late 80s, early 90s. End of high school through college. Lots of friends and school was exciting.

Truthfully though, there was a lot of bad in with that good too.

I’m pretty sure each era of my life had a little of each.

bookish1's avatar

In a historical sense, I agree with @_Whitetigress. I detect a lot of optimism (and naïveté) in mid-late 90s American pop/rock music, and it makes me nostalgic. Having come to political consciousness during the Second Gulf War, and then having become a young adult under the Great Recession, makes everything pre-2001 seem golden to me although I know that’s BS, and people have been talking about the decline of civilization and the ‘good old days’ since at least the Roman Empire. I think it’s weird that when I’m older, I’ll be one of those old fogies who experienced “the 90s,” just like after the First World War, old-timers would talk about the glory days of the 1890s!

However, as an individual, I just lived the best year of my life so far. I feel like I am finally alive, and I think it will just keep getting better.

gondwanalon's avatar

The 80’s were the best for me. I was in my 30’s and at the peak of my physical fitness. I was also single and the women were terrific. I started really going down hill when I hit 40 and got married.

jonsblond's avatar

The 70s. I was born in 71. The time before I lost my innocence.

Berserker's avatar

When playing video games with somebody just included your buddy to press start, and not have to fiddle with a bunch of fucking stupid online settings that don’t make any sense.

mattbrowne's avatar

The best days are always now.

bookish1's avatar

@Symbeline : Or when you didn’t have to pay monthly subscription fees or repurchase your favorite old video games, eh…? :-/

Berserker's avatar

@bookish1 Right. This current gaming generation is all sorts of ass. :/

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